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My website is a Wordpress WooCommerce. I modified the PHP function that worked well before I added the multiple customer roles.

I have regular customers and regular and tier-level wholesalers. I live in Canada and with have two taxes to apply (GST & PST). We also have customers/wholesalers that get exempted from one tax (PST) only or both taxes.

I have one regular wholesale role with two tax exemption roles: 'wholesale_customer', 'wholesale_pst_exempt', 'wholesale_tax_exempt'.

I have 4 tier levels wholesale roles with each their own tax exemption roles:

'wholesale_silvia_silver', 'wholesale_silvia_gold', 'wholesale_silvia_premium', 'wholesale_silvia_union'

'wholesale_silvia_silver_pst_exempt', 'wholesale_silvia_gold_pst_exempt', 'wholesale_silvia_premium_pst_exempt', 'wholesale_silvia_union_pst_exempt'

'wholesale_silvia_silver_tax_exempt', 'wholesale_silvia_gold_tax_exempt', 'wholesale_silvia_premium_tax_exempt', 'wholesale_silvia_union_tax_exempt'

The tier levels are new and I'm trying to update my existing function that applies different tax rates based on customer user roles. I also have filters to alter the shipping tax for the different tax class based on the customer role.

Here are the function and filter that I have updated to add the additional tier level wholesale roles. The changes I've made are not working because I don't see the tax exemptions. Both taxes are always being applied.

Can someone help me figure out what I've done wrong to the code that stopped it from working? I'm not proficient in PHP, so was trying my best to make this work.

    * (Code compacted in one unique hook instead of 5 functions with the same              hook)
    function all_custom_tax_classes( $tax_class, $product ) {
    global $current_user;

    // Getting the current user
    $curr_user = wp_get_current_user();
    $curr_user_data = get_userdata($current_user->ID);

    // 1 customer_tax_exempt 
    /* special tax rate: zero if role: Customer Tax Exempt */
    /*if ( in_array( 'customer_tax_exempt', $curr_user_data->roles ) )
        $tax_class = 'CustomerTaxExemptClass';

    // 2 customer_pst_exempt
    // special tax rate: charge only GST if role: Customer PST Exempt
    if ( in_array( 'customer_pst_exempt', $curr_user_data->roles ) )
        $tax_class = 'CustomerPSTExemptClass';      
    if (isset($current_user) && class_exists('WWP_Wholesale_Roles')) {
        $wwp_wholesale_roles = WWP_Wholesale_Roles::getInstance();
        $wwp_wholesale_role = $wwp_wholesale_roles->getUserWholesaleRole();

        // special tax rate: charge both PST and GST if roles: Wholesale    Customer,  Wholesale Silvia Silver, Wholesale Silvia Gold, Wholesale Silvia Premium, Wholesale Silvia Union
        if (!empty($wwp_wholesale_role) && in_array('wholesale_customer', $wwp_wholesale_role) && in_array('wholesale_silvia_silver', $wwp_wholesale_role) && in_array('wholesale_silvia_gold', $wwp_wholesale_role) && in_array('wholesale_silvia_premimum', $wwp_wholesale_role) && in_array('wholesale_silvia_union', $wwp_wholesale_role)) {
        // Where 'wholesale_customer, wholesale_silvia_silver, wholesale_silvia_gold, wholesale_silvia_premium, wholesale_silvia_union' are the names of the wholesale roles to target
            $tax_class = 'WholesalePSTGST';


