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Can't access PHPFreaks?


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As of late, I've been having trouble accessing the site (PHPFreaks).  I'm not sure if there's just too much traffic for the server to handle or if it's something to do with the LiveHTTP Headers firefox extension I installed because I'm trying to get a CURL script set up and need to know what the header requests look like (for the remote site).

But PHPFreaks is the [b]only[/b] site that's giving me this trouble and it's not just in FF either--I tried using IE6 and it won't load either.

All that I see when I use IE6 is a capital letter H.  All that happens when I attempt to use FF is that it times out.  But it opens fine at work (during the day).  Could be that there's more traffic at night than during the day?
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There were some issues with our RSS feeds and people hitting them so often that it took the site down at times. We're looking into some caching options to make this better, for now the RSS feeds are disabled the site is loading fine and Apache isn't failing...

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This is odd.

I'm still unable to access from home.  I've tried it on two different PC's at home--one of which has NEVER had LiveHTTP or anything like it.  Whenver I attempt to access PHPFreaks from this second PC, all I get is Yahoo's search page after it looked for PHPFreaks (and said it couldn't find the site)--yahoo is the config'd as the search engine on that PC.

i've tried from Firefox AND IE6.

I can access PHPFreaks fine here at work--which is where I'm posting this message from. 

I can access the site from my Palm Treo650 too (incidentally, when I do this, there are no options to POST a message/reply--just read).
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[quote author=ober link=topic=116834.msg478402#msg478402 date=1165241543]
Try clearing your cache/cookies.  I don't know what else would be causing it because the site has been running flawlessly for me from several locations.

That must've been it.  I don't know why I didn't think of that!  But I'm typing this response at home.
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[quote author=Crayon Violent link=topic=116834.msg478300#msg478300 date=1165220328]
well whatever eric did, I have not had a single timeout, too many connections, etc.. error, since he did it.

We had some major issues with the XML feeds. Our old XML feeds were dynamically driven, meaning they pull from the database and export the XML on the fly. The issue is that now so many programs can allow you to read XML feeds right in your e-mail clients such as Thunderbird, and this is a cool feature, but it was driving up our connections and apache processes on the sites and was killing the server. We turned them off last week and I had a chance to write a caching function for them today. Now the XML feeds are updated via CRON and at a set interval. Read this post:


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I just wanted to take a minute and say "Thank You" for this site.  It's one of my favorites and I've found it SO helpful in my efforts to learn PHP.  I'm sure it takes a LOT of work on your part (as well as all the mods).
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[quote author=doni49 link=topic=116834.msg478891#msg478891 date=1165289712]

I just wanted to take a minute and say "Thank You" for this site.  It's one of my favorites and I've found it SO helpful in my efforts to learn PHP.  I'm sure it takes a LOT of work on your part (as well as all the mods).

Hey, don't thank me, thank the Mods and Admins! If it weren't for them, the site would have been gone a long time ago. I just built it and pay the bills :)

You're welcome!

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