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I am having an issue trying to get products that I am entering through my admin panel to go into my database. I am thinking that the programmer of the script might have forgot some code possibly, but everything else does get inserted into the database regarding categories, manufactures etc. Here is the insert product php script. My db and functions are set to go to my database with website name/password etc.




echo "<script> window.open('../checkout.php','_self'); </script>";


$customer_email = $_SESSION['customer_email'];

$get_customer = "select * from customers where customer_email='$customer_email'";

$run_customer = mysqli_query($con,$get_customer);

$row_customer = mysqli_fetch_array($run_customer);

$customer_id = $row_customer['customer_id'];

$select_general_settings = "select * from general_settings";

$run_general_settings = mysqli_query($con,$select_general_settings);

$row_general_settings = mysqli_fetch_array($run_general_settings);

$product_vendor_status = $row_general_settings["new_product_status"];


<script src="//cdn.tinymce.com/4/tinymce.min.js"></script>

<script>tinymce.init({ selector:'#product_desc,#product_features' });</script>

<div class="row"><!-- 2 row Starts --> 

<div class="col-lg-12"><!-- col-lg-12 Starts -->

<div class="panel panel-default"><!-- panel panel-default Starts -->

<div class="panel-heading"><!-- panel-heading Starts -->

<h3 class="panel-title">

<i class="fa fa-money fa-fw"></i> Insert Product


</div><!-- panel-heading Ends -->

<div class="panel-body"><!-- panel-body Starts -->

<form id="insert_product_form" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data"><!-- form-horizontal Starts -->

<div class="row"><!-- 2 row Starts -->

<div class="col-md-9"><!-- col-md-9 Starts -->

<div class="form-group" ><!-- form-group Starts -->

<label> Product Title </label>

<input type="text" name="product_title" class="form-control" required >

</div><!-- form-group Ends -->

<div class="form-group" ><!-- form-group Starts -->

<label> Product Seo Description </label>

<textarea name="product_seo_desc" class="form-control" maxlength="230" placeholder="Most search engines use a maximum of 230 chars for the description."></textarea>

</div><!-- form-group Ends -->

<div class="form-group" ><!-- form-group Starts -->

<label> Product Url </label>

<input type="text" name="product_url" class="form-control" required >


<p style="font-size:15px; font-weight:bold;">
Product Url Example : navy-blue-t-shirt

</div><!-- form-group Ends -->

<div class="form-group"><!-- form-group Starts -->

<label> Product Tabs </label>

<ul class="nav nav-tabs"><!-- nav nav-tabs Starts -->

<li class="active">

<a data-toggle="tab" href="#description"> Product Description </a>



<a data-toggle="tab" href="#features"> Product Features </a>



<a data-toggle="tab" href="#video"> Sounds And Videos </a>


</ul><!-- nav nav-tabs Ends -->

<div class="tab-content"><!-- tab-content Starts -->

<div id="description" class="tab-pane fade in active"><!-- description tab-pane fade in active Starts -->

<textarea name="product_desc" class="form-control" rows="15" id="product_desc"></textarea>

</div><!-- description tab-pane fade in active Ends -->

<div id="features" class="tab-pane fade in"><!-- features tab-pane fade in Starts -->

<textarea name="product_features" class="form-control" rows="15" id="product_features"></textarea>

</div><!-- features tab-pane fade in Ends -->

<div id="video" class="tab-pane fade in"><!-- video tab-pane fade in Starts -->

<textarea name="product_video" class="form-control" rows="15"></textarea>

</div><!-- video tab-pane fade in Ends -->

</div><!-- tab-content Ends -->

</div><!-- form-group Ends -->

<div class="form-group" id="product_weight"><!-- form-group Starts -->

<label> Product Weight <small> (kg)</small> </label>

<input type="text" name="product_weight" class="form-control">

</div><!-- form-group Ends -->

<div class="form-group" id="product_price"><!-- form-group Starts -->

<label> Product Price </label>

<input type="text" name="product_price" class="form-control" required>

</div><!-- form-group Ends -->

<div class="form-group" id="product_psp_price"><!-- form-group Starts -->

<label> Product Sale Price </label>

<input type="text" name="psp_price" class="form-control">

</div><!-- form-group Ends -->

</div><!-- col-md-9 Ends -->

<div class="col-md-3"><!-- col-md-3 Starts -->

<div class="form-group"><!-- form-group Starts -->

<label> Select A Product Type </label>

<select class="form-control" name="product_type"><!-- select manufacturer Starts -->