        // special tax rate: charge only GST if roles: Wholesale PST Exempt, Wholesale Silvia Silver PST Exempt, Wholesale Silvia Gold PST Exempt, Wholesale Silvia Premium PST Exempt, Wholesale Silvia Union PST Exempt
                if (!empty($wwp_wholesale_role) &&   in_array('wholesale_pst_exempt', $wwp_wholesale_role) && in_array('wholesale_silvia_silver_pst_exempt', $wwp_wholesale_role) && in_array('wholesale_silvia_gold_pst_exempt', $wwp_wholesale_role) && in_array('wholesale_silvia_premium_pst_exempt', $wwp_wholesale_role) && in_array('wholesale_silvia_union_pst_exempt', $wwp_wholesale_role)) {
        // Where 'wholesale_pst_exempt, wholesale_silvia_silver_pst_exempt, wholesale_silvia_gold_pst_exempt, wholesale_silvia_premium_pst_exempt, wholesale_silvia_union_pst_exempt' are the names of the wholesale roles to target
            $tax_class = 'WholesalePSTExempt';


        // special tax rate: zero if roles: Wholesale Tax Exempt, Wholesale Silvia Silver Tax Exempt, Wholesale Silvia Gold Tax Exempt, Wholesale Silvia Premium Tax Exempt, Wholesale Silvia Union Tax Exempt
         if (!empty($wwp_wholesale_role) && in_array('wholesale_tax_exempt', $wwp_wholesale_role) && in_array('wholesale_silvia_silver_tax_exempt', $wwp_wholesale_role)&& in_array('wholesale_silvia_gold_tax_exempt', $wwp_wholesale_role) && in_array('wholesale_silvia_premium_tax_exempt', $wwp_wholesale_role) && in_array('wholesale_silvia_union_tax_exempt', $wwp_wholesale_role)) {
        // Where 'wholesale_tax_exempt, wholesale_silvia_silver_tax_exempt, wholesale_silvia_gold_tax_exempt, wholesale_silvia_premium_tax_exempt, wholesale_silvia_union_tax_exempt' are the names of the wholesale role to target
            $tax_class = 'WholesaleZeroTax';

  return $tax_class;


    add_filter( 'woocommerce_product_get_tax_class', 'all_custom_tax_classes', 1, 2 );
    add_filter( 'woocommerce_product_variation_get_tax_class', 'all_custom_tax_classes', 1, 2 );

    add_filter( 'option_woocommerce_shipping_tax_class' , function( $option_value ) {

    global $wc_wholesale_prices;

    if ( $wc_wholesale_prices && is_a( $wc_wholesale_prices , 'WooCommerceWholeSalePrices' ) ) {

        $current_user_wholesale_roles = $wc_wholesale_prices->wwp_wholesale_roles->getUserWholesaleRole();

        if ( in_array( 'wholesale_customer', $current_user_wholesale_roles ) ){
            return 'wholesalepstgst';
        } elseif (in_array( 'wholesale_silvia_silver', $current_user_wholesale_roles) ){
            return 'wholesalepstgst';
        } elseif (in_array( 'wholesale_silvia_gold', $current_user_wholesale_roles) ){
            return 'wholesalepstgst';
        } elseif (in_array( 'wholesale_silvia_premium', $current_user_wholesale_roles) ){
            return 'wholesalepstgst';
        } elseif (in_array( 'wholesale_silvia_union', $current_user_wholesale_roles) ){
            return 'wholesalepstgst';
        } elseif (in_array( 'wholesale_pst_exempt', $current_user_wholesale_roles) ){
            return 'wholesalepstexempt';
        } elseif (in_array( 'wholesale_silvia_silver_pst_exempt', $current_user_wholesale_roles) ){
            return 'wholesalepstexempt';
        }  elseif (in_array( 'wholesale_silvia_gold_pst_exempt', $current_user_wholesale_roles) ){
            return 'wholesalepstexempt';
        }  elseif (in_array( 'wholesale_silvia_premium_pst_exempt', $current_user_wholesale_roles) ){
            return 'wholesalepstexempt';
        }  elseif (in_array( 'wholesale_silvia_union_pst_exempt', $current_user_wholesale_roles) ){
            return 'wholesalepstexempt';
        }  elseif (in_array( 'wholesale_tax_exempt', $current_user_wholesale_roles) ){
            return 'wholesalezerotax';
        }  elseif (in_array( 'wholesale_silvia_silver_tax_exempt', $current_user_wholesale_roles) ){
            return 'wholesalezerotax';
        }  elseif (in_array( 'wholesale_silvia_gold_tax_exempt', $current_user_wholesale_roles) ){
            return 'wholesalezerotax';
        }  elseif (in_array( 'wholesale_silvia_premium_tax_exempt', $current_user_wholesale_roles) ){
            return 'wholesalezerotax';
        }  elseif (in_array( 'wholesale_silvia_union_tax_exempt', $current_user_wholesale_roles) ){
            return 'wholesalezerotax';


    return $option_value;

