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Am I good for this?

Ivan Ivković

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I don't know what topic this goes to. I would like to ask all you pros to evaluate if this. I was on a 3months lasting PHP/MySQL course. It took me around 4 months to kick it in and practice with OOP. Learned a bit of CSS, basic Javascript, now learning Zend Framework, and jQuery.

9months practice after course. Is this good for the timespan of my learning? 1 year

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It really depends on how much of the information that you have "learned" you actually understand and are confident using,

and yes I agree with thorpe regarding the topic you posted in, which I commented on before I saw this thread.

All that we have to base your knowledge off of is posts on this forum, seems like you have a ways to go.

My advice would be instead of trying to cram as many languages in as you can, focus on becoming proficient in each language one at a time. Once you feel that you have a firm understanding of one, move on to the next.

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Wo PHP IS my priority, others are like yay sum more. By good I mean I've read some guys making posts about them mastering all PHP in 4 weeks, that kind bummed me out so like, am I a slow learner? I may not find a job that way? It took me to make some (complex for me) CMS-s right in a month or more.

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I have been programming for about 10 years and with PHP for about 6 and would consider myself a decent programmer. When I started my new job about 12 months ago I was completely blown away by the standards and felt pretty well out of my league.


No one has mastered PHP in 4 weeks.

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I have been programming for about 10 years and with PHP for about 6 and would consider myself a decent programmer. When I started my new job about 12 months ago I was completely blown away by the standards and felt pretty well out of my league.

Yup, I have been in that boat too. I've been programming for a good 8 or so years and while I don't consider myself a noobie, with the exception of specifics related to my industry, I wouldn't consider myself an expert either. This is a progression that you'll always be learning, and like thorpe said, one you definitely won't have mastered within a month.

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