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Got logged in, but when logging out I got this


Query: INSERT INTO asf_sessions (s_sid, s_uid, s_ip, s_user_agent, s_last_action, s_referrer) VALUES (:session_id, :user_id, :ip_address, :user_agent, :last_action, :referrer)

Line: 1062

Message: Duplicate entry '34836c066effc89742982fbb031a6b86' for key 1


And now when I visit the main page it keeps showing it, I'm sure I can just clear my browser...but I don't want to...lol.


I'll leave you alone to keep working all this out more.

it certainly has something to do with sessions, did you destroy the session upon logout?


Before I cleared my browser it was trying to insert and was getting the error that it was a duplicate, after clearing my browser can now see the site again.



I used chrome developer console to see your script and realised that every 10 seconds you are loading this page http://dev.asimpleforum.co.uk/functions/request.php?method=get_shouts which keeps failing. I was curious and removed the "dev." and was able to get the shouts. its it a typo error or something?


Shouldn't it be http://asimpleforum.co.uk/functions/request.php?method=get_shouts


EDIT: Your login, register and faqs are also pointing to "dev." version of the site which is unavailable.


it might be due to this

<base href="http://dev.asimpleforum.co.uk/forum">

I'm not sure if you've looked at your fb inbox, but here are some glitch or bugs or features i've found.


i just entered this address and got this info. Just helping to check any security breached o.0




Query: INSERT INTO asf_sessions (s_sid, s_uid, s_ip, s_user_agent, s_last_action, s_referrer) VALUES (:session_id, :user_id, :ip_address, :user_agent, :last_action, :referrer)
Line: 1062
Message: Duplicate entry '1d05c416d509651e8bb8a9a3395b8eff' for key 1


I was also able to change the page title via the url.


1) click on a forum

2) click on a topic

3) i chose this url




4) just changing this Admin+Centre+Finished would change the page title to what i've entered but still redirect to the actual post.



i just entered this address and got this info. Just helping to check any security breached o.0


Which address?


Changing the page title with the url isnt a major flaw. The post is pulled using the id in the url, the name is just there for SEO purposes, so changing it doesnt really matter.


Since i need more indepth testing of the moderator features I will promote the first 10 users who login today. They will be promoted to the BETA testers group.


This group will allow you to edit topics and posts. You will be able to test features such as inline editing of topics and posts as well as testing the deletion of posts and avatars. You will also be given the ability to bypass the flood control (only on posts) so you can fully test without having to wait 30 seconds between posts.




  • 2 weeks later...

When you delete a thread it still shows up on the index and errors when you try to view it.

Warning: implode() [function.implode]: Invalid arguments passed in /home/asimplef/public_html/view_topic.php on line 236

Query: SELECT * FROM asf_attachments WHERE a_pid IN ()

Line: 1064

Message: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ')' at line 3


If you include <script> in the subject when editing a thread the page just hangs.



Wnen I created a new thread it went to page 2 instead of the the thread or the page the thread is on. Why?


When I clicked the thread pagination the header, the shout box and thread tools were added twice. As seen here: http://i.imgur.com/EnAac.png.

When you delete a thread it still shows up on the index and errors when you try to view it.


Forgot to change the last post of the forum when the newest one is deleted. I will get round to it now.


If you include <script> in the subject when editing a thread the page just hangs.


should have used htmlentities.


When I clicked the thread pagination the header, the shout box and thread tools were added twice. As seen here: http://i.imgur.com/EnAac.png.


topic and post pagination used to be done via ajax, the new topics would be loaded into the wrapper div. I got rid of it but mustn't have made all the needed changes to remove it completely.





  • 2 years later...

Hi. Firstly I would like to thank everyone who tested that version of the forum. God knows it had it's issues. But, not one for letting a project die, I decided to resurrect it a few weeks ago. I have learnt alot since the last version and the new version is a lot better.


If you are interested in testing it can be found at http://staging.asimpleforum.com/.


This version uses the PHP framework "Silex" and HTML template system "Twig".


Because of this, errors should be kept to a minimum and development will be a lot faster.

There are also several tests ran both while coding and deploying. Stuff like grunt and jshint for parsing errors and php unit for unit tests.

The code is also deployed via git which means no more FTP errors.


I have also implemented caching in 2 forms. The first and default method is disk caching. Data will be encoded and saved in files so they can be accessed later rather than pulling info from the database all the time. The other method is NoSQL. I use mongodb as a caching layer and store information in collections (similar to disk caching method).


Feel free to contribute to the site too if you like at the github repo https://github.com/cjmarkham/asimpleforum.


The design of the site has been improved a lot and will continue to see improvements as I develop more towards a mobile friendly structure.


There is a test account if you don't wish to register. Username: tester, password: tester.



Edited by doddsey_65
  • 4 weeks later...
Just a quick heads up. I have added documentation to the forum in the form of phpDocumentor. This will help those of you wanting to read through the code and understand it a bit more. Or it will do once I have added some comments to my code (never been one for doing this).


You can access the docs by clicking on the "Documentation" link on the forum or by going here.


The only one that is complete is the small language class located here. From this you will be able to get a general idea of what use this will be.


If you want to help with commenting (since its low on my todo list) then you can fork the repo on github, add some comments and then submit a pull request. This would really help (as would some general testing). 



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