<option value="physical_product"> (Physical Product) Simple Product </option>

<option value="digital_product"> (Digital Product) Downloadable Product </option>

<option value="variable_product"> (Variable Product) Advanced Product </option>

</select><!-- select manufacturer Ends -->

</div><!-- form-group Ends -->

<div class="form-group"><!-- form-group Starts -->

<label> Select A Manufacturer </label>

<select class="form-control" name="manufacturer"><!-- select manufacturer Starts -->

<option> Select A Manufacturer </option>


$get_manufacturer = "select * from manufacturers";
$run_manufacturer = mysqli_query($con,$get_manufacturer);
while($row_manufacturer= mysqli_fetch_array($run_manufacturer)){
$manufacturer_id = $row_manufacturer['manufacturer_id'];
$manufacturer_title = $row_manufacturer['manufacturer_title'];

echo "<option value='$manufacturer_id'>



</select><!-- select manufacturer Ends -->

</div><!-- form-group Ends -->

<div class="form-group"><!-- form-group Starts -->

<label> Product Category </label>

<select name="product_cat" class="form-control" >

<option> Select  a Product Category </option>


$get_p_cats = "select * from product_categories";

$run_p_cats = mysqli_query($con,$get_p_cats);

while ($row_p_cats=mysqli_fetch_array($run_p_cats)) {

$p_cat_id = $row_p_cats['p_cat_id'];

$p_cat_title = $row_p_cats['p_cat_title'];

echo "<option value='$p_cat_id' >$p_cat_title</option>";




</div><!-- form-group Ends -->

<div class="form-group" ><!-- form-group Starts -->

<label> Category </label>

<select name="cat" class="form-control" >

<option> Select a Category </option>


$get_cat = "select * from categories";

$run_cat = mysqli_query($con,$get_cat);

while ($row_cat=mysqli_fetch_array($run_cat)) {

$cat_id = $row_cat['cat_id'];

$cat_title = $row_cat['cat_title'];

echo "<option value='$cat_id'>$cat_title</option>";




</div><!-- form-group Ends -->

<div class="form-group" ><!-- form-group Starts -->

<label> Product Image 1 </label>

<input type="file" name="product_img1" class="form-control" required >

</div><!-- form-group Ends -->

<div class="form-group" ><!-- form-group Starts -->

<label> Product Image 2 </label>

<input type="file" name="product_img2" class="form-control">

</div><!-- form-group Ends -->

<div class="form-group" ><!-- form-group Starts -->

<label> Product Image 3 </label>

<input type="file" name="product_img3" class="form-control">

</div><!-- form-group Ends -->

<div class="form-group" ><!-- form-group Starts -->

<label> Product Keywords </label>

<input type="text" name="product_keywords" class="form-control">

</div><!-- form-group Ends -->

<div class="form-group" ><!-- form-group Starts -->

<label> Product Label </label>

<input type="text" name="product_label" class="form-control">

</div><!-- form-group Ends -->

</div><!-- col-md-3 Ends -->

</div><!-- 2 row Ends -->

<div class="form-group" id="product-stock-management"><!-- form-group Starts -->

<label> Product Inventory Stock Management </label>

<div class="panel panel-default"><!-- panel panel-default Starts -->

<div class="panel-heading"><!-- panel-heading Starts -->

<strong> Inventory - Stock Options </strong>

</div><!-- panel-heading Ends -->

<div class="panel-body"><!--panel-body Starts -->

<div class="row"><!-- row Starts -->

<div class="col-sm-6" id="stock-status"><!-- col-sm-6 Starts -->

<div class="form-group"><!-- form-group Starts -->

<label> Stock Status </label>

<select class="form-control" name="stock_status" required><!-- select manufacturer Starts -->

