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How to convert PHP code output to HTML


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Ok sorry for the lack of explanation; I try again.


Basically all I want is -- "PHP code output to HTML" - I want to convert the output of PHP code (conversitemap.PHP) to sitemap.HTML.


Here are the snippets of my code:



function sitemapFunk()
	global $host, $sqlUser, $sqlPass, $database;
	mysql_connect ($host, $sqlUser, $sqlPass) or
		die ('I cannot connect to the database because: ' . mysql_error());
	mysql_select_db ($database);

	$result = mysql_query("select * from cer_galleryInfo where display!='No' order by second, first ") or
		die (mysql_error());
        $sitemapHTML .= "<li><a href='artistInfo/entry_".$row['keynum'].".html'>".ucfirst($row['first'])." ".ucfirst($row['second'])."</a></li>\n" ;
$html2write .= "<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN\">\n";
$html2write .= "<html>\n";
$html2write .= "<head>\n";
$html2write .= "						<h2>Exhibitor Gallery</h2>\n";
$html2write .= "						<UL TYPE=\"circle\">\n";
$html2write .= "$sitemapHTML";
$html2write .= "						</UL>\n";
$html2write .= "</html>\n";
$write = fopen("../sitemap.html","w");


How can I just displaying the output that I have created in PHP in my HTML site (sitemap.html)?

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echo $html2write;???


I mean in e.g. sitemap.html  --- How I can "extract or output" all the code in convertsitemap.php to my "html"?


I cannot just write echo $html2write; and then save it in sitemap.html - That is a "PHP" code. 


Plus I do not need PHP code in my "html" any more as all I need is the output of the PHP code -- I already have my PHP code in  convertsitemap.php so I need to know how to output them in HTML.



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So you are saying..I have to put this code:


$fh=fopen('sitemap.html', 'w');
fwrite($fh, $html2write);


in sitemap.html?


As you notice and look carefully -- I already have those code line adminSitemap.php



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So whats the problem then? If it is not writing well, either A: permissions issue, B: Something else in the code is screwing it up and you need to post the full code for further help.


The problem is; my sitemap.html still not showing the values I have in convertsitemap.php.


I wonder if you saying that: I have to save this code in PHP or HTML extension? as the sitemap is in HTML not PHP - all my PHP works done in conversitemap.php.

$fh=fopen('sitemap.html', 'w');
fwrite($fh, $html2write);


If you said it might be the permission issue: How I can solve this?


Basically my sitemap.html is just a HTML code no PHP code in it.. I do not think I should have those code you suggested put in my sitemap.html do you, what you think?

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Thanks all, I sort of figured this out - I am not 100% sure but by change the permission to 777 does the job "for now" - but it is still not 100% output all the recent data when say someone add a new record or delete the exist record. Will have to find out another way I guess.


But thanks! ^^

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