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PHP function inside loop


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Hello Good day,


I've made a Loop functions on a php and inside there is another function of loop. I did that because I'm not good on looping (loop within the loop), but what happen is the output of the function is placing outside the table. I already check the Quotes(') or something, but still it is placing outside. Anyone can explain to me why?



function alphaCount()


for ($i=65; $i<=90; $i++)


echo char($i);




echo '<td class="char-'.$i.'-'.$this->alphaCunt.'"> </td>';


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The code is like this totally. .


so when i indicate this to a view page the output of the alphaCount() is not going inside the table row or outside the table.





public function alphaCount(){

for ($i=65; $i<=90; $i++) {

echo strtolower(chr($i));




public function dump(){


$target = $this->alphaCount();


$out = "<table id='sheet' class=\"$table_class\" cellspacing=0>";

if ($col_letters) {

$out .= "<thead>\n\t<tr>";

if ($row_numbers) {

$out .= "\n\t\t<th>&nbsp</th>";


for($i=1;$i<=$this->colcount($sheet);$i++) {

$style = " min-width:50px;width:" . ($this->colwidth($i,$sheet)*1) . "px;";

if ($this->colhidden($i,$sheet)) {

$style .= "display:none;";


$out .= "\n\t\t<th style=\"$style\">" .strtoupper($this->colindexes[$i]) . "</th>";


$out .= "</tr></thead>\n";



$out .= "<tbody>\n";

for($row=1;$row<=$this->rowcount($sheet);$row++) {

$rowheight = $this->rowheight($row,$sheet);

$row_class = " 'char-".$row. "-".$target." ' ";

$style = "height:" . ($rowheight*(4/3)) . "px;";

if ($this->rowhidden($row,$sheet)) {

$style .= "display:none;";


$out .= "\n\t<tr style=\"$style\">";

if ($row_numbers) {

$out .= "\n\t\t<th>$row</th>";


for($col=1;$col<=$this->colcount($sheet);$col++) {

// Account for Rowspans/Colspans

$rowspan = $this->rowspan($row,$col,$sheet);

$colspan = $this->colspan($row,$col,$sheet);

for($i=0;$i<$rowspan;$i++) {

for($j=0;$j<$colspan;$j++) {

if ($i>0 || $j>0) {





if(!$this->sheets[$sheet]['cellsInfo'][$row][$col]['dontprint']) {

$style = $this->style($row,$col,$sheet);

if ($this->colhidden($col,$sheet)) {

$style .= "padding:1px 2px;display:none;";


$out .= "\n\t\t<td class=".$row_class."style=\"$style\"" . ($colspan > 1?" colspan=$colspan":"") . ($rowspan > 1?" rowspan=$rowspan":"") . ">";

$val = $this->val($row,$col,$sheet);

if ($val=='') { $val=" "; }

else {

$val = htmlentities($val);

$link = $this->hyperlink($row,$col,$sheet);

if ($link!='') {

$val = "<a href=\"$link\">$val</a>";



$out .= "<nobr>".nl2br($val)."</nobr>";

$out .= "</td>";



$out .= "</tr>\n";


$out .= "</tbody></table>";

return $out;




BTW: Thanks for the reply.

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The following line suggests that you're expecting alphaCount() to return the results:


$target = $this->alphaCount();


The problem is that the function echos the results to the screen instead of returning them.



public function alphaCount(){
    for ($i=65; $i<=90; $i++) {
         echo strtolower(chr($i));


You might want to review the manual for returning values.


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That depends; the code looks to be expecting a string.


$row_class = " 'char-".$row. "-".$target." ' ";


The function could be modified to something like



public function alphaCount() {
    $output = '';
    for ($i=65; $i<=90; $i++) {
         $output .= chr($i);
    return strtolower($output);


Note that I moved the strtolower() function to the return statement so that it's only executed once versus 24 times. ;)

Edited by cyberRobot
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Now that I think about the function a little more, have you considered using range (http://php.net/manua...ction.range.php)? You could do something like


public function alphaCount() {
    return implode('', range('a', 'z'));


If the string is always "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz", you could just return the string.


public function alphaCount() {
    return 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz';

Edited by cyberRobot
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