<option value="instock">In stock</option>

<option value="outofstock">Out of stock</option>

<option value="onbackorder">On backorder</option>

</select><!-- select manufacturer Ends -->

</div><!-- form-group Ends -->

</div><!-- col-sm-6 Ends -->

<div class="col-sm-6"><!-- col-sm-6 Starts -->

<div class="form-group"><!-- form-group Starts -->

<label> Enable stock management at product level? </label>

<div class="radio">

  <input type="radio" name="enable_stock" value="yes" required> Yes

  <input type="radio" name="enable_stock" value="no" checked required> No


</div><!-- form-group Ends -->

</div><!-- col-sm-6 Ends -->

</div><!-- row Ends -->

<div class="row" id="stock-management-row"><!-- row Starts -->

<div class="col-sm-6"><!-- col-sm-6 Starts -->

<div class="form-group"><!-- form-group Starts -->

<label> Stock Quantity </label>

<input type="number" name="stock_quantity" value="0" class="form-control" required>

</div><!-- form-group Ends -->

</div><!-- col-sm-6 Ends -->

<div class="col-sm-6"><!-- col-sm-6 Starts -->

<div class="form-group"><!-- form-group Starts -->

<label> Allow backorders? </label>

<select class="form-control" name="allow_backorders" required><!-- select manufacturer Starts -->

<option value="no">Do not allow</option>

<option value="notify">Allow, but notify customer</option>

<option value="yes">Allow</option>

</select><!-- select manufacturer Ends -->

</div><!-- form-group Ends -->

</div><!-- col-sm-6 Ends -->

</div><!-- row Ends -->

</div><!--panel-body Ends -->

</div><!-- panel panel-default Ends -->

</div><!-- form-group Ends -->

</form><!-- form-horizontal Ends -->

<div class="form-group" id="variable_product_options"><!-- form-group Starts -->

<label> Variable Product Options </label>

<div class="panel panel-default"><!-- panel panel-default Starts -->

<div class="panel-heading"><!-- panel-heading Starts -->

<ul class="nav nav-tabs"><!-- nav nav-tabs Starts -->

<li class="active">

<a data-toggle="tab" href="#product_attributes"> Product Attributes </a>



<a data-toggle="tab" href="#product_variations"> Product Variations </a>


</ul><!-- nav nav-tabs Ends -->

</div><!-- panel-heading Ends -->

<div class="panel-body"><!--panel-body Starts -->

<div class="tab-content"><!-- tab-content Starts -->

<div id="product_attributes" class="tab-pane fade in active"><!-- product_attributes tab-pane fade in active Starts -->

<form id="insert_attribute_form" method="post"><!-- form Starts -->

<div class="row"><!-- row Starts -->

<div class="col-sm-4"><!-- col-sm-4 Starts -->

<div class="form-group"><!-- form-group Starts -->

<label> Name: </label>

<input type="text" name="attribute_name" class="form-control" required>

</div><!-- form-group Ends -->

</div><!-- col-sm-4 Ends -->

<div class="col-sm-8"><!-- col-sm-8 Starts -->

<div class="form-group"><!-- form-group Starts -->

<label> Value(s): </label>

<textarea name="attribute_values" class="form-control" placeholder="Enter some attributes by '|' separating values." required></textarea>

</div><!-- form-group Ends -->

</div><!-- col-sm-8 Ends -->

</div><!-- row Ends -->

<div class="form-group"><!-- form-group Starts -->

<input type="submit" value="Insert Product Attribute" class="btn btn btn-primary">

</div><!-- form-group Ends -->

</form><!-- form Ends -->

<table class="table table-hover table-bordered table-striped"><!-- table table-hover table-bordered table-striped Starts -->

<thead><!-- thead Starts -->


<th>Attribute Name:</th>
<th>Attribute Value(s):</th>


</thead><!-- thead Ends -->

<tbody><!-- tbody Starts -->


$random_id = 152;

$select_product_attributes = "select * from product_attributes where product_id='$random_id'";

