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Fatal error: Out of memory (allocated 408944640) (tried to allocate 805306376 bytes)


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I wrote this code in notepad ++ :


 $myArray = Array();

 $connection  = mysqli_connect("localhost","my_user","my_password","my_db");
 $result = mysqli_query($connection, "SELECT * FROM tablename");
 while(($row = mysqli_num_rows($result))== null){

 echo json_encode($myArray);
 mysqli_close($connection ); 


And run it with wamp localhost . Then I got this error in my browser :  

Fatal error: Out of memory (allocated 408944640) (tried to allocate 805306376 bytes) in D:\...\page1.php on line 10

What's problem ? Can anybody says ? 


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What the h... is this line doing for you?

while(($row = mysqli_num_rows($result))== null)
You are doing a loop using the number of rows and comparing it to null and assigning that test to $row? So apparently your query is returning nothing (0) and that gives you a $row value of 0 which is equal to null and so you loop forever.


Again - what do you THINK you are doing here?

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