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PHP coding


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I have no idea what you are asking.  What went crazy?  Just because you kept getting CALIfor as a value?  The reason you got that is because they didn't send you a value for 'db'.!!!


You now know what the query string was coming in.  All you need to add that to some 'outgoing' url is a "?" at the front to make it a proper query string for some other page to receive.  Is that what you want to do?


u mean dp? if yes-isnt dp in my control?its not a var they giving,they give all whats is after "dp=".


so u telling me- i can cancel the dp, and just after > www.example.com/index.php?(here to paste the advs vars?)

like that:


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NO - dp is the FIRST item in the query string.  It just doesn't have the ? in front of it because the parse_url removed it.  And they didn't provide a value for dp.  Can't you see how the string is formatted with "dp=&"?  Doesn't that look odd to you?  And that is why your logic gave you the CALIfor value because dp was empty as you expected.


When building a query string for a url, the first argument uses a ? and all the rest use an &.  You don't do ?&.

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i wish i had resolve it.


NO - dp is the FIRST item in the query string.  It just doesn't have the ? in front of it because the parse_url removed it.  And they didn't provide a value for dp.  Can't you see how the string is formatted with "dp=&"?  Doesn't that look odd to you?  And that is why your logic gave you the CALIfor value because dp was empty as you expected.


When building a query string for a url, the first argument uses a ? and all the rest use an &.  You don't do ?&.

they dont provide dp,this is inside the php ocde,not something they send.

its take me a while-cause im trying to know if i will open a campain-how could it work-in i get just the vars after the dp..

should i put something unrelated ut the dp-so it will work?how could i follow it...

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If you don't want to send on the dp and its null value, then don't.  Jeez!  Otherwise - try and make some sense in your next post cause I don't know what the h... you said above.



they dont provide dp,this is inside the php ocde,not something they send.
its take me a while-cause im trying to know if i will open a campain-how could it work-in i get just the vars after the dp..


AFAIK the dp value is SENT by something along with ALL the other values so I don't know what you mean

And as for it taking a while.....  what the h... are you talking about?  Never mind - I don't care.  And what's a campain?

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its means:

that the link im getting at the end of 3 questions (the button contiune)-is only passing the var "zvika",but not the vars after




when u hover the button u see only the word after the dp,but only one var..the rest dont passing thru.


am i clear now?

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OMG u said its not matter what i putt after dp-it will all pass,so i just put something there...but the others dont pass!!


if u have no wish to contiune help i get it.

or if u dont know the answer.

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whats the problem to understand---

im built a landing page -with 3 questions,at the end of the question there a contiune button that suppose to pass vars to another site.

but its only gets the first one.


here is the link:



but in the end-its pass only the var zvika (its the dp var).

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You need to take a look at what you are actually trying to pass. Does this look right to you? If you viewed the console you would have seen the problems. You might want to learn how to use the browser's developer tools.



Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected end of input



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You need to take a look at what you are actually trying to pass. Does this look right to you?


whats wrong with them?thats what important to me:



thats the link im getting from advertiser.

to what form i need to change?

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Yeah, pretty sure {teaser_id}, {geo} and so on are not what you are supposed to actually be using. Try replacing those things with the actual values they are supposed to be.

i did-i changed it..and still only the first var is passing thru the other site.


maybe this is the problem?

<a class="yes-button" href="http://gamesvid.go2cloud.org/aff_c?offer_id=1348&aff_id=1122&aff_sub=<?php echo $dp?>" >CONTINUE</a>

should i change 

<?php echo $dp?>

cause of this its takes only the dp ,which in this case is "zvika"?if yes-what should i write there-that it will take all vars?

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