$run_product_attributes = mysqli_query($con,$select_product_attributes);

while($row_product_attributes = mysqli_fetch_array($run_product_attributes)){
$attribute_id = $row_product_attributes["attribute_id"];

$attribute_name = $row_product_attributes["attribute_name"];

$attribute_values = $row_product_attributes["attribute_values"];


<tr id="tr-attribute-<?php echo $attribute_id; ?>">


<div class="edit" data-attribute="<?php echo $attribute_id; ?>"><?php echo $attribute_name; ?></div>

<input type="text" id="attribute-name" class="input-edit form-control" data-attribute="<?php echo $attribute_id; ?>" value="<?php echo $attribute_name; ?>">



<div class="edit" data-attribute="<?php echo $attribute_id; ?>"><?php echo $attribute_values; ?></div>

<input type="text" id="attribute-values" class="input-edit form-control" data-attribute="<?php echo $attribute_id; ?>" value="<?php echo $attribute_values; ?>">



<div class="btn-group">

<a href="#" class="edit-product-attribute btn btn-primary btn-sm" data-attribute="<?php echo $attribute_id; ?>">

<i class="fa fa-pencil"></i> Edit


<a href="#" class="save-product-attribute btn btn-success btn-sm" data-attribute="<?php echo $attribute_id; ?>">

<i class="fa fa-floppy-o"></i> Save


<a href="#" class="delete-product-attribute btn btn-danger btn-sm" data-attribute="<?php echo $attribute_id; ?>">

<i class="fa fa-trash-o"></i> Delete





<?php } ?>

</tbody><!-- tbody Ends -->

</table><!-- table table-hover table-bordered table-striped Ends -->

</div><!-- product_attributes tab-pane fade in active Ends -->

<div id="product_variations" class="tab-pane fade in"><!-- product_variations tab-pane fade in Starts -->

<form id="product-variations-form" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data"><!-- form Starts -->

<div class="form-group row"><!-- form-group Starts -->

<label class="col-sm-3 control-label"> Default Form Values: </label>

<div class="col-sm-9"><!-- col-sm-10 Starts -->

<div class="row" id="default_form_values"><!-- row default_form_values Starts -->

</div><!-- row default_form_values Ends -->

<span class="help-block">

These are the product attributes that will be pre-selected on the frontend.


</div><!-- col-sm-9 Ends -->

</div><!-- form-group Ends -->

<hr class="variation-hr">

<div class="form-group row"><!-- form-group Starts -->

<label class="col-sm-1 control-label"> Actions: </label>

<div class="col-sm-10"><!-- col-sm-10 Starts -->

<select class="form-control" id="action_select"><!-- select manufacturer Starts -->

<option value="add_variation"> Add A New Variation </option>

<option value="create_variations_from_attributes"> Create New Variations From All Attributes </option>

<option value="delete_all_variations"> Delete All Variations </option>

</select><!-- select manufacturer Ends -->

</div><!-- col-sm-10 Ends -->

<div class="col-sm-1"><!-- col-sm-1 Starts -->

<button type="button" id="go_button" class="btn btn-success form-control"> Go </button>

</div><!-- col-sm-1 Ends -->

</div><!-- form-group Ends -->

<div class="product-variations-div"><!-- product-variations-div Starts -->

</div><!-- product-variations-div Ends -->

<hr class="variation-hr">

<div class="form-group"><!-- form-group Starts -->

<input type="submit" value="Save Product Variations" class="btn btn btn-success">

</div><!-- form-group Ends -->

</form><!-- form Ends -->

<div class="ajax-response-div"></div>

</div><!-- product_variations tab-pane fade in Ends -->

</div><!-- tab-content Ends -->

</div><!--panel-body Ends -->

</div><!-- panel panel-default Ends -->

</div><!-- form-group Ends -->

<div class="form-group"><!-- form-group Starts -->

<input type="submit" name="submit" value="Insert Product" form="insert_product_form" class="btn btn-primary form-control">

