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Free news? Well, I never!


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Why would I want to pay for their news when their competitors give it to me for free? Ad based funding would work better IMO. Now, if people stopped using annoying flashing, blinking and screaming ads and stopped using Flash based ads I would also consider turning off my adblocker. Flash uses a ridiculous amount of memory and CPU time. I often read from Google Reader so I might open like 10 articles at a time. With 3-4 Flash ads on a page (not uncommon) this would mean 30-40 new Flash animations. That's unacceptable to me as long as Flash is such a resource hog.

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Nothing is stopping them from banning non-UK resident IP addresses. That would be like if I put up a poster somewhere in central Copenhagen and demanded that everybody who sees it should pay me money. If they don't want me to see it, don't let me see it. If I circumvent the measures they take against me, only then can they complain.


Denmark has some bullshit TV licensing as well. If you have either of the following: a) a TV, b) a radio, c) a cell phone, d) an Internet connection with speed >= 256 kbps, you'll have to pay a stupid TV license (or media license as they call it). I don't know anyone who doesn't have either of those and you can't even purchase an Internet connection slower than 256 kbps. Except they won't get anything from me. I don't want their product so I'm not going to pay for it.

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Nothing is stopping them from banning non-UK resident IP addresses. That would be like if I put up a poster somewhere in central Copenhagen and demanded that everybody who sees it should pay me money. If they don't want me to see it, don't let me see it. If I circumvent the measures they take against me, only then can they complain.

True, I know they actually (apparently, not that I can test it) do that on certain video clips on the site.


I just begrudge the fact I have to pay the TV licence (£142.50/yr) just because with a TV I can pick up BBC channels, regardless of whether I watch them. The rest of the channels are advertisement driven, but I can't watch them without a licence. So I have to pay the licence to sit through 3-4 minutes of adverts every 15minutes. What a delightful world we live in.

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Yeah, the reasoning is the same in Denmark. I can technically watch it, so I have to pay no matter if I do watch it or not. It's like £274.85/yr.


It's pretty stupid. I, who watch no TV whatsoever, has to pay the same as a family with two parents both earning 8 times more money than I do and who have three children, all of who watch a lot of TV. This being enforced by law makes it a de facto added tax except it's severely skewed in favor of people with more money.


It may not sound like a money, but a) why pay for something you don't want, and b) I know for a fact that a lot of students are living on a very tight budget*.



* Though it's also somewhat a matter of prioritizing. A lot of young people also want to go out every weekend and wear designer clothes. Either way, it's their money, so they should be free to spend them as they want and not be forced to purchase some arbitrary product.


Edit: Oh yeah, and guess what? Old people who have nothing else to do but watch TV all day get a 50% discount. Nice.

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Soww.. What news sites are we talking about? I mean if it's just or just like Fox News then it isn't news at all, it's paranoid republican propaganda.


You know what really grinds my gears? Poor republican people. If you're rich I can understand, you're just looking out for nr one, but if you are flat broke how utterly brain dead do you have to be to vote republican? Anyway I digress.

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