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Why is this evalutaing to TRUE?


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In this code...


if ($preview==999){
	echo '<div id="boxPreview">
		<p>' . (isset($comments) ? nl2br(str2htmlentities($comments)) : "") . '</p>



If $preview has a value of "1", then why would my If-Then evaluate to TRUE and my echo code fire???  :o






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Because it obviously doesn't equal 1, it equals 999. That's the only reason.




This statement is FALSE...




And so in this code, my echo should never fire...


if ($preview==999){
	echo '<div id="boxPreview">
		<p>' . (isset($comments) ? nl2br(str2htmlentities($comments)) : "") . '</p>





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Again, the only reason that condition would evaluate to TRUE is if $preview is 999. There is no other reason.


As I said in my OP, $preview=1...


(Specifically, I set $preview=TRUE, and so it evaluates to "1" as verified by me and NetBeans...)


If I have literals in there it fails...

if (1==999){



But this code...

if ($preview==999){


...takes the THEN branch meaning the interpreter sees it as TRUE...






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If you're using TRUE/FALSE, then I suggest you also use that in your IF condition.

if ($preview==TRUE){
echo '<div id="boxPreview">
<p>' . (isset($comments) ? nl2br(str2htmlentities($comments)) : "") . '</p>

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Because it obviously doesn't equal 1, it equals 999. That's the only reason.


How does 1==999 equal 999 ??????????????????



Again, the only reason that condition would evaluate to TRUE is if $preview is 999. There is no other reason.


Jerking my chain?? 






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If your comparison is actually if(TRUE==999), rather than the previously stated if (1==999), then yes, TRUE is == to 999.


How is TRUE == 999 ???????



This code results in FALSE...


if (1==999){
	echo 'TRUE';
	echo 'FALSE';



In *my* code, I have...


}elseif (isset($_POST['preview'])){
	$preview = TRUE;




And I type in $preview==999 last night - and forgot about it - to force a FALSE condition which was what happened last night in this code...


	if ($preview==999){
		echo '<div id="boxPreview">
			<p>' . (isset($comments) ? nl2br(str2htmlentities($comments)) : "") . '</p>



Today when I step through my code in NetBeans, if I click the "Preview" button, $preview=TRUE; and I would expect my echo to not fire because "1" - which is what NetBeans shows in the $preview variable - does NOT equal "999"...






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Jerking your chain? No. I'm telling you, based on the code you posted yourself, that the only way that condition will evaluate TRUE is if $preview is 999, NOT 1, as you so adamantly claim it to be.


I am seeing it happen with my own two eyes in NetBeans as I step through my code...


NetBeans says $preview is "1" in the variables tab, and that would mean I have 1 == 999 for $preview == 999 and that SHOULD BE FALSE, but my If-Then is taking the Then path meaning that 1 == 999 is evaluating to TRUE?!


(Like I said above, that was testing code that should have been removed last night, but I still would like to know what is going own for my own sanity!!)






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NetBeans is simply showing you the integer value of true, which is 1.  It's not actually the number 1 in this case, since you set $preview to logical true.  It's just the numerical representation of true.  Why is true represented as a 1?  Think binary.  1 == on/true, 0 == off/false.  In most modern programming languages, any non-zero value that can be converted to an integer will be true.  So, True == 999 will always result in true.


FWIW, this is boolean logic 101.  One of those things you should learn if you're going to use if/else statements.

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Not sure if this applies to this.

From http://php.net/manual/en/language.types.boolean.php



-1 is considered TRUE, like any other non-zero (whether negative or positive) number!

When converting to boolean, the following values are considered FALSE:


    the boolean FALSE itself

    the integer 0 (zero)

    the float 0.0 (zero)

    the empty string, and the string "0"

    an array with zero elements

    an object with zero member variables (PHP 4 only)

    the special type NULL (including unset variables)

    SimpleXML objects created from empty tags


Every other value is considered TRUE (including any resource).

