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Obviously your clinet picked the wrong person to ask then.


Without understanding your clients exacting requirements, every option would just be opinion.


I suggest you let this one go to someone with a little more experience.

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I doubt any CMS will include functionality from this API. If it did it would probably be provided by the makers of the API itself as a reseller account or such. If you are not a developer then you are in way over your head. I suggest talking to Rent Juice to see if they can assist.

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Obviously your clinet picked the wrong person to ask then.


Without understanding your clients exacting requirements, every option would just be opinion.


I suggest you let this one go to someone with a little more experience.


Obviously you picked the wrong post to reply


Without understanding my requirements, every opinion of yours would be irrelevant.


/* I suggest you let this one go to someone with a little more experience */

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...without understanding my requirements...


LOL wow... look in the mirror mate.


We see people like you all day long, and it's always the same story.  You went and learned some basics about something, or maybe you're an expert at doing your own unrelated job, whatever it is.  Then you took on a client/project not knowing even where to begin even from a top level because you were either


a) Too greedy for the money

b) Didn't have the balls to say no

c) Foolishly thought "How hard can this stuff be?"

d) One or more of the above


Then the reality sets in and now you're sweating bullets, and the only plan of action you've come up with is to go ask for help on a public forum. 


And if you really thought our opinions are irrelevant, then why are you here?


Seriously, you can stomp your foot and get pissy all you want but advising you to hire someone with experience or otherwise pass it off really is the best advice we can give you.

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What other responses did you expect?  You came here needing a solution for which you showed a lack of effort and research for.  Like thorpe said, without requirements every option would be merely an opinion.

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