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Hi guys, I have this code here


It works as it should for the first loop but for each re-loop though I get the output 'Array' echoing from line 41's output. Example shown below..

From: MAN
12:15 - 20:05

From: MANArray
17:30 - 23:15

Anyone understand why?



Edited by unistake
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my goal is to combine each row from the mysql database where the date is the same.


Then I am putting the departure, arrival, duty, begintimes and endtimes in to separate arrays.


I want to show first deptarture airport of the day, every arrival airport != $base and the first begintime and last endtime.


Kind of complicated! Hope it makes sense!

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This is an example of my table.

  `RostersID` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
  `Code` varchar(7) NOT NULL,
  `SectorDate` date NOT NULL,
  `Duty` varchar(12) NOT NULL,
  `Dep` varchar(10) NOT NULL,
  `BeginTime` varchar(10) NOT NULL,
  `EndTime` varchar(10) NOT NULL,
  `Arr` varchar(10) NOT NULL,
  `AddedOn` datetime NOT NULL,
  `Random` int(4) NOT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY (`RostersID`)

-- Dumping data for table `rosters`

INSERT INTO `rosters` (`RostersID`, `Code`, `SectorDate`, `Duty`, `Dep`, `BeginTime`, `EndTime`, `Arr`, `AddedOn`, `Random`) VALUES
(10854, 'TESTR', '2015-03-18', 'HSBY1130Z', 'TPS', '11:30', '22:30', '', '2015-03-06 09:06:29', 2135),
(10853, 'TESTR', '2015-03-17', '8642', 'BVA', '17:25', '20:00', 'TPS\r', '2015-03-06 09:06:28', 2135),
(10852, 'TESTR', '2015-03-17', '8641', 'TPS', '14:20', '17:00', 'BVA\r', '2015-03-06 09:06:28', 2135),
(10850, 'TESTR', '2015-03-16', '9062', 'TPS', '18:30', '20:15', 'BGY\r', '2015-03-06 09:06:27', 2135),
(10849, 'TESTR', '2015-03-15', '6078', 'CIA', '20:35', '21:45', 'TPS\r', '2015-03-06 09:06:27', 2135),
(10848, 'TESTR', '2015-03-15', '6079', 'TPS', '19:00', '20:10', 'CIA\r', '2015-03-06 09:06:27', 2135),
(10847, 'TESTR', '2015-03-15', '9858', 'HHN', '16:15', '18:35', 'TPS\r', '2015-03-06 09:06:27', 2135);
Edited by unistake
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for information:$base = TPS;


the below is what I am trying to acheive. They outputs below are organised by date from the table above.


From: HHN





From: TPS




From: TPS




From: TPS



Edited by unistake
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Sorry to be 100% correct, this is how I want my output to be for this particular rows in the mysql db.

$base  = "TPS";

$crewcode = "TESTR";



HHN                                        <---- Dep != $base
CIA                                         <-----Arr != first Dep
13:25 - 21:45                        <----first BeginTime from 15-03-2015 - last EndTime from 15-03-2015



''                                        <---- Dep != $base  (this case, Dep == $base) shows blank. TPS = $base;
BGY                                         <-----Arr != first Dep
18:30 - 22:25                        <----first BeginTime from 16-03-2015 - last EndTime from 16-03-2015



''                                              <---- Dep != $base  (this case, Dep == $base) shows blank. TPS = $base;
BVA                                         <-----Arr != first Dep
14:20 - 20:00                        <----first BeginTime from 17-03-2015 - last EndTime from 17-03-2015

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Sorry the above output should be like this, I don't know where I got those previous times from!




HHN                                        <---- Dep != $base
CIA                                         <-----Arr != first Dep
16:15 - 21:45                        <----first BeginTime from 15-03-2015 - last EndTime from 15-03-2015



''                                        <---- Dep != $base  (this case, Dep == $base) shows blank. TPS = $base;
BGY                                         <-----Arr != first Dep
18:30 - 20:15                        <----first BeginTime from 16-03-2015 - last EndTime from 16-03-2015



''                                              <---- Dep != $base  (this case, Dep == $base) shows blank. TPS = $base;
BVA                                         <-----Arr != first Dep
14:20 - 20:00                        <----first BeginTime from 17-03-2015 - last EndTime from 17-03-2015

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Lets forget the code a minute. Your standing next to the arrival/departure board at XYZ Airport. Now tell your buddy standing next to you what you want to know about it in a simple complete explanation.


I am still not grasping what your wanting to know about the information.



Something like:  We are at airport XYZ on 3-6-2015. There is an arrival coming from HHN at 16:15 and then it is leaving to TPS at 18:35. I WANT TO KNOW................??????

Edited by benanamen
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This should get you started

SELECT dep1.SectorDate
, dep1.Dep
, arrs
, firstBegin
, lastEnd
    SELECT t.SectorDate
    , IF(Dep='TPS', NULL, Dep) as Dep
    , firstBegin
    , lastEnd
    FROM rosters r
    JOIN (
        SELECT SectorDate
        , MIN(BeginTime) as firstBegin
        , MAX(EndTime) as lastEnd
        FROM rosters
        GROUP BY SectorDate
        ) t ON r.SectorDate=t.SectorDate AND r.BeginTime=t.firstBegin
    ) dep1
    SELECT SectorDate
    , GROUP_CONCAT(Arr ORDER BY BeginTime separator ', ') as arrs
    FROM rosters
    WHERE 'TPS' <> Arr
    GROUP BY SectorDate
    ) a USING (SectorDate)
GROUP BY SectorDate;

| SectorDate | Dep  | arrs | firstBegin | lastEnd |
| 2015-03-15 | HHN  | CIA  | 16:15      | 21:45   |
| 2015-03-16 |      | BGY  | 18:30      | 20:15   |
| 2015-03-17 |      | BVA  | 14:20      | 20:00   |
| 2015-03-18 |      |      | 11:30      | 22:30   |
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