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PHP Freaks - New FrontEnd?

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Hi Everyone,


Lately we have been messing around with a new front end that we're thinking about porting over to PHPFreaks with some modifications.  This front end is called "Social Engine" and is written using Zend Framework.  Our front end right now is excellent, but we're considering options to get people more involved and interacting with the site.  This Social Engine looks like a great start, but we would like your input before going crazy and doing all the work.


We started up a test site called "Geeks Aholic" to test out the software and do some coding on it. If we like what we see on the back end and you like the front end - perhaps we will make the switch.  Please check out http://geeksaholic.com and grab an account and test out the features.  Some of the really cool things like "Groups" and "Chat" are the features we found most interesting - however this thing operates and looks almost identical to Facebook - so with that kind of change, feedback would be welcome before we attempt it.


Again, please check out the front end on http://geeksaholic.com  - grab an account and post something - we will integrate the software (on phpfreaks.com domain name) with our existing forums here so that nothing will be lost, provided we get some support.  SocialEngine has already donated a license to PHPFreaks, so this won't cost us anything but some time.  It's either Sink or Swim against the social networks out there, and this is a good way to start trying to swim.


Thanks for your feedback!




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I don't understand why you keep trying to compare the phpfreaks community with the "facebook" community.  I don't understand why you seem to have this mentality that the future of the web is facebook and phpfreaks is going to wither away into nothingness if it doesn't follow suit.  Facebook, or more accurately, the concept of a social networking site in general, is popular, yes.  There is no argument against that.  But that doesn't mean it's the only thing out there, the only way to go. 


It's like I'm watching some band nerd look over at the cool-kids' table in envy and thinking how fail he is because he's not over there with them, and instead of being true to himself and forging his own path, doing what HE does best, he tries to change his clothes and put on a fake smile and join their party.  Thing is, he's going to inevitably bust out his horn and start tooting because that is who he is, and people are going to point and laugh or shun or if you're lucky just ignore you and you've just spent a lot of time and effort only to be back at square one, or worse.


I most certainly agree that things have been collecting dust.  And I am most certainly open for changing things up, trying new things, sailing new waters.  But you need to understand and more importantly accept that phpfreaks is a support community, not a social community.  Trying to turn this place into another facebook is going to make things worse than just leaving it stagnant. 


I'm not saying that we shouldn't have any social aspects.  In fact, I encourage that we do.  I enjoy shooting the shit on irc with the other regulars or taking part in the more "social" threads.  But the core is that we are all here to give and receive technical support, not update our statuses.  As others have mentioned already, look at other support communities for guidance and inspiration, not social communities. 


For example, I think Stack Overload has some shortcomings (nobody is perfect) but they do an amazing job at encouraging user interaction.  They have ads that gradually decrease the more you interact.  Or look at their format and system in general, how questions and answers are voted up or down to increase/decrease visibility.  Look at things like that for inspiration, make places like SO the "cool kid" to pine after, not facebook, because that is what phpfreaks is.


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