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NetBeans is simply showing you the integer value of true, which is 1.  It's not actually the number 1 in this case, since you set $preview to logical true.  It's just the numerical representation of true.  Why is true represented as a 1?  Think binary.  1 == on/true, 0 == off/false.


I get that.



In most modern programming languages, any non-zero value that can be converted to an integer will be true.


I get that.


For example, this would evaluate to TRUE...


if (999){
	echo 'This line will be shown';
	echo 'This line will not be shown';



So, True == 999 will always result in true.


Above you said "1" and "TRUE" were the same.


And I get that most If-Then's treat any Positive Number as TRUE.


But I still do not see how "TRUE" can be logically equal to "999" ?!  (This I can see...  TRUE==1)



FWIW, this is boolean logic 101.  One of those things you should learn if you're going to use if/else statements.


I've never encountered this situation before, so not so "101"...





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I really don't give a red rat's ass what NetBeans says. Why don't you show us where you assign the value to $preview?


Get you Old-Man Glasses out and maybe you'll see that I posted my code in Reply #10...    ;)






So then if you knew you assigned the boolean value of TRUE to the $preview variable, why did you continue to insist that you had given it the integer value of 1? Alzheimer's disease or just plain ignorance?

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In most modern programming languages, any non-zero value that can be converted to an integer will be true.


But I still do not see how "TRUE" can be logically equal to "999" ?!  (This I can see...  TRUE==1)


True is logically equal to all non-zero values. 


23.987.  999.  "Hello". 


All of those will be equal to true.

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I really don't give a red rat's ass what NetBeans says. Why don't you show us where you assign the value to $preview?


Get you Old-Man Glasses out and maybe you'll see that I posted my code in Reply #10...    ;)






So then if you knew you assigned the boolean value of TRUE to the $preview variable, why did you continue to insist that you had given it the integer value of 1?


I said NetBeans showed "1" and you guys are saying "TRUE" is the same as "1"



Alzheimer's disease or just plain ignorance?


Nah, I just like to give you stuff to bitch about...


Freebie from me for the curmudgeon...






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In most modern programming languages, any non-zero value that can be converted to an integer will be true.


But I still do not see how "TRUE" can be logically equal to "999" ?!  (This I can see...  TRUE==1)


True is logically equal to all non-zero values. 


23.987.  999.  "Hello". 


All of those will be equal to true.


I knew that was so in an IF condition, but I did not know that if you put any non-zero value in a logical comparison that it would evaluate to TRUE.




Thanks for the info (and being civil) KevinM1...  8)





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I really don't give a red rat's ass what NetBeans says. Why don't you show us where you assign the value to $preview?


Get you Old-Man Glasses out and maybe you'll see that I posted my code in Reply #10...    ;)






So then if you knew you assigned the boolean value of TRUE to the $preview variable, why did you continue to insist that you had given it the integer value of 1?


I said NetBeans showed "1" and you guys are saying "TRUE" is the same as "1"



Alzheimer's disease or just plain ignorance?


Nah, I just like to give you stuff to bitch about...


Freebie from me for the curmudgeon...







So ignorance then. Got it.

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I knew that was so in an IF condition, but I did not know that if you put any non-zero value in a logical comparison that it would evaluate to TRUE.


It has to do with how PHP decides to interpret the types for the comparison.  Since your testing a boolean==integer, php decides to cast the integer to a boolean and evaluate the condition as boolean==boolean.



$preview == 999 becomes TRUE == (boolean)999 which becomes TRUE == TRUE.


You can force php to interpret something a specific way by doing your own casting, such as:

if ((int)$preview == 999):


which would force php to cast $preview to an int (1) then evaluate 1 == 999, which would be false.



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Think about it like this, behind the scenes php sees that you're using a boolean value and comparing it to an integer, so it casts the integer value to a boolean value for you, if you used the strict (typed) comparison operator, it would evaluate to false:



var_dump( true === 999 ); //are true and 999 equal in both type and value? (false)

var_dump( true == 999 ); //are true and 999 equal in value (true) //why?

var_dump((bool)999); // true

var_dump(true == true); // true

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