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How to pass current month in php


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HI ,

I have below php code in which the month is hardcoded , how can i pass current month to it.

   echo "<li style=\"display: list-item;\" ><a href=\"#\"></a>
    <li style=\"display: list-item;\" ><a href=\"http://mis.sgp.st.com/OVO_Alerts.php?MONTH=02&SITE=WWDC\">WWDC</a></li>
    <li style=\"display: list-item;\" ><a href=\"http://mis.sgp.st.com/OVO_Alerts.php?MONTH=02&SITE=NOIDA\">Noida</a></li>
    <li style=\"display: list-item;\" ><a href=\"#\"></a></li>";
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HI ,

I passed the parameter as below


   echo "<li style=\"display: list-item;\" ><a href=\"#\"></a>
    <li style=\"display: list-item;\" ><a href=\"http://mis.sgp.st.com/OVO_Alerts.php?MONTH=date(m)&SITE=WWDC\">WWDC</a></li>
    <li style=\"display: list-item;\" ><a href=\"http://mis.sgp.st.com/OVO_Alerts.php?MONTH=date(m)&SITE=NOIDA\">Noida</a></li>
    <li style=\"display: list-item;\" ><a href=\"#\"></a></li>";
but it is giving error when the target php is getting called
what should be the syntax of it.
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If what you posted really is what you're working with, meaning that the echo is the only bit of code you have between those <?php ?> tags, then wouldn't you agree that


$month = date("m");

<li style="display: list-item;" ><a href="#"></a>
<li style="display: list-item;" ><a href="http://mis.sgp.st.com/OVO_Alerts.php?MONTH=<?=$month?>&SITE=WWDC">WWDC</a></li>
<li style="display: list-item;" ><a href="http://mis.sgp.st.com/OVO_Alerts.php?MONTH=<?=$month?>&SITE=NOIDA">Noida</a></li>
<li style="display: list-item;" ><a href="#"></a></li>
is much easier to look at?


You're also missing a on that first link, though I don't believe it's technically required.

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