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PHP Array Help

Go to solution Solved by jazzman1,

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Hello Guys, I have a database that is set up something like this:


Name                Type_a             Type_b


3 series               Car                  BMW

1 series               Car                  BMW

A class                Car                  Merc

C class                Car                  Merc

500                      Motorbike       XYZ

600                      Motorbike       XYZ


I want to pull this info out of my database and display it like this:





                        1 Series

                        3 Series


          Merc      A Class

          Merc      C Class








So far I have this:

$result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM Cars")or die(mysql_error());

while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) 
// we get all of the items in this project and put them into a 3 part Array....
$assets= array('Name' => $row['Name], type_a' => $row['Type_A'], 'Type_B' => $row['Type_B']);


Now this works fine, I end up with a 3 part array containing all of the information I need. The part I am struggling with, is how to get the information back out of the array in a way I can deal with, to produce the above example. Any help?


Thanks guys!

Edited by AJLX
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you can do this.... which makes a multidimensional array

$assets = array();
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) 
   $assets[$row['Type_A']][$row['Type_B']][] = $row['Name];

Then you can do:

foreach($assets as $type => $makes){
      echo $type . '<br />';
      foreach($makes as $make=>$series){
              echo '    ' . $make. '<br />';
             foreach($series as $model){
                         echo '      ' . $model. '<br />';
Edited by objnoob
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ginerjm beat me to the explanation which I was writing code:



$query = "SELECT * FROM Cars ORDER BY Type_a, Type_b, Name"
$result = mysql_query($query )or die(mysql_error());

$currentTypeA = false;
$currentTypeB = false;
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result))
    //Output first level - if different than last
    if($currentTypeA != $row['Type_a'])
        //Output first level
        $currentTypeA = $row['Type_a'];
        echo "<h1>{$currentTypeA}</h1><br>\n"

    //Output second level - if different than last
    if($currentTypeB != $row['Type_b'])
        //Output second level
        $currentTypeA = $row['Type_b'];
        echo "<h2>{$currentTypeB}</h2><br>\n"

    //Ouput the name
    echo "{$row['Name']}<br>"
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Hate to step in, but I think the following code will do the job correctly.

//  to show data in sequence of cat_a,cat_b, cat_c but only show those fields at beginning
//  of the group.
$q = "select * from tablename order by cat_a, cat_b, cat_c";
if (!$qrslts= $pdo->query($q))
 echo "Error in query";
// now begin the output process
$firstrow = true;
$last_a = "xxx";
$last_b = "xxx";
$last_c = "xxx";
// define and initialize total vars here
// start your output table here and setup headings.
while ($row = $qrslts->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)))
 if ($firstrow)
  output entire row of data from $row
  $firstrow = false;
  if ($cat_a <> $last_a)
   output entire row of data from $row
   if ($cat_b <> $last_b)
    output row of data but skip column for cat_a
    if ($cat_c <> $last_c)
     output row of data but skip columns for both cat_a & cat_b
 // save the last shown cat values after every output.
 $last_a = $row['cat_a'];
 $last_b = $row['cat_b'];
 $last_c = $row['cat_c'];
// finished with data - show final totals.
/*  note 1 -  the show totals functions are only necessary if you need totals at the end of
      each category break(change).
    note 2 - the best way to output this kind of data is to use a table and simply output a blank td element when trying to not show a category/column.
Edited by ginerjm
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  • Solution

Redesign your table structure according my dump file, then use the Barand's script.



-- Table structure for table `auto`

/*!40101 SET @saved_cs_client     = @@character_set_client */;
/*!40101 SET character_set_client = utf8 */;
  `name` varchar(20) NOT NULL,
  `parent` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY (`id`)
/*!40101 SET character_set_client = @saved_cs_client */;

-- Dumping data for table `auto`

/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `auto` DISABLE KEYS */;
INSERT INTO `auto` VALUES (1,'AUTO',NULL),(2,'CAR',1),(3,'BMW',2),(4,'MERCEDEC',2),(5,'1 SERIES',3),(6,'3 SERIES',3),(7,'MOTORBIKE',1),(8,'500',7),(9,'600',7),(10,'A CLASS',4),(12,'C CLASS',4);

PHP Script:


$conn = mysql_connect('localhost', 'userName', 'userPass');

$db_name = mysql_select_db('test');

$sql = "SELECT id, name, parent
FROM `test`.`auto`";

$res = mysql_query($sql)  or die(mysql_error());

while (list($id, $name,$parent) = mysql_fetch_row($res)) {
    $data[$parent][] = array('id'=>$id, 'name'=>$name);

//echo "<pre>".print_r($data, true)."</pre>";
// function to print a autos then its child nodes 
function displayHierarchy(&$arr, $parent, $indent=0) {
    $ind = $indent * 50;
    foreach($arr[$parent] as $rec) {
      echo "<div style='width:300px; margin-top:5px; margin-left: {$ind}px; padding:5px; border:1px solid gray;'>
      displayHierarchy($arr, $rec['id'], $indent+1);

// call the recursive function
displayHierarchy($data, null);



Edited by jazzman1
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Hate to step in, but I think the following code will do the job correctly.

//  to show data in sequence of cat_a,cat_b, cat_c but only show those fields at beginning
//  of the group.
$q = "select * from tablename order by cat_a, cat_b, cat_c";
if (!$qrslts= $pdo->query($q))
 echo "Error in query";
// now begin the output process
$firstrow = true;
$last_a = "xxx";
$last_b = "xxx";
$last_c = "xxx";
// define and initialize total vars here
// start your output table here and setup headings.
while ($row = $qrslts->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)))
 if ($firstrow)
  output entire row of data from $row
  $firstrow = false;
  if ($cat_a <> $last_a)
   output entire row of data from $row
   if ($cat_b <> $last_b)
    output row of data but skip column for cat_a
    if ($cat_c <> $last_c)
     output row of data but skip columns for both cat_a & cat_b
 // save the last shown cat values after every output.
 $last_a = $row['cat_a'];
 $last_b = $row['cat_b'];
 $last_c = $row['cat_c'];
// finished with data - show final totals.
/*  note 1 -  the show totals functions are only necessary if you need totals at the end of
      each category break(change).
    note 2 - the best way to output this kind of data is to use a table and simply output a blank td element when trying to not show a category/column.


This code is not the only code that does the job correctly.  And, it looks like a rats nest.  You should clean that up some.  

And, you should define the functions show_totals and add_totals.

And, you should comment out ALL of the comments appropriately.


Your code is far from correct.

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Actually my code is exactly correct - regardless of your opinion of aesthetics.  One thing I realized last night in bed was I left out the display of a line that did not make a category break.  The following needs to be added:


    if ($cat_c <> $last_c)     
    {      show_totals('c');
           output row of data but skip columns for both cat_a & cat_b
         output row of data but skip cols for cat-a, cat-b & cat-c


Left out the simple case!


As for comments - the comments are there for a reason.  And the functions were not fleshed out since this is ONLY A TEMPLATE for the OP to use to achieve his goals.

Edited by ginerjm
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