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I have see many sites that when I have a search in google that sites shows the result of google in their page and when you open that site and click on the results it shows the result in it own page and it’s make the site has more visitors .How can make that ?

I want do something that when people search in google the result of that search shows in my site?





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Google have an api for this. This isn't a PHP Help question.


What is the name of this api , I think you got wrong , I want when somebody search in google for every thing ,some serach results shown in my site and my site can be a search engine like google



im not quite sure what you want. Do you want a google search bar, with your own custom search page? if so thats the google API. If you want it so that when users search google, the results some how magically appear on your site, I doubt thats possible, and if it is, It is probably beyond the scope of these forums.


can you explain more clearly what you want

From what i understand, you want to be able to get and use the search query that people who google'd to your website used, is that right?


If so, from what i've heard people just get this data from the meta data of the referring page. But i don't really know how to do that myself, so you'd have to hope som1 else here does, or read up.

But i am 99% sure that is how it is done.


I think he wants it so that he has his own spider to crawl site with, like his own google pretty much. I Suggest using sphider, google it, its the same as google, they ripped the whole engine :D


Yes , I want a system like sphider ,But I don't want use it because it has a bug.

So ,anybody has a system like sphider?






I think he wants it so that he has his own spider to crawl site with, like his own google pretty much. I Suggest using sphider, google it, its the same as google, they ripped the whole engine :D


Yes , I want a system like sphider ,But I don't want use it because it has a bug.

So ,anybody has a system like sphider?



Sphider doesn't have a bug... not one that I know at least. Have it crawl your site but allow it to leave the site too and it will work. Trust me :D

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