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Hello Everyone! I am new here. I have visited this site many times before for info but haven't joined until now. I now find myself with a problem that I can not figure out on my own. I purchased a wordpress template and it come pre-loaded with many useful shortcodes. One of which caught my eye but I can seem to get the code for it to look the way I want it to. Hense why I am here with the pros asking for help. I will try to post as much detail as possible in the text below to help you assist me in this project.


The short code in wordpress is this:

[callout title="Visit Our Patient Portal" button="Patient Registration" link="http://google.com" buttoncolor="green" target="_blank" buttonmargin="4px 0 0 0;"]Very user friendly and easy to use![/callout]


This entered looks like this on the home page:



The callout code in the shortcode.php file looks like this:

function minti_callout( $atts, $content = null) {
extract( shortcode_atts( array(
 'title' => '',
 'button' => '',
 'buttonsize' => 'normal',
 'buttoncolor' => 'alternative-1',
 'link' => '',
 'target' => '_self',
 'buttonmargin' => '0px'
 ), $atts ) );
 return '<div class="callout"><div class="border clearfix"><div class="callout-content">
	 <h2 class="highlight">' .$title. '</h2>' . do_shortcode($content) . '
	 </div><div class="callout-button" style="margin:' .$buttonmargin. ';">
	 <a class="button ' .$buttonsize. ' ' .$buttoncolor. '" href="' .$link. '" target="' .$target. '">' .$button. '</a>
function minti_box( $atts, $content = null) {
extract( shortcode_atts( array(
 'style' => '1'
 ), $atts ) );
 return '<div class="description clearfix style-' .$style. '">' . do_shortcode($content) . '</div>';


I am trying to add two more buttons for a total of three using the short code but this is my downfall. I want it to look like this:



If you think that you can help, Please post here and let me know. I have been working on this for 3 days straight and I can't get it to work. I wish PHP was as easy as Photoshop.


Thanks in advance,


Edited by KevinM1
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Do you know PHP? If so, What have you tried?

If not, I recommend our freelance forum.


I dont know php very well but I found a few exaples online. However, the php code that I find online doesnt look like the above code at all. If I dont het help here in the forums I will move over to the freelance forum.


The reason that I chose to use wordpress is so that I would have to do minimal html and php changes.

This thread is more than a year old. Please don't revive it unless you have something important to add.

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