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Graphic designer vs client


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lol Yeah, I had a good chuckle myself..


I have yet to do freelancing.. the horror stories.. oh the horror stories. I'm not sure if in some cases the designer can be blamed for being put into the situations they are in, or if it's terrible clientele, or a mix of both. But in either case, I can only shake my head...

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lol Yeah, I had a good chuckle myself..


I have yet to do freelancing.. the horror stories.. oh the horror stories. I'm not sure if in some cases the designer can be blamed for being put into the situations they are in, or if it's terrible clientele, or a mix of both. But in either case, I can only shake my head...


I've generally found that small startup mom and pop type business just have no idea what is going on and really have no budget.  That is at least the case around where I live.  I've had a lot of potential clients over the years freak out over a $1000 quote, which is for a pretty basic website with no advanced features.


My best experiences are working with other developers and some educational institutions. 

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I honestly don't know, hence my dialema. I'm 17, and I have no idea of the market price of these skills. I mean, I can do a pretty good job of these things, I just don't know what it's worth. I live in Australia, so our economy isn't much different to the US (except our dollar doesn't go quite as far)

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As a freelance php programmer, what should I be charging for a basic PHP website? Like, a simple upload system and user management system?


There are too many variables.  Complexity of website, type of client, length of job.  I've done both fixed rate and hourly billing, but I think you'll have to figure out what hourly rate you would like to work at if you worked a normal 9-5 and use that as a starting point to what you should be billing.  It also really depends on your skillset and ability to produce quality work.

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