} , 10 , 1 );


Thank you


Edited by Lyse
Specify website platforms

I don't get any error. If the code works I should not see two taxes applied in my cart. I should see one tax (PST) for PST exempt roles or no tax at all for TAX exempt roles. I always see two taxes, so I know the strings of roles I added to the code do not work.

Here's the original code that works perfectly:

 * (Code compacted in one unique hook instead of 5 functions with the same hook)
function all_custom_tax_classes( $tax_class, $product ) {
    global $current_user;

    // Getting the current user
    $curr_user = wp_get_current_user();
    $curr_user_data = get_userdata($current_user->ID);

    // 1 customer_tax_exempt
    /* special tax rate: zero if role: Customer Tax Exempt */
    /*if ( in_array( 'customer_tax_exempt', $curr_user_data->roles ) )
        $tax_class = 'CustomerTaxExemptClass';
    // 2 customer_pst_exempt
    // special tax rate: charge only GST if role: Customer PST Exempt
    if ( in_array( 'customer_pst_exempt', $curr_user_data->roles ) )
        $tax_class = 'CustomerPSTExemptClass';        
    if (isset($current_user) && class_exists('WWP_Wholesale_Roles')) {
        $wwp_wholesale_roles = WWP_Wholesale_Roles::getInstance();
        $wwp_wholesale_role = $wwp_wholesale_roles->getUserWholesaleRole();

        // special tax rate: charge both PST and GST if role: Wholesale Customer
        if (!empty($wwp_wholesale_role) && in_array('wholesale_customer', $wwp_wholesale_role)) {
        // Where 'wholesale_customer' is the name of the wholesale role you want to target
            $tax_class = 'WholesalePSTGST';

        // special tax rate: charge only GST if role: Wholesale PST Exempt
                if (!empty($wwp_wholesale_role) && in_array('wholesale_pst_exempt', $wwp_wholesale_role)) {
        // Where 'wholesale_customer' is the name of the wholesale role you want to target
            $tax_class = 'WholesalePSTExempt';

        // special tax rate: zero if role: Wholesale Tax Exempt
         if (!empty($wwp_wholesale_role) && in_array('wholesale_tax_exempt', $wwp_wholesale_role)) {
        // Where 'wholesale_customer' is the name of the wholesale role you want to target
            $tax_class = 'WholesaleZeroTax';

  return $tax_class;

add_filter( 'woocommerce_product_get_tax_class', 'all_custom_tax_classes', 1, 2 );
add_filter( 'woocommerce_product_variation_get_tax_class', 'all_custom_tax_classes', 1, 2 );

add_filter( 'option_woocommerce_shipping_tax_class' , function( $option_value ) {

    global $wc_wholesale_prices;
    if ( $wc_wholesale_prices && is_a( $wc_wholesale_prices , 'WooCommerceWholeSalePrices' ) ) {

        $current_user_wholesale_roles = $wc_wholesale_prices->wwp_wholesale_roles->getUserWholesaleRole();

        if ( in_array( 'wholesale_customer' , $current_user_wholesale_roles ) ){
            return 'wholesalepstgst';
        } elseif (in_array( 'wholesale_pst_exempt' , $current_user_wholesale_roles) ){
            return 'wholesalepstexempt';
        } elseif (in_array( 'wholesale_tax_exempt' , $current_user_wholesale_roles) ){
            return 'wholesalezerotax';

    return $option_value;

} , 10 , 1 );


