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Hello, I have been running my online iPod repair business for sometime, but I have been doing quite a lot of updates to my site recently, and would love to hear any comments on the ease of usage, appearance, feel, compatibility, etc. 


Here's my site:




Yes warranty is only 1 years, which is the minimum for any hardware, also not everything is covered by warranty, (ie improper use), however I don't think that's useful feed back,


So, I think the black text on the dark grey parts is hard to read also the text in the green bars..

as a whole it seams too dark.

either that or I need glasses,

thanks for the replies..


First, most problems people have with iPods (ie. screen broken because somebody dropped it) are not covered by apple, so there actually is quite a large market for people needing repairs outside of Apple's warranty.


As for the darkness of the site, I have been considering lightening things up.  Are you referring mainly to the page at http://myipodbroke.com/repair_info.php which has a black background?  I think it may make sense have the green side bars fade to white or grey instead of the black as well--would this help the "darkness" of it?


Thanks again, and i'd love more feedback as well!

the page http://myipodbroke.com/repair_info.php is very dark, but i was referring to the green bars on the home page  for example where it says "Check out the MUCH IMPROVED SELF DIAGNOSTIC PAGE!"


I'm not much of a designer so take what I say with a pinch of salt,

Uff, is that comic sans in the search bar? "Comic Sans MS,Arial Black,Arial,Georgia" .. yes it is.

#1 rule of website sign, never ever use comic sans.. unless you're like floating text in position over a comic background, as for anything else it just makes the site seems ameteuristic.

In general for a consistent crossbrowser experience I'd advice to set a background-color/foreground color border style/color/thickth if you style them in any other way than their width.


Okay now no holding back.

[*]You did not declare a doctype (google it)

[*]You do not have a <html> opening or closing (</html>) tag.

[*]<myipodbroke.com> Now you're just making up tags.. this is not XML, this is HTML! (Or well actually it isn't without a doctype and <html> tag.. it's gibberish your browser might accidentally render properly)

[*]<font> has been depecrated since HTML 4.01! Use CSS instead! (in combination with a <span> tag if you need to change it somewhere during the flow of text)

[*]<center> like <font> ahs been deprecated since HTML 4.01! Google text-align: center; or margin: 0 auto; for CSS alternatives (depending on what needs centering) (Think HTML 4.01 has been out since 1999, so that are 2 tags you shouldn't be using for 10 years now)

[*]Tables shouldn't be used for layout but for tabular data.

[*]<fieldsets> are for grouping form elements. Not to spice up the layout of a table.. again use CSS

[*]Keywords are ignored by most search engines, and by those who with the amount you got and the repitition of the word 'ipod' in there they most likely do a whole lot more harm than good


Personally I don't like the looks either, I'd go for a design more similar to that of apple.com as they always do an awesome job on anything visual and people will probably have have more trust in a site that looks alike

i would change the banner, its very... childish? it reminds me of Nickelodeon slime stuff i watched when i was a kid, and i wouldn't want to a send my expensive ipod to someone childish. In fact i would get rid of the green altogether. I go with the gray and white colors of the itunes site. So people relate it to their ipod.


I avoid dark sites in general. It makes visitors uncomfortable and it seems unprofessional.

It's such a shame, because you have such a catchy URL / site name, and the site itself does it no justice.


Hire a professional to do it for you, you will make a positive ROI and make more profit than you will with the current design.


I think the problem is Apple design very good looking, clean products. Your design is none of these, and if I were a customer I would be totally put of by this.



Before I start, I am not going to hold back, please take my points constructively, here is my critique:


- For favicon isn't very appealing, I wouldn't want it sitting in my bookmark bar

- Colour scheme is wrong, colours do not compliment each other (doesn't compliment the product either)

- This isn't a personal site, take your twitter off of it

- Try not to use flash to select your iPod, some people have it turned off plus scrolling through the range takes more time than select an ipod from a table of images.

- The font's are wrong, comic sans (as mentioned before) is a big no no for a professional site

- Your header / links are images, and the have no alt tags, this will screw accessibility, especially for screen readers.

- I don't care what the date is, I have a clock on my task bar.

- I don't care how many visits you have, most of them are probably search engine crawls and meaningless.

- Don't use scrolling test, it doesn't work and detracts attention from your main content.

- I already assume you accept all the major credit cards, I would remove the image from your site.

- Why are some of your pages PHP and some of the HTML, keep them all the same for consistency.

- Your HTML source is really messed up.


I am going to stop there, mainly because my lunch break is almost over.


You should strongly consider hiring a web designer, I am sure that if you have a good business model you will gain more sales, more profits and you will spend less time worrying about the design.








This thread is more than a year old. Please don't revive it unless you have something important to add.

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