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Hey up guys.


A friend of mine is looking for something along the lines of what SocialEngine offers. Does anyone have any experience / reviews / alternative recommendations? The idea of it being more like software you install, as opposed to a PHP framework is the key.





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Well, SocialEngine claims no programming experience required, so my guess is it's more like 'software you install' than a 'framework a programmer would implement.'


I avoid social networking at all costs, so I simply can't help you, sorry :(

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Some friends of mine have bought and use Social Engine.  There are a lot of plugins for it but they don't seem particularlly well developed.  They have had quite a few bugs pop up on them with the plugins and a few with the core system.


It's slow as all hell too.  Some pages take 20-30 seconds to load.  Granted they are on shared hosting right now (I'm working on setting up a dedicated server for them) but that's still pretty awful imo.  I personally find the code base to be very hard to follow too but that may be more my lack of ever doing anything with Zend framework and it's MVC / Plugin stuff.


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