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How to save image with good proprtions [if nessecary, I'll pay a small amount]


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This picture shows the crop tool for the users.

The picture will be after cropped and resized: 300*370 px

How can I do so the picture will be 300*370 px in a nice quality and good shape when the cropping and resizing is done?


I mean the proportions must be right when the user crop and when I save because I make the picture smallre with HTML/CSS when the user will crop.


please help me with this!

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In order to maintain quality (ie avoid distortion) you MUST restrict the cropping to some pecentage of your final image ie 200% 331% whatever. Any time you resize am image in something other than proportionate values, your risk of a distorted image is high.


Depending upon the code you are using to crop, there may be laying beneath the sufrace, the ability to restrict the crop dimensions to a percentage of your final desired product.



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The problem is:

I can show the whole picture for the user which will crop it, but if the user will crop 300*370 px of a image when the original size is 1000*1300px. Then I will get a really little cropped part of the image, and I will only see a half of a face if the user is unlucky.

So the image will be cropped but even resized to a smaller image but here is the problem, How do I know how much I need to resize the picture and how do I need how much I need to crop the picture?


If I show the picture in a smaller size in the cropping tool, and then the user is done and have chosen the X and Y for the rectangular cropping shape, if I now am going to crop the picture, then I have to change the X and Y , because on the smaller image the X position may be 200px but on the big picture it will be 600 px; and I don't know how much I will resize the picture?

The finish picture will be exactly: 300px*370px

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Ok, no idé what to do now...

I don't now how to make the images 300*370 px in a good quality and not to small on the width etc.


The problem is still how to show the picture to the users so I can calucalte it right and get a good shape of the images at the end...


PLEASE help :/

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1. go to this page (http://www.defusion.org.uk/code/javascript-image-cropper-ui-using-prototype-scriptaculous/) and read this...



ratioDim obj

    The pixel dimensions to apply as a restrictive ratio, with properties x & y.


and this...

Select area ratio


You can apply a ratio to the selection area, this example applies a 4:3 ratio to the select area.

Display code as plain text




      <img src="test.jpg" alt="Test image" id="testImage" width="500" height="333" />




      <script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">


          Event.observe( window, 'load', function() {


              new Cropper.Img(






                      ratioDim: {


                          x: 220,


                          y: 165




                      displayOnInit: true,


                      onEndCrop: onEndCrop






          } );




Then edit your file accordingly for a 300 w x 370h  ...

X = 300

Y =370

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