</div><!-- form-group Ends -->

</div><!-- panel-body Ends -->

</div><!-- panel panel-default Ends -->

</div><!-- col-lg-12 Ends -->

</div><!-- 2 row Ends --> 



//Product Stock Management Code Starts


var radio_value = $(this).val();

if(radio_value == "yes"){


}else if(radio_value == "no"){


//Product Stock Management Code Ends

//Change Product Type Function Code Starts

function change_product_type(){

var product_type = $("select[name='product_type']").val();

if(product_type == "physical_product"){



$('#product_weight input,#product_price input,#product_psp_price input').prop("disabled", false);


$('#product-stock-management input,#product-stock-management select').prop("disabled", false);

}else if(product_type == "digital_product"){




$('#product_weight input,#product_price input,#product_psp_price input').prop("disabled", false);


$('#product-stock-management input,#product-stock-management select').prop("disabled", false);

}else if(product_type == "variable_product"){




$('#product_weight input,#product_price input,#product_psp_price input').prop("disabled", true);


$('#product-stock-management input,#product-stock-management select').prop("disabled", true);


//Change Product Type Function Code Ends


//Load Product Attributes Function Code Starts

function load_product_attributes(){

method: "POST",

url: "variable_product/load_product_attributes.php",

data: { random_id: <?php echo $random_id; ?> },

$("table tbody").html(data);



//Load Product Attributes Function Code Ends

//Insert New Product Attribute Code Starts



method: "POST",

url: "variable_product/insert_product_attribute.php",

data: $('#insert_attribute_form').serialize() + "&random_id=<?php echo $random_id; ?>",

success: function(){




//Insert New Product Attribute Code Ends

//Edit Product Attribute Code Starts



$(".edit-product-attribute").on('click', function(event){

var attribute_id = $(this).data("attribute");

$(".edit[data-attribute='" + attribute_id +"']").hide();

$(".input-edit[data-attribute='" + attribute_id +"']").show().focus();

$(".edit-product-attribute[data-attribute='" + attribute_id +"']").hide();

$(".save-product-attribute[data-attribute='" + attribute_id +"']").show();

//Edit Product Attribute Code Ends

//Update Save Product Attribute Code Starts

$(".save-product-attribute").on('click', function(event){

var attribute_id = $(this).data("attribute");

$(".edit[data-attribute='" + attribute_id +"']").show();

$(".input-edit[data-attribute='" + attribute_id +"']").hide();

$(".edit-product-attribute[data-attribute='" + attribute_id +"']").show();

$(".save-product-attribute[data-attribute='" + attribute_id +"']").hide();
var attribute_name = $("#attribute-name[data-attribute='" + attribute_id +"']").val();

var attribute_values = $("#attribute-values[data-attribute='" + attribute_id +"']").val();

$("#attribute-name[data-attribute='" + attribute_id +"']").prev(".edit").text(attribute_name);

$("#attribute-values[data-attribute='" + attribute_id +"']").prev(".edit").text(attribute_values);

var random_id = <?php echo $random_id; ?>;

method: "POST",

url: "variable_product/update_product_attribute.php",

data: { random_id: random_id, attribute_id: attribute_id, attribute_name: attribute_name, attribute_values: attribute_values } 


//Update Save Product Attribute Code Ends

//Delete Product Attribute Code Starts
$(".delete-product-attribute").on('click', function(event){

var attribute_id = $(this).data("attribute");

$("#tr-attribute-" + attribute_id).remove();	
var random_id = <?php echo $random_id; ?>;

method: "POST",

url: "variable_product/delete_product_attribute.php",

data: { random_id: random_id, attribute_id: attribute_id }


//Delete Product Attribute Code Ends

//Load Product Variations Default Form Values Function Code Starts

function load_variations_default_form_values(){

method: "POST",

url: "variable_product/load_default_form_values.php",

data: { random_id: <?php echo $random_id; ?> },




//Load Product Variations Default Form Values Function Code Ends

//Load Product Variations Function Code Starts

function load_product_variations(){

method: "POST",

url: "variable_product/load_product_variations.php",

data: { random_id: <?php echo $random_id; ?> },





//Load Product Variations Function Code Ends

//Click Product Variations Tab Code Starts




//Click Product Variations Tab Code Ends

//Save Update Product Variations Function Code Starts

function save_update_product_variations(){

var form = document.getElementById("product-variations-form");

