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Count from a for statement


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I am new to the site and pretty new to PHP, I decided to set my first challenge creating a times tables script and basically I have made a questions page were the user inputs the answer, when it posts to the next page the code checks to see if the answer is correct or not. What I want to do is at the bottom of the code after displaying each question and answer and if it is correct or not I want to say "you scored 10 out of 12" for example, I get my list of questions and answers from a for statement, could someone please help, I have spent ages on it trying to get the results in an array etc but no joy!


Here is my code;



$times = 1;
$numbers = htmlspecialchars($_POST["postnumber"]);
$count = 1;

for ($times, $count; $times <=12, $count <=12; $times++, $count++)
 $result = $times*$numbers;
 if ($_POST["answer" . $count] == $result) {
 echo '<li>';
 echo ($times . " X " . $numbers . " = " . $_POST["answer" . $count] . " " . '<strong>Correct! Well done!</strong>' . '<br/>');
 echo '</li>';
 } else {
 echo '<li>';
 echo ($times . " X " . $numbers . " = " . $_POST["answer" . $count] . " " . '<strong>Incorrect! Try again!</strong>' . '<br/>');
 echo '</li>';



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Hi I am trying to make a count so i can show at the bottom how many were answered correctly, i.e. "You scored 9 out of 15".


Here is the form code.


<form action="testanswers.php" method="post" name="form2" />
                   if (isset($_POST['submit']))
                   echo ('<ul>');    
                       $times = 1;
                       $number = htmlspecialchars($_POST["number"]);
                       $count = 1;

                       for ($times, $count; $times <=12, $count <=12; $times++, $count++)
                               $counter = htmlspecialchars('answer' . $count);
                               $ans = '';
	 if (isset($_POST['check'])) 
	  $ans = $counter;
	  $ans = '';

    echo ('<label for="' . $counter . '">' . $times . " X " . $number . " = " .  '</label>');
    echo ('<input type="number" required name="' . $counter . '" value="' . $ans . '" />');
    echo ('</li>');

 echo ('</ul>');
 echo '<input type="hidden" value="' . $number . '" name="postnumber"/>';
 echo '<input type="submit" value="Check Results" name="check" />';

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I need $count to loop though so i can display the correct answer, are you saying do another for loop in my if statement (if the answer is correct)? I have just tried lots of different ways, I managed to get a "1" under each correct answer but still can't get it to count this and echo it out at the bottom.


Sorry if this is obvious to you!

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Thanks for that now that you pointed that out I am now just using $times for both occasions. But I am really sorry but I just don't know what to do next I am sure it is easy when you know how! I have tried doing another for loop, if statements, counts! I just cant seem to get it! Any chance of a pointer as to what to do next? Thank you for your patience but things are only easy when you know how to do it.

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$times = 1;
$numbers = htmlspecialchars($_POST["postnumber"]);
$count = 1;

for ($times =1; $times <=12; $times++)
    $result = $times*$numbers;
    if ($_POST["answer" . $times] == $result) {
    echo '<li>';
    echo ($times . " X " . $numbers . " = " . $_POST["answer" . $times] . " " . '<strong>Correct! Well done!</strong>' . '<br/>');
    echo '</li>';
    } else {
    echo '<li>';
    echo ($times . " X " . $numbers . " = " . $_POST["answer" . $times] . " " . '<strong>Incorrect! Try again!</strong>' . '<br/>');
    echo '</li>';




Now $count holds the number of correct ones.


Change the variables names to be more descriptive.

Edited by Jessica
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