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- A rate your date site with a dark gray background...  need to pick another color scheme.

- Graphics are a little dull.  Banner and hearts in particular.

- Need some more features, I know it's reading about others' dates but, there's literally nothing else to do.

- IMO, the header/footer should be centered.

- It's not bad, good idea, needs some tweaking.


Do you have a test login?

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"comic sans ms",sans-serif,verdana

You didn't specify a general font to fall back on, and you used comic sans as the first one.

There is a reason why hardly anyone uses comic sans for websites... hardly anyone likes it and it leaves a very unprofessional impression as it's mostly used on myspace pages and such.


I think the length of the 'heart bar' is preventing you from seeing the rating at a quick glance and you'll automatically start counting to see where it's at. Normal '5 images' system works better imo.


Background gradient.. looks I don't know.. it's not very smooth and it seems to repeat right at the second header? Or well what's supossed to be a header, but you used tables and th's for non-tabular data.


the site is centered on the screen....its more to the left...try a center tag before the mady body

Actually you'd want to use <div style='margin: 0 auto'> since <center> has been deprecated for years and thus should be avoided.


The "Recent dates" bit is actually tabular date and then you suddenly stop using tables. At the very least I'd make a list out of it. (<ul><li>)


You got an empty line before the doctype, I think I read something about that throwing some browsers off.. though it might be my memory playing tricks with me.


Links at the bottom should be a list and the subscribe form should use <labels>.


http://rateyourdate.cc/disc.php that just looks awful with center aligned text.

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I think there's a good opportunity for some humor, if it's done right, but I think it would be really hard to build up a user base with what Ken2k7 said.


I'd suggest following everyone's advice with centering it, better color scheme and graphics etc, and also making the links more obvious and adding a rollover effect.

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Thanks everyone!


Yes, it would make sense to center it and brighten up the colours a tad.  Good point on the heart ratio and the font.


I do not have a test log in set up.  I'm thinking (in addition to the provided comments) to turn it into a forum, providing comments too.  Right now, the user can't edit or delete a post they made.


As far as additional features go,... polls and a message system for the users might be a good idea.  I'll post back when I have an update!



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