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Someone help me with my coursework!! I have no clue!


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I have a mac... need to do my coursework asap! and i dont even know where to start, i doenloaded text wrangler, and thats what i have done so far.



COM302 Web Database Systems

Supplementary Coursework Summer 2012



COM302 FM ? Song of the week!

COM302 FM is an online radio station that provides its listeners with an opportunity to influence their playlist with a ?Song Of The Week? vote.  Your task is to provide a PHP-based application that manages the ?Song Of The Week? competition. 


STAGE 1:  Selection of the competing songs

The application chooses 5 songs at random from the existing ?tracks? table and stores their IDs in a new ?songOfTheWeek? table. 

The application displays track, album and artist information for the 5 selected songs.


STAGE 2:  The vote

The application presents a form, which enables a user to rank the five competing songs in order of preference.

Songs are awarded 10 points for a 1st preference selection, 8 for 2nd preference, 6 for 3rd preference etc., down to 2 points for a 5th preference choice.  The current score for each competing song should be held in the ?songOfTheWeek? table.

After each user has voted, the current vote standings and the number of users who have voted so far should be displayed


STAGE 3:  Final results

Once 10 users have voted, the details of the winning song are displayed.  The interface should not accept any further votes




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In the few hundred of words that can/will get written in a forum reply, programming help forums can only actually help with specific programming questions, specific programming problems, or specific programming errors (and we need to see the actual code that you are having a problem or error with and the whole error message you might have gotten from that code.)


Do you have anything specific you need help with, that could be answered in a few hundred words? Posting your assignment and asking for help is not a specific question, a specific problem, or a specific error and answering it would require a lot more information that can/will be given in a forum reply (that's why you are taking a programming course, so that the amount of information necessary can be communicated to you.) A programming help forum cannot help fix 'I have no clue!' problems, because those are not actually programming problems.

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I don't think there's a rule you just didn't break :shrug:


I wish I have had such simple assignments... instead I had to create a game where a user turns 2 pictures and if they are the same they stayed or were turned back around again. Extra credits for those able to create the MP part too.. all in VB !! Life is not FAIR !


I've felt that blow. A lot of assignments I've done in the past were VB, I hate that ?$%?@$ language!! Some people love it?

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I wish I have had such simple assignments... instead I had to create a game where a user turns 2 pictures and if they are the same they stayed or were turned back around again. Extra credits for those able to create the MP part too.. all in VB !! Life is not FAIR !

Like "Memory"?


My high school programming class the final was basically "come up with a program". That was it. So I made hangman (this was a Java class).


So, after I finished the program, I asked my teacher "So, how do I send this to my Grandma so she can play it?" He said to just send her the files. So I did, and of course she had no idea what to do with it. He says, have her download the SDK. I'm like you nut I'm not telling my GRANDMA to download the SDK just to play this game, can't I make it a program she can run on it's own? He couldn't figure out how to do it. I had already hated Java, so I decided to learn PHP instead, on my own.


I guess in a way I should be grateful to that guy. He was kind of just an idiot though. He was impressed that my program used a text file of words.

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