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I've got a session $_SESSION['product'.$i.''] that I am trying to echo out. The auto increment on it is working, the $i is auto incremented.


So if I do:


$i = $_SESSION['count'];


echo $_SESSION['product'.$i.''];

echo " (";

echo $_SESSION['count'];

echo ") ";


It will come up as "Ham Pizza (4)" if it is the 4th time I have done the process and so on.


If I echo the sessions out like below:


echo $_SESSION['product1'];

echo $_SESSION['product2'];

echo $_SESSION['product3'];


It will come out with the associated product names in the order I done them, eg:


Ham PizzaMargheritaBBQ Pizza


What I want to know is how to echo them all out at the same time. This is so a user can see what is in their cart, and when I get to it, the checkout too.


Any help please?

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Just add your products into an array, say $_SESSION['products'].

$_SESSION['products'][] = 'Ham pizza';
$_SESSION['products'][] = 'Margherita';
$_SESSION['products'][] = 'BBQ Chicken';

echo count($_SESSION['products']) . 'Items<br>';

foreach ($_SESSION['products'] as $item) {
    echo "$item<br>";

No, that won't work. Products are shown each with an "add to cart" button, which then takes you to a process page which sets the product name to the auto incremented session - $_SESSION['product'.$i.'']; - which is then echoed out on the cart section of the website (all pages).


Sessions will be stored as echo $_SESSION['product1']; echo $_SESSION['product2']; echo $_SESSION['product3']; and so on.


Instead of echoing echo $_SESSION['product'.$i.''] I want some code to be able to echo all of these at the same time if they are set.

There could be over 10 sessions at a time, depending on what the user wants to order. Will I have to write out all the product names into an array like above? The auto increment value ( $i ) is the number for how many items are in the cart, so if its the 5th item in the cart then $i will be 5.

I have tried the array suggested and it works, but whenever you click onto another page, it echoes the session a second time, third if you go to another page and so on.


I tried unsetting the session after the for each loop but that clears the older item in the cart and just shows the item just entered.

Here's a simple example using an array as suggested

if (!isset($_SESSION['products'])) {
    $_SESSION['products'] = [];

$menu = [   1 => "Ham and Pineapple Pizza",
            2 => "Margherita",
            3 => "BBQ Chicken",
            4 => "Lamb Kebab",
            5 => "Beef Burger",
            6 => "Hot Dog"       ];

$order = '';           
if (isset($_GET['product'])) {
    $_SESSION['products'][] = $menu[$_GET['product']];
elseif (isset($_GET['view'])) {
    $order = "<ol>\n";
    foreach ($_SESSION['products'] as $item) {
        $order .= "<li>$item</li>\n";
    $order .= "</ol>\n";

<style type="text/css">
#cart {
    border: 1px solid gray;
    background-color: #C0FFC0;
    padding: 10px;
        foreach ($menu as $key=>$item) {
            echo "<p>$item <a href='?product=$key'>Order item</a></p>";
<div id='cart'>
    Items ordered: <?= count($_SESSION['products'])?> items. (<a href='?view=1'>View</a>)

I have got it working on my end but I need the price and product name going through together as one, currently they are treated as two seperate array items.


I have the name and price assigned to their own variables ($name and $price). Could I put these two variables together or is it not possible? I have been trying things like "$together = $name && $price" but of course doesn't work.

Just one other way of maybe approaching the problem .... when the user logs in, or starts to fill up a cart, the PHP code generates a "session ID"  (think up your own unique way to do this, for example it could be some combination of the login time and the IP address .. or whatever, just use your creativity).


Then every time somebody adds something to the cart, you write into a database, using the session ID as a reference.  That way, you only need one session variable. At the end, when they want to sum up and pay, just list all the items in the database stored against that session ID

I'd store the prices in the "$menu" array so that it is effectively the database.

if (!isset($_SESSION['products'])) {
    $_SESSION['products'] = [];

$menu = [   1 => ['name' => "Ham and Pineapple Pizza", 'price' => 3.49],
            2 => ['name' => "Margherita", 'price' => 3.49], 
            3 => ['name' => "BBQ Chicken", 'price' => 2.99],
            4 => ['name' => "Lamb Kebab", 'price' => 2.49],
            5 => ['name' => "Beef Burger", 'price' => 2.49],
            6 => ['name' => "Hot Dog", 'price' => 1.99]       ];

$order = '';
$orderTotal  = 0;           
if (isset($_GET['product'])) {
    $_SESSION['products'][] =$_GET['product'];
elseif (isset($_GET['view'])) {
    $order = "<ol>\n";
    foreach ($_SESSION['products'] as $item) {
        $order .= "<li>{$menu[$item]['name']} ({$menu[$item]['price']})</li>\n";
        $orderTotal += $menu[$item]['price'];
    $order .= "</ol>\n";
    if ($orderTotal) {
        $order .= sprintf("Total price: %6.2f<br>", $orderTotal);
elseif (isset($_GET['cancel'])) {
    $_SESSION['products'] = [];
<style type="text/css">
#cart {
    border: 1px solid gray;
    background-color: #C0FFC0;
    padding: 10px;
        foreach ($menu as $key=>$item) {
            echo "<tr><td>{$item['name']}</td>
                 <td><a href='?product=$key'>Order item</a></td></tr>";
<div id='cart'>
    Items ordered: <?= count($_SESSION['products'])?> items. [<a href='?view=1'>View</a>] 
    [<a href='?cancel=1'>Cancel order</a>]
Edited by Barand
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