var form_data = new FormData(form);

form_data.append("random_id", <?php echo $random_id; ?>);

method: "POST",

url: "variable_product/update_all_variations.php",


contentType: false,

cache: false,


success: function(data){



//Save Update Product Variations Function Code Ends

//Product Variations Actions Go Button Code Starts

var action_select = $("#action_select").val();

if(action_select == "add_variation"){


method: "POST",

url: "variable_product/insert_product_variation.php",

data: { random_id: <?php echo $random_id; ?> },

success: function(){

}else if(action_select == "create_variations_from_attributes"){
var confirm_action = confirm("Are you sure you want to link all variations? This will create a new variation for each and every possible combination of variation attributes (max 50 per run).");

if(confirm_action == true){



method: "POST",

url: "variable_product/create_variations_from_attributes.php",

data: { random_id: <?php echo $random_id; ?> },

success: function(data){



}else if(action_select == "delete_all_variations"){
var confirm_action = confirm("Are you sure you want to delete all variations? This cannot be undone.");

if(confirm_action == true){

method: "POST",

url: "variable_product/delete_all_variations.php",

data: { random_id: <?php echo $random_id; ?> },

success: function(){





//Product Variations Actions Go Button Code Ends

//Save Update Submit From Of Product Variations Code Starts






//Save Update Submit From Of Product Variations Code Ends




$product_title = mysqli_real_escape_string($con, $_POST['product_title']);

$product_seo_desc = mysqli_real_escape_string($con, $_POST['product_seo_desc']);

$product_url = mysqli_real_escape_string($con, $_POST['product_url']);

$product_cat = mysqli_real_escape_string($con, $_POST['product_cat']);

$cat = mysqli_real_escape_string($con, $_POST['cat']);

$manufacturer_id = mysqli_real_escape_string($con, $_POST['manufacturer']);

$product_price = mysqli_real_escape_string($con, $_POST['product_price']);

$product_desc = mysqli_real_escape_string($con, $_POST['product_desc']);

$product_keywords = mysqli_real_escape_string($con, $_POST['product_keywords']);

$psp_price = mysqli_real_escape_string($con, $_POST['psp_price']);

$product_label = mysqli_real_escape_string($con, $_POST['product_label']);

$product_type = mysqli_real_escape_string($con, $_POST['product_type']);

$product_features = mysqli_real_escape_string($con, $_POST['product_features']);

$product_video = mysqli_real_escape_string($con, $_POST['product_video']);

$product_weight = mysqli_real_escape_string($con, $_POST['product_weight']);

$stock_status = mysqli_real_escape_string($con, $_POST['stock_status']);

$enable_stock = mysqli_real_escape_string($con, $_POST['enable_stock']);

$stock_quantity = mysqli_real_escape_string($con, $_POST['stock_quantity']);

$allow_backorders = mysqli_real_escape_string($con, $_POST['allow_backorders']);

$status = "product";

$product_img1 = $_FILES['product_img1']['name'];
$product_img2 = $_FILES['product_img2']['name'];
$product_img3 = $_FILES['product_img3']['name'];

$temp_name1 = $_FILES['product_img1']['tmp_name'];
$temp_name2 = $_FILES['product_img2']['tmp_name'];
$temp_name3 = $_FILES['product_img3']['tmp_name'];

$allowed = array('jpeg','jpg','gif','png');

$product_img1_extension = pathinfo($product_img1, PATHINFO_EXTENSION);

$product_img2_extension = pathinfo($product_img2, PATHINFO_EXTENSION);

$product_img3_extension = pathinfo($product_img3, PATHINFO_EXTENSION);

echo "<script> alert('Your Product Image 1 File Extension Is Not Supported.'); </script>";

$product_img1 = "";





echo "<script> alert('Your Product Image 2 File Extension Is Not Supported.'); </script>";

