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Web Crawling


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I just wanted to know that if my script is crawling along someones site, will they be able to track what I am doing or will they even know that I am there?



Of course they can, you're connecting to their server.

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If 'Ctrl + v' and 'Ctrl + c' didnt exist, I don't think I would ever program...


That doesn't sounds like good programming...you should create functions to prevent repetive code.


...yeah. :D

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How would you do that, may I ask?


I've researched IP spoofing, but it can't really be done except with one way protocols.


HTTP is apparently stupidly difficult, having to bypass the SYN-SYN/ACK-ACK 3-way handshake, as well as the sequences randomly generated by the server.


I'm not too knowledgeable on the subject....but I do know that it's pretty hard (if not, impossible) to spoof your IP address for web browsing...

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Immoral methods such as hacking must be considered when designing a PHP application.


Often the best way to protect against something is to learn how it's done.


So, does that mean you consider this website illegal/immoral/unethical/black-hat?


Would you consider this thread immoral?


I don't mean to be rude, and if I am I apologise. But you're the one who suggested it anyways...


Sure about that? I'm not a lawyer, but I'm pretty sure you're not allowed to pretend being someone you're not (impersonation).

And yeah, I'm pretty sure. If I was knowingly using someone elses IP address and pretending to be them, then it may well be illegal.


But nowhere in any computer misuse act does it state you can't use a certain IP adress.

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No law says I'm not allowed to pick out your eyes with a pencil either. That doesn't mean I'm allowed to do it.


If you truly believe IP spoofing is illegal, find a law that prohibits it and I'll admit that I'm wrong.


Immoral methods such as hacking must be considered when designing a PHP application.


This is true, and we are not opposed to "how do I protect myself against..." threads.  However, that isn't what you're asking here, now is it.

And no, but you suggested it, and I enquired how you would implement it. Tbh, there's not much point in suggesting something if you have no intention of explaining how to do it.


Tbh, I can probably spoof an IP as well as you can (which is...probably not very well). I was just enquiring how you would do so yourself, considering this is a place of education, or at least, that's how I think of it.


If I wanted to acually spoof my IP address, I'd just google it. You withholding your own methods isn't actually going to stop anyone intent on spoofing their IP address...there's plenty of information out there.


I don't want to get into an argument about this, I just don't really see where you're coming from.

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If you truly believe IP spoofing is illegal, find a law that prohibits it and I'll admit that I'm wrong.


I don't believe it is either, but the fact remains that this is usually used for illegal intent.


And no, but you suggested it, and I enquired how you would implement it. Tbh, there's not much point in suggesting something if you have no intention of explaining how to do it.


He explained that multiple times already...


If I wanted to acually spoof my IP address, I'd just google it. You withholding your own methods isn't actually going to stop anyone intent on spoofing their IP address...there's plenty of information out there.


Ok, so what do you keep crying about?


I don't want to get into an argument about this, I just don't really see where you're coming from.


Because trying to bypass security protocols and IP spoofing usually results in something illegal (if not already).

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No law says I'm not allowed to pick out your eyes with a pencil either. That doesn't mean I'm allowed to do it.


If you truly believe IP spoofing is illegal, find a law that prohibits it and I'll admit that I'm wrong.


I believe it is illegal to assume a false identity. So, if you use IP spoofing to make it look like someone or something you're not, yes, I do believe it is unlawful.


Every single scenario doesn't have to be explicitly stated in a law for something to be illegal. You're for instance not allowed to pick out someone's eye out with a pencil, even though no law explicitly prohibits it. It's covered by more general laws prohibiting you from harming other people.

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Jxrd is right, IP Spoofing in itself is not illegal.  I studied the legality of this for a friend and there is grounds under the data protection act (1998) to spoof your IP (thus far there has not been a precedent though). It's not said specifically that IP spoofing is fine but as your...example... with the pencil proved that doesn't matter as such.


Internet related laws are a little hazy but you shouldn't be violating the 2006 Fraud act as far as I can tell provided you don't assume the persons identity.



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