I am aware of the commented chunk. My changes were in the arrays where added the new roles. I did not change anything else.'// special tax rate: charge both PST and GST if roles: Wholesale Customer,  Wholesale Silvia Silver, Wholesale Silvia Gold, Wholesale Silvia Premium, Wholesale Silvia Union
        if (!empty($wwp_wholesale_role) && in_array('wholesale_customer', $wwp_wholesale_role) && in_array('wholesale_silvia_silver', $wwp_wholesale_role) && in_array('wholesale_silvia_gold', $wwp_wholesale_role) && in_array('wholesale_silvia_premimum', $wwp_wholesale_role) && in_array('wholesale_silvia_union', $wwp_wholesale_role)) {
        // Where 'wholesale_customer, wholesale_silvia_silver, wholesale_silvia_gold, wholesale_silvia_premium, wholesale_silvia_union' are the names of the wholesale roles to target
            $tax_class = 'WholesalePSTGST';

// special tax rate: charge both PST and GST if roles: Wholesale Customer,  Wholesale Silvia Silver, Wholesale Silvia Gold, Wholesale Silvia Premium, Wholesale Silvia Union
        if (!empty($wwp_wholesale_role) && in_array('wholesale_customer', $wwp_wholesale_role) && in_array('wholesale_silvia_silver', $wwp_wholesale_role) && in_array('wholesale_silvia_gold', $wwp_wholesale_role) && in_array('wholesale_silvia_premimum', $wwp_wholesale_role) && in_array('wholesale_silvia_union', $wwp_wholesale_role)) {
        // Where 'wholesale_customer, wholesale_silvia_silver, wholesale_silvia_gold, wholesale_silvia_premium, wholesale_silvia_union' are the names of the wholesale roles to target
            $tax_class = 'WholesalePSTGST';

// special tax rate: charge only GST if roles: Wholesale PST Exempt, Wholesale Silvia Silver PST Exempt, Wholesale Silvia Gold PST Exempt, Wholesale Silvia Premium PST Exempt, Wholesale Silvia Union PST Exempt
                if (!empty($wwp_wholesale_role) && in_array('wholesale_pst_exempt', $wwp_wholesale_role) && in_array('wholesale_silvia_silver_pst_exempt', $wwp_wholesale_role) && in_array('wholesale_silvia_gold_pst_exempt', $wwp_wholesale_role) && in_array('wholesale_silvia_premium_pst_exempt', $wwp_wholesale_role) && in_array('wholesale_silvia_union_pst_exempt', $wwp_wholesale_role)) {
        // Where 'wholesale_pst_exempt, wholesale_silvia_silver_pst_exempt, wholesale_silvia_gold_pst_exempt, wholesale_silvia_premium_pst_exempt, wholesale_silvia_union_pst_exempt' are the names of the wholesale roles to target
            $tax_class = 'WholesalePSTExempt';

// special tax rate: zero if roles: Wholesale Tax Exempt, Wholesale Silvia Silver Tax Exempt, Wholesale Silvia Gold Tax Exempt, Wholesale Silvia Premium Tax Exempt, Wholesale Silvia Union Tax Exempt
         if (!empty($wwp_wholesale_role) && in_array('wholesale_tax_exempt', $wwp_wholesale_role) && in_array('wholesale_silvia_silver_tax_exempt', $wwp_wholesale_role)&& in_array('wholesale_silvia_gold_tax_exempt', $wwp_wholesale_role) && in_array('wholesale_silvia_premium_tax_exempt', $wwp_wholesale_role) && in_array('wholesale_silvia_union_tax_exempt', $wwp_wholesale_role)) {
        // Where 'wholesale_tax_exempt, wholesale_silvia_silver_tax_exempt, wholesale_silvia_gold_tax_exempt, wholesale_silvia_premium_tax_exempt, wholesale_silvia_union_tax_exempt' are the names of the wholesale role to target
            $tax_class = 'WholesaleZeroTax';

and here:

