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targeted at gizmola


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im not being an "idiot troll"..is offensive though


To me you are and if I offended you, well thats your problem, grow a sack and realize, oh shit, itz the internetz! Sorry if you are butt hurt over a few words.


On a side note, I would agree with you. But, it is an English forum, and back talking to a Moderator is not suggested. So I would just suggest to drop it before it spins out of control and you get even more offended!

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said one phrase in spanish and i get hounded..voca is a word...its puerto rican slang...im not being an "idiot troll"..is offensive though

Slang aren't formal words.  You did not get hounded, I asked you politely.

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said one phrase in spanish and i get hounded..voca is a word...its puerto rican slang...im not being an "idiot troll"..is offensive though

Slang aren't formal words.  You did not get hounded, I asked you politely.

if i was having an entire conversation in spanish i would understand why you would intercede..however i said two words to another member that was not yourself..not sure why you felt the need to write what you did but i'll drop it because its not a big deal.sorry for writing in spanish, will never happen again

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however i said two words to another member that was not yourself..not sure why you felt the need to write what you did

I'm a moderator, everyones' business is my business.



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