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im no expert in php and part of my site needs to take a txt file and number each line starting with 1 to the number of lines in the file starting with the second line. I have no idea how to do this . ive tried everything. ex would be

line 1

line 2

line 3

line 4




line 1

1 line 2

2 line 3

3 line 4


any ideas? any help is appricated.

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What are you having trouble with? Keeping track of the line numbers, reading/writing to the file, or both? As mentioned, posting your code would help.


I would read the file and write to a new file line by line, pre-pending the number. Easy enough, right? After you have the new file, simply rename it to the original file name you were reading from, thus replacing it.

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$data = file('file.txt');  //Reads file into array, each line has it's own element

echo $data[0].'<br />'; //Output without a line number

for($i=1; $i<=(count($data)-2); $i++){ //Starts at the second element of array
echo $i.' '.$data[$i].'<br />'; //You can change this to save into a file if necessary

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$c = file_get_contents("$myFile");

$e = explode("\n ",$c);

foreach ($e as $el => $es) {


$fh = fopen($myFile, 'w+') or die("can't open file");

$write = ($el." ".$es);

fwrite($fh, $write);

print($el." ".$es);




heres what i tried using doesnt seem to do exactly as i need

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1. Don't put a variable in quotes for no reason. (line 1)

2. Please use code tags when you post.


So now, post the input you're giving it and the output you get. :psychic:


The first thing to try is removing the space after your \n.

You also never add the \n back at the end of the lines.

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What happens if one of your lines contains the string "\n"? This breaks your logic. I would suggest using fgets, which gets a line from the file pointer.



Or even easier, what Stooney has already mentioned:

$data = file('file.txt'); //Reads file into array, each line has it's own element

echo $data[0].'<br />'; //Output without a line number

for($i=1; $i<=(count($data)-2); $i++){ //Starts at the second element of array
echo $i.' '.$data[$i].'<br />'; //You can change this to save into a file if necessary


Also, you want to be writing to a separate file than what you're reading from. When you are done, replace the old file with the new one.

Edited by shlumph
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this is what prints to the screen:


user submitted 1 16488 | | 2 | #1 | | 5.00 | | | Breakfast Specials | NYNF | KIT 3 | Sausage | 1 | 0.00 | M | | | Breakfast Specials | NYNF | KIT 4 | Over Easy | 1 | 0.00 | M | | | Breakfast Specials | NYNF | KIT 5


this is whats in the file:




and this is what I would like the text file to look like:


16488 | |

1 | #1 | | 5.00 | | | Breakfast Specials | NYNF | KIT

2 | Sausage | 1 | 0.00 | M | | | Breakfast Specials | NYNF | KIT

3 | Over Easy | 1 | 0.00 | M | | | Breakfast Specials | NYNF | KIT


im trying to integrate online ordering to a pos.

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$data = file('file.txt'); //Reads file into array, each line has it's own element

echo $data[0].'<br />'; //Output without a line number

for($i=1; $i<=(count($data)-2); $i++){ //Starts at the second element of array
echo $i.' '.$data[$i].'<br />'; //You can change this to save into a file if necessary


You shouldn't put something such as (count($data)-2) as the comparison within a for loop. That makes the server do a calculation on each iteration of the loop. Better to set a variable using count() before the loop. In any case, I think this is more efficient.

foreach(file('file.txt') as $idx => $line)
   echo (($idx) ? "$idx " : '') . $line . "<br>\n";

Edited by Psycho
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when i try stooney's example i get

Warning: file() [function.file]: Filename cannot be empty in D:\Hosting\7754912\html\new\samplephpsubmit1.php on line 98


It doesn't seem to be reading the file name or variable $myfile that I have set but reads and writes the text file of the info before that code. I cant use a set file name as it changes according to your name


nevermind that was my fault for not paying attention to capitalization on letters. the variable is $myFile and i was using $myfile


the code seems to be working im going to write it to a file and find out.

Edited by mbellian
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