 $current_user_wholesale_roles = $wc_wholesale_prices->wwp_wholesale_roles->getUserWholesaleRole();

		if ( in_array( 'wholesale_customer', $current_user_wholesale_roles ) ){
			return 'wholesalepstgst';
		} elseif (in_array( 'wholesale_silvia_silver', $current_user_wholesale_roles) ){
			return 'wholesalepstgst';
		} elseif (in_array( 'wholesale_silvia_gold', $current_user_wholesale_roles) ){
			return 'wholesalepstgst';
		} elseif (in_array( 'wholesale_silvia_premium', $current_user_wholesale_roles) ){
			return 'wholesalepstgst';
		} elseif (in_array( 'wholesale_silvia_union', $current_user_wholesale_roles) ){
			return 'wholesalepstgst';
		} elseif (in_array( 'wholesale_pst_exempt', $current_user_wholesale_roles) ){
			return 'wholesalepstexempt';
		} elseif (in_array( 'wholesale_silvia_silver_pst_exempt', $current_user_wholesale_roles) ){
			return 'wholesalepstexempt';
		}  elseif (in_array( 'wholesale_silvia_gold_pst_exempt', $current_user_wholesale_roles) ){
			return 'wholesalepstexempt';
		}  elseif (in_array( 'wholesale_silvia_premium_pst_exempt', $current_user_wholesale_roles) ){
			return 'wholesalepstexempt';
		}  elseif (in_array( 'wholesale_silvia_union_pst_exempt', $current_user_wholesale_roles) ){
			return 'wholesalepstexempt';
		}  elseif (in_array( 'wholesale_tax_exempt', $current_user_wholesale_roles) ){
			return 'wholesalezerotax';
		}  elseif (in_array( 'wholesale_silvia_silver_tax_exempt', $current_user_wholesale_roles) ){
			return 'wholesalezerotax';
		}  elseif (in_array( 'wholesale_silvia_gold_tax_exempt', $current_user_wholesale_roles) ){
			return 'wholesalezerotax';
		}  elseif (in_array( 'wholesale_silvia_premium_tax_exempt', $current_user_wholesale_roles) ){
			return 'wholesalezerotax';
		}  elseif (in_array( 'wholesale_silvia_union_tax_exempt', $current_user_wholesale_roles) ){
			return 'wholesalezerotax';


first, a couple of questions -

1. can a user have more than one role value at a time? i ask this because in the all_custom_tax_classes function, the last role found is what is returned, but in the in-line function, the first role found is what is returned. if there is only a single value in the user's role array, all this code can be greatly simplified.

2. the values being returned from the all_custom_tax_classes function have camel-case letter-case, but the values being returned from the in-line function are all lower-case. does the code at some point convert all values to lower-case?

in any case, this code needs to be converted to be a general purpose data-driven design, where a data structure defines what simple code should do, since all it is doing is mapping found input values to output values. once this is done, all you need to do is edit the data structure to add new sets of values. the following (untested, could contain typos) is what the original/working code would look like -

* (Code compacted in one unique hook instead of 5 functions with the same hook)

// in the original version, the $tax_class input is conditionally modified and returned. $product is not used.
function all_custom_tax_classes( $tax_class, $product )
	global $current_user; // used in isset() only

	// Getting the current user
	$curr_user = wp_get_current_user(); // not used in 'active' code
	$curr_user_data = get_userdata($current_user->ID); // not used in 'active' code

	// 1 customer_tax_exempt
	/* special tax rate: zero if role: Customer Tax Exempt */
	/*if ( in_array( 'customer_tax_exempt', $curr_user_data->roles ) )
		$tax_class = 'CustomerTaxExemptClass';

