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Hi, I have just completed a website for users to write and rate editorials.  It's not feature complete by any means, but I am looking for some feedback.  If you'd like to check it out, you can find it at http://www.udeclare.com


**To those on this site who have helped make this possible, thank you.**

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Hi, I have just completed a website for users to write and rate editorials.  It's not feature complete by any means, but I am looking for some feedback.  If you'd like to check it out, you can find it at http://www.udeclare.com


**To those on this site who have helped make this possible, thank you.**


The color combination is a bit harsh, especially the green.  I felt like squinting.


I don't like the green links at the top.  Their font is a bit squished, and they don't really fit in with the bulk of the site.


Your navigation pane could use a bit of work.  I'd move the search box to the bottom, then move the 'Home' link to be the first item of your unordered list.  That would make it look a bit more tidy and flow better.


I think, in general, you either need to increase the graphical load, or strip it down even further.  Right now, the site is in this weird in-between look that doesn't quite gel.  Imagine a Wiki with 3D buttons for its tabs only ('Revision History', 'Discussion', etc)...that's the same kind of disjointed feeling I'm getting here.

The largest issue for me that stands out immediately is the layout.. Seems like you are going for the liquid 3 column version, but there is a lot of space between those columns. It looks better if I take my browser out of full screen mode and resize it smaller, but not at full screen.


One option (using CSS) would be to make a main div wrapper (which will contain the entire site's content within it) with it's width set to say 85% for example (no height declarations on any divs), center it using margin 0 auto (or make 0 some other value if you want to push the entire site away from the top of the browser canvas). Then within that, create 3 divs, set the left-most div to a specific width (say 20%), then give the central div a wider percentage (45% for example), float both of those left, then finally (right-hand) div a width of 20% (or 19 if the layout needs some wiggle room, you may need to figit with the precentages a bit) and float it right. Let the content within those 3 column divs dictate the height of everything, and be sure to give at least the central div (if not all 3 columns) some css padding so that the content doesn't butt up against each other. This would result in a much more controlled liquid layout that doesn't result in large spaces between your columns.


Once something like this is set up, you can focus on having the content displayed correctly within these divs.


I agree with Nightslyr's comments mentioned, especially regarding colour choice and the font choice for the green tabs.. Not read-friendly.


Your site doesn't validate.


Nor does your css.




I have certainly taken your comments into consideration, thanks.

I have moved the home link to the first section in the unordered list, changed the top tabs, and validated the entire site.


I feel that they layout works for what I'm trying to do, however I am sure up for any further suggestions, I just didn't think that the container div style is what I'm looking for.  I added some padding, but to the text and not the container boxes.


I left the search at the top of the navigation box because I feel it is important and needs to be accessible right away without scrolling.


I have tried to think of a color other than the green, but nothing is seeming to work for me.


Are there any further opinions?  Thanks!

When I tried visiting it, the whole right hand two thirds is missing and I get this error message:

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_STRING in /home/content/c/d/2/cd21491112684/html/neweditorials.inc.php on line 52


::) Now that's embarrassing!  I shouldn't be editing the website on the live server!  Sorry!


Its all set now though.

That central column content is still narrow. I'm not sure which screen resolution you are viewing it in, but I'm viewing it at 1600X1200. As a result, there is still an uncomfortable amount of whitespace surrounding that content in the middle.

As a result of that, the greens tabs (Latest, Top Rated and Most Popular) look like they are disconnected from that content (horizontally speaking). The central content should fill out horizontally more, and the tabs might look better pushed right-ward to not only get away from the left column, but to make it feel like it belongs more with the central part.

  • Overall, your site is pretty nice, with a good idea.  I like how everything is kept simple and to the point.
  • I would move the tabs so they align with the center container.
  • I would move the Editorial & Account tabs either center or to the left.
  • Maybe some kind of "About" page so people know exactly what this is and what to do.
  • The banner is mediocre at best.  Spice it up a little and try to get the colors to match.  You have a blue banner, green tabs, white tabs, and some light green backgrounds.  The color scheme seems a bit clashy.  You could probably just change the banner color and be fine. 


Most of this critique is personal preference, mainly just for you to be aware of what I think, and to tell you the truth, my eye for design and style aren't very good.  :-\  Good luck!

I'd have to agree with what everyone here has said. Colors aren't good and it just is so Web 1.0... bevels have been out of style for quite a while now :P




Well worth the read.

Thanks for the link.  I actually just completed a new layout before seeing that, but are there any opinions?


Ahhh, much better.  One thing that caught my eye.  You have too much padding in between the center container and the 2 sides.  You see how your left and right containers have like 5px padding, you should do the same with the center so it fills out.


The color scheme looks much better.


Try to fill out the top right banner part, it looks very empty.  Just 3 lonely drop downs...


I think it's a big improvement.

I agree with some other comments about the navigation bar.  It looks "out of the box" html using default font and spacing.  You should eliminate the double spacing and change the font/color to something that matches the slick look of the rest of the site.

This thread is more than a year old. Please don't revive it unless you have something important to add.

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