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Slashes Problem


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I was writing a PM and I noticed that after previewing it the textarea was full of \'s where the forum had 'escaped' the single quotes ('). I think I've seen somebody mention this before but couldn't find it at a cursory scan, is this a known problem? I can only reproduce the behaviour with PM not with board posts.

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Really? I've just tried it on Firefox, IE and Chrome just in case it was somehow a browser issue. If I click on your name and then Send PM and simply type (or copy-paste)...


This is a 'test'. 


When I hit preview the textarea contains...


This is a \'test\'.

It seems to do it with WYSIWYG both on and off. Repeatedly hitting preview, will keep adding a pair of slashes.

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It seems if I set 'Show WYSIWYG editor on post page by default.' in my profile to unchecked. Then I can only produce it by turning it back on with the toggle button. If however I have that option checked, I can seemingly produce it whichever state I toggle it to. Odd.

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