	// 2 customer_pst_exempt
	// special tax rate: charge only GST if role: Customer PST Exempt
	if ( in_array( 'customer_pst_exempt', $curr_user_data->roles ) )
		$tax_class = 'CustomerPSTExemptClass';
	if (isset($current_user) && class_exists('WWP_Wholesale_Roles'))
		$wwp_wholesale_roles = WWP_Wholesale_Roles::getInstance();
		$wwp_wholesale_role = $wwp_wholesale_roles->getUserWholesaleRole(); // get an array of the user roles - is there ever more than one element?
		// define an array that maps input values to output values - note: if the user role values were defined to be the same as the expected return values, this step wouldn't be needed
		$map = [];
		$map['wholesale_customer'] = 'WholesalePSTGST'; // charge both PST and GST
		$map['wholesale_pst_exempt'] = 'WholesalePSTExempt'; // charge only GST
		$map['wholesale_tax_exempt'] = 'WholesaleZeroTax'; // charge neither
		if (!empty($wwp_wholesale_role)
			// the following assumes that the 1st role value found is what is returned. if a user can have more than one role, this differs from the original logic, in that the last role found is what is returned.
			// loop over the map array
			foreach($map as $key=>$value)
				// test if the key is in the role array
					// if so, return the value corresponding to the key
					return $value;
	// if none of the role values was found in the user role(s), return the original $tax_class value to the calling code
	return $tax_class;

add_filter( 'woocommerce_product_get_tax_class', 'all_custom_tax_classes', 1, 2 ); // calls the above function
add_filter( 'woocommerce_product_variation_get_tax_class', 'all_custom_tax_classes', 1, 2 ); // calls the above function

// calls the in-line function. the $option_value input is returned if none of the logic returns first.
add_filter( 'option_woocommerce_shipping_tax_class' , function( $option_value )
	global $wc_wholesale_prices;

	if ( $wc_wholesale_prices && is_a( $wc_wholesale_prices , 'WooCommerceWholeSalePrices' ) )
		$wwp_wholesale_role = $wc_wholesale_prices->wwp_wholesale_roles->getUserWholesaleRole(); // get an array of the user roles - is there ever more than one element?
		// define an array that maps input values to output values - note: if the user role values were defined to be the same as the expected return values, this step wouldn't be needed
		// use the same definition as above (you would actually do this through configuration data so as to not repeat it)
		// i'm assuming that the same letter-case values used above will work here. if not, alter this data as needed.
		$map = [];
		$map['wholesale_customer'] = 'WholesalePSTGST'; // charge both PST and GST
		$map['wholesale_pst_exempt'] = 'WholesalePSTExempt'; // charge only GST
		$map['wholesale_tax_exempt'] = 'WholesaleZeroTax'; // charge neither

		if (!empty($wwp_wholesale_role)
			// the following assumes that the 1st role value found is what is returned. this is the same operation as the original code here.
			// loop over the map array
			foreach($map as $key=>$value)
				// test if the key is in the role array
					// if so, return the value corresponding to the key
					return $value;

	return $option_value;

} , 10 , 1 );


assuming no mistakes in the above code and it works correctly, all you would need to do is modify the $map array(s) to add your new definitions.




Answer to Q1. The wholesale customer can only have one role.

Answer to Q2. The camel case I used for the how I created the tax class (sample provided by the wholesale plugin) and all of the wholesale roles lower case are my creations in this function and are used by the wholesale plugin as role "keys" . No conversion is done on the values.

There seems to be a syntax error with the array that I can't seem to figure out how to fix.

10 minutes ago, Lyse said:

Answer to Q1. The wholesale customer can only have one role.

then, all the in_array() statement(s) can be removed. just get the role value (either using current() or the zero'th element of the array) and use it directly in comparisons.

11 minutes ago, Lyse said:

Answer to Q2. The camel case I used for the how I created the tax class (sample provided by the wholesale plugin) and all of the wholesale roles lower case are my creations in this function and are used by the wholesale plugin as role "keys" . No conversion is done on the values.

i suspect the code is using the returned values to dynamically/indirectly call user classes/methods, in which case the letter-case doesn't matter.

