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Spry With Php


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Whats going on everyone. I cant figure out how to make second spry list to be dependent on the first, and the third spry field dependent on the second. The user must start on the first spry list. After selecting the year out of the dropdown list, spry list 2 becomes available and whatever is in this list is based on what was selected in the first list. Same goes for selection 3. For example: Lets say a user chooses the year 2009 from the first list, Option 2 will show a list of vehicle manufacturers that are within the category of 2009. The user chooses "Cheverolet". Option 3 will show a list of Cheverolet's vehicle models. The user then chooses the vehicles model and clicks "find parts".


One thing to note, the complete page is not suppose to refresh, just the dependent spry list.


The spry list are populated from a database in syql.


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Well, since you haven't posted any code, we're unable to help you with your problem.


I can give you one suggestion, however, and that is to drop using DreamWeaver. While it may produce passable HTML + CSS code, using it for anything dynamic is bad. Quite like trying to print a video on a t-shirt, using water colours.

Proper programming requires an understanding of the problem, code and how the data is affected for each line. Applications lack this understanding, and can only do what they've been instructed to do. Even if this instruction is horribly wrong. Since those who made DW doesn't know anything about the application you're trying to design, or its problems, DW will be unable to produce proper code.


Not to mention all of the insecurities I've witnessed for it, as it appears to be almost completely devoid of any security routines. Which is really bad.

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Dreamweaver does not produce code that is usable by anything but dreamweaver. If you can't figure out how to do this (incredibly simple) task within dreamweaver, it can't be done until you stop using dreamweaver.


Dreamweaver, like frontpage before it, is a tool for people who don't want to learn the underlying language or make something very complex. It stands up quick and dirty websites without any fancy features (as you've noticed). Learning PHP on your own will greatly increase your ability to solve these problems.

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Can I just say that when I created my first dynamic site just over two years ago I used Dreamweavers point and click coding for it because I thought I would never be able to learn to do it myself.


Very quickly I realised it was full of limitations and over complicated code that taught me some very bad habits. On top of that, the templating system is awful and any changes meant I had to upload all pages again.


Now, although by no means an expert, everything I do is hand coded in Notepad++. The end result is I understand the code because I wrote it myself (which has made debugging so much easier) and the way I have set up my template file (using php includes) means 99.9% of sitewide changes only take one file upload.


If I can learn to hand code dynamic sites ANYONE CAN!!!



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