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Sorry, but that background is awfully distracting and your choice of colours makes the content hard to view / navigate.

There is a massive chunk of space above the content because of your logo in the top left meaning you need to scroll. The CSS doesn't work in IE. Your login layer overlaps the main content area.

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Okay, thanks guys ;D


But one question: is it IE, or is it your screen because some screens have more pixels and blahblahblah. I tried to use % so that it would depend on the screen, but I guess it failed.


Plus, I tried to make it feel more ancient. How would you recommend I fix that background, which I kind of liked?

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Your menus break without JavaScript, which means search engines can't navigate through your site, which means people will never find your site. It doesn't matter how many people don't use it in your case.


EDIT: Actually it does. Statistics vary but it's around 5-10% of people I think. So it's possible 5-10% of the people who do manage to find your site, can't use it anyway.

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A good site should still function without javascript enabled. Javascript should be used sparingly unless essential to the functionality. I cannot see any functionality in your site that javascript is essential. Menus and things can be made with CSS.

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Okay, so, I took your advice and I've completely reconstructed the way MythScape is set up. I looked into a more liquid, less cluttered layout, but the new one is still being worked on (color scheme and font-size-- that's it).


I want to know what you think of it NOW. :D

I've  tested it in every browser size under 1200 that's known to man and it re-sizes. I think I've got the organization down, too. Now, I feel it's ready to be worked on. ;D


http://mythscape.freezoka.com/main.php (maybe you'll need to refresh if you looked before).


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Seems better, though that background still has to go in my opinion. Don't like how the boxes get wider further down the page. When you login and go to the members lounge, everything's really dotted around, doesn't look planned out. There's also text that's impossible to read without highlighting.


Sorry but, think it still needs fair bit of work doing to it...

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Oh, don't worry about the member's lounge and stuff, I still need to convert that to the format as the home page. I am just trying to get this blasted layout down.


What do you mean "the boxes get wider as you go further down the page"?

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A good site should still function without javascript enabled. Javascript should be used sparingly unless essential to the functionality. I cannot see any functionality in your site that javascript is essential. Menus and things can be made with CSS.


you've hit the nail right on the head.... Unless your website requires javascript for functionality, don't use it. Most things can be done w/ css and php. I have only recently NEEDED to use javascript for a complex calendar applet I'm designing.

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