12 minutes ago, Lyse said:

There seems to be a syntax error with the array that I can't seem to figure out how to fix.

if the error is on the $map = []; line, it is because you are using a very old and obsolete php version. the short array syntax [] was introduced in php 5.4.

dreamweaver was never any good. the $map = []; line is valid for php 5.4 and higher.

24 minutes ago, Lyse said:

If I remove the array, do I just go back to my old original code?

no. don't use the original logic. you should NOT find yourself adding program logic each time you add a new data value. this is a sign you are doing something wrong.

in fact, wherever the roles are being defined, should have a column for the tax type, then just retrieve and use the tax type for the current user and all the code in this thread would go away.

yes. that is the ideal way of implementing this. but before you start making changes like this, make sure this is within your programming skill level.

currently, the mapping of role (name) to tax class is hard-coded in the program logic you have shown in this thread, and it would appear that in an earlier version there were 5 different functions to do this, one for each possible input/output combination.

the use of the $map array that i suggested, simplifies the current method, so that you are not writing out and fixing program logic for each possible combination. you just have an array that defines the input/output combinations.

to change to having the tax class defined with the role, would require that you add a column to the database table (or perhaps just add a new key/value if the table is using the wordpress metadata style of storage), write a new ->getUserWholesaleClass() method to retrieve the value, then change the code you have posted in this thread so that it just gets and returns the tax class for the user.


My programming skills is basic and by no means capable to change program logic of that magnitude. I do like the idea of the $map array you suggested that looks much simpler to use. What exactly should the function end up looking like with the array?


Would my array look like this:

		$map = [];
		$map['wholesale_customer','wholesale_silvia_silver','wholesale_silvia_gold','wholesale_silvia_premium','wholesale_silvia_union'] = 'WholesalePSTGST'; // charge both PST and GST
		$map['wholesale_pst_exempt','wholesale_silvia_silver_pst_exempt','wholesale_silvia_gold_pst_exempt','wholesale_silvia_premium_pst_exempt','wholesale_silvia_union_pst_exempt'] = 'WholesalePSTExempt'; // charge only GST
		$map['wholesale_tax_exempt','wholesale_silvia_silver_tax_exempt','wholesale_silvia_gold_tax_exempt','wholesale_silvia_premium_tax_exempt','wholesale_silvia_union_tax_exempt'] = 'WholesaleZeroTax'; // charge neither


I would opt for a slightly different structure, viz

$taxes = ['Wholesale Customer'       =>  ['PST' => 1, 'GST' => 1],  
          'Wholesale Silvia Silver'  =>  ['PST' => 1, 'GST' => 1], 
          'Wholesale Silvia Gold'    =>  ['PST' => 1, 'GST' => 1], 
          'Wholesale Silvia Premium' =>  ['PST' => 1, 'GST' => 1], 
          'Wholesale Silvia Union'   =>  ['PST' => 1, 'GST' => 1],

          'wholesale_pst_exempt'                 =>  ['PST' => 0, 'GST' => 1],
          'wholesale_silvia_silver_pst_exempt'   =>  ['PST' => 0, 'GST' => 1],
          'wholesale_silvia_gold_pst_exempt'     =>  ['PST' => 0, 'GST' => 1],
          'wholesale_silvia_premium_pst_exempt'  =>  ['PST' => 0, 'GST' => 1],
          'wholesale_silvia_union_pst_exempt'    =>  ['PST' => 0, 'GST' => 1],
          'wholesale_tax_exempt'                 =>  ['PST' => 0, 'GST' => 0],
          'wholesale_silvia_silver_tax_exempt'   =>  ['PST' => 0, 'GST' => 0],
          'wholesale_silvia_gold_tax_exempt'     =>  ['PST' => 0, 'GST' => 0],
          'wholesale_silvia_premium_tax_exempt'  =>  ['PST' => 0, 'GST' => 0],
          'wholesale_silvia_union_tax_exempt'    =>  ['PST' => 0, 'GST' => 0]


$PST_payable = $taxes[$customer_role]['PST'];
$GST_payable = $taxes[$customer_role]['GST'];


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