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It's okay, doesn't really catch my eye though... Certainly doesn't remind me of chess either. The color scheme is pretty decent though the default blue links don't particularly fit in my opinion. Your footer seems a little off center. There's no logo?


Overall it's okay, just needs a bit of work.



Well, this is the first design. Once I get it going I'll redesign it.


I really suck when it comes to banners/logos so I've been avoiding it. Anyone know someone who would be willing to make it in exchange for PHP work or advertising space, or a place I can find one?


I'd really appreciate help with this.



- Moshe


P.S. I'd say this is technically my first "full" design, so I wasn't exactly expecting sighs of awe.

Hmm... it's lacking of images... .. icons. Methinks!


I like the site's colors, although you might want to re-think the content structure unless you are just posting videos with chess games in it. Right now it looks like a blog, anyway as for the icon comment


you could try famfamfam icon set http://www.famfamfam.com/ , or go to smashingmagazine http://www.smashingmagazine.com/ which contains a very wide selection. 

- I would suggest putting your logo at the top aligned with the rest of your text.

- Try to align your top navigation links with the middle content.

- While I'm on the middle content, it's kind of dull.  Add some color, containers, stuff like that to liven it up a bit.

- The color scheme seems off to me.  You have gray backgrounds, and a white main container, then all of the sudden you have orange at the top...  Seems out of place.

- I guess you try to center everything an the sponsors column takes up a lot of the right side which pushes everything over to the left and looks awkward.

- There's not much else to critique, your forum is broken and everything else doesn't have much content.


Conclusion: Good start, needs some tweaking and filling in.

Thanks, everyone, for all the great feedback!


Re: Maq


1. I don't agree with moving the navigation, but I do think centering the footer would be nice.

2. Yes, the middle content is quite dull. I really need to work on that.

3. I personally think the color scheme work, but if more people disagree, I guess I'll change it.

4. I don't see what you mean about the sponsors column. I haven't tried it with very many screen sizes, though, and mine is quite large, so it might just be that.

5. And, yes, I'm not posting any content until everything works, including the forum which hasn't been put up yet.


Conclusion: The design needs some work, and livening up, but first I'll get everything running.


Thanks everyone!

Does look much better! It looks slightly odd though... there's layers in the logo then suddeny the nav is really flat. Perhaps if you could carry the pattern from the logo on into the nav, but perhaps using a contrasting colour or something? Or adding a more layered look to the nav... If you get me?



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