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I have a quick question that I am confused about. I am trying to set a variable inside of a function and make it stick within that page. Here is an example:



$my_data = "not there";


function this_data($data)
$data = "hello";

function my_data($data)
$my_data = $data;

echo $my_data;



However I want $my_data to return "hello" instead of "not there". Any help is appreciated.

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It will stay within the function unless you return something.  You can always return an array if you want to have more values sent out.



$my_data = "not there";

$my_data = this_data($my_data);

function this_data($data)
$data = "hello";
return my_data($data);

function my_data($data)
$my_data = $data;
return $my_data;

echo $my_data;



I changed about 4 lines of code in there.  Let me know if that works for you.

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Sorry but I dont think I gave enough information. The this_data() function I am not able to run. However when this runs I want to be able to get the data variable contains before it is finished running that function. I want it to be accessible throughout the whole page. Something like this:


$my_data = "hello";

function this_data($data)
$some_data = "world"; // need this before it is run
$some_data = "not now";

function get_data($data)
$my_data = $data;

echo $my_data; // should be world

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function this_data($data) {
    $some_data = "world"; // need this before it is run
    return $some_data = "not now";

$my_data = this_data('a pointless string');

echo $my_data; // should be world


As KingPhilip said you want to use a global, or you could pass a variable as reference.

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Ok I dont think any of you are actually reading the post. I do not have access to the function. It is being called from another page and I do not want to mess with that function. However there is a variable that is used inside of there that I want to use somewhere else on that page. I do not get the globals thing. I tried it and it doesnt seem to work.


$my_string = "hello";

function this_data()
$my_data = "world";
global $my_string;
$my_string = $my_data;
echo $my_string; // should be world


Still is outputting "hello"

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No, it should be "not now"


I didn't change his comments, I'm not sure he understand what he wants anyway.


And yes, we are reading your posts, if you read some of ours you would've come up with this solution already, in actual fact you, have, you're just not calling the function.....



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Actually, if you go by original comment



Make sure you're calling it before you echo the variable, otherwise it obviously wont have been changed.


What I was saying is you have a starting point and an end point. You can't expect the end point to have happened before you change anything (before you call the function, before you fill up your car).


The analogy stands

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Yeah this is related to the other topic. Here is the email:



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Thanks, The Team

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