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While loops from function returns


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I have a function which returns a query result like this :


<?php return(mysql_fetch_assoc($Query); ?> 


Then my script has:


While($row = functioname()) { 
// do stuff


But for some reason this method does not work... does any one know how i can do the idea im trying to do cos currently it just loops for infinity..

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Ok tried this:


But i get unlimited / endless while looping :(

function listfriends($UserID){
$SELECT = mysql_query("SELECT ContactID FROM social WHERE UserID='$UserID' AND Type='Friend'")
   Or die(mysql_error());
$row = mysql_fetch_assoc($SELECT);
return ($row);

while($row = listfriends($_SESSION['Current_User'])){
getusername($row['ContactID']).'<a href="#">[Mail]</a> <a href="#">[Remove]</a><br>';

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That code isn't going to work because each time you call it, it executes completely from the beginning again, hence you'll get a never ending loop. You would need to use a static variable, though I'm not going to really recommend this approach either. The code is terrible.


If your listfreinds() function was part of a class / object this would be much simpler, as then you can implement the state you need.

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Just have it return an array and loop through that.


I'm interested in seeing this getusername() function as well as it would appear to me that this is going to make yet more queries to the database. This code is terribly inefficient if that is indeed the case.

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Well "getusername" checks if userid exists in usertable and checks if they are staff (as staff are different coloured username) and also gets the username. unless i could some how check across all 3 tables in one query but i always thought calling a function was the efficient method as i can call it all over the site without duplicated lines of code =/

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You'd probably be better off returning the mysql_query() output.  If you return the mysql_fetch_ functions... you'll only get the first row.. a single-dimensional array...  i.e: there's no reason to loop through it.

function listfriends($UserID){
return mysql_query("SELECT ContactID FROM social WHERE UserID='$UserID' AND Type='Friend'")
   Or die(mysql_error());
$row = mysql_fetch_assoc(listfriends($_SESSION['Current_User'])));
echo getusername($row['ContactID']).'[Mail] [Remove]


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Thanks Zanus - so would an inner join be more efficient then =/


Because if so i have to re-assess my use of functions :(


Of course an inner join is going to be more efficient. Functions simply wrap pieces of code, if those pieces of code are making unnecessary queries they are inefficient.

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You'd probably be better off returning the mysql_query() output.

actually I take that back.. if you return the mysql_query function it'll just do the same thing.  Since your starting a new resource each time you call the function.  I guess you could get away with passing it as a reference or something though....  (anything but global)


function listfriends($UserID){
$SELECT = mysql_query("SELECT ContactID FROM social WHERE UserID='$UserID' AND Type='Friend'")
   Or die(mysql_error());
while($row[] = mysql_fetch_assoc ($_SESSION['Current_User']));
return ($row);

$allFriends = listfriends($_SESSION['Current_User']);

foreach($allfriends as $id=>$firend) {
getusername($allfriends['ContactID']).'[Mail] [Remove]

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