$product_img2 = "";






echo "<script> alert('Your Product Image 3 File Extension Is Not Supported.'); </script>";

$product_img3 = "";





$insert_product = "insert into products (vendor_id,p_cat_id,cat_id,manufacturer_id,date,product_title,product_seo_desc,product_url,product_img1,product_img2,product_img3,product_price,product_psp_price,product_desc,product_features,product_video,product_keywords,product_label,product_type,product_weight,product_vendor_status,status) values ('$customer_id','$product_cat','$cat','$manufacturer_id',NOW(),'$product_title','$product_seo_desc','$product_url','$product_img1','$product_img2','$product_img3','$product_price','$psp_price','$product_desc','$product_features','$product_video','$product_keywords','$product_label','$product_type','$product_weight','$product_vendor_status','$status')";

$run_product = mysqli_query($con,$insert_product);

$product_id = mysqli_insert_id($con); 

if($product_type != "variable_product"){
if($enable_stock == "yes" and $stock_quantity > 0){

$stock_status = "instock";
}elseif($enable_stock == "yes" and $allow_backorders == "no" and $stock_quantity < 1){

$stock_status = "outofstock";
}elseif($enable_stock == "yes" and ($allow_backorders == "yes" or $allow_backorders == "notify") and $stock_quantity < 1){

$stock_status = "onbackorder";
$insert_product_stock = "insert into products_stock (product_id,enable_stock,stock_status,stock_quantity,allow_backorders) values ('$product_id','$enable_stock','$stock_status','$stock_quantity','$allow_backorders')";
$run_insert_product_stock = mysqli_query($con,$insert_product_stock);


$update_product_stock = "update products_stock set product_id='$product_id' where product_id='$random_id'";
$run_update_product_stock = mysqli_query($con,$update_product_stock);

$update_product_attributes = "update product_attributes set product_id='$product_id' where product_id='$random_id'";

$run_product_attributes = mysqli_query($con, $update_product_attributes);

$update_product_variations = "update product_variations set product_id='$product_id' where product_id='$random_id'";

$run_product_variations = mysqli_query($con, $update_product_variations);

echo "


alert(' Your Product Has Been Inserted Successfully. ');








I posted the Php script for insert_products.php.


my DB and functions settings are correct. My delete functions, and inserting of categories, manufacturers, logins, registers all work perfectly fine. It’s just insert_product.php that is somehow not inputting products into the database. I need help because I’m wondering if something might be missing as I am not the original programmer in which is preventing it from posting into the database. Like whether a $post(action) is required or if the script is ok but something else?

I assume you are referring to the insert query on line 1,246. I do not see you checking for any MySQL error messages anywhere following that query. These might just give you a clue as to why it isn't working as expected.

I suggest you put this line of code (if you haven't already) just before you connect to the db server



i put that code in my script above insert products part and didn’t get any response. But it did take longer for the page to react. Still no products inserting. But here is the insert part and my products database MySQL for products.



$insert_product = "insert into products (vendor_id,p_cat_id,cat_id,manufacturer_id,date,product_title,product_seo_desc,product_url,product_img1,product_img2,product_img3,product_price,product_psp_price,product_desc,product_features,product_video,product_keywords,product_label,product_type,product_weight,product_vendor_status,status) values ('admin_$admin_id','$product_cat','$cat','$manufacturer_id',NOW(),'$product_title','$product_seo_desc','$product_url','$product_img1','$product_img2','$product_img3','$product_price','$psp_price','$product_desc','$product_features','$product_video','$product_keywords','$product_label','$product_type','$product_weight','active','$status')";


$run_product = mysqli_query($con,$insert_product);


$product_id = mysqli_insert_id($con); 



if($product_type != "variable_product"){

if($enable_stock == "yes" and $stock_quantity > 0){


$stock_status = "instock";

}elseif($enable_stock == "yes" and $allow_backorders == "no" and $stock_quantity < 1){


$stock_status = "outofstock";

}elseif($enable_stock == "yes" and ($allow_backorders == "yes" or $allow_backorders == "notify") and $stock_quantity < 1){


$stock_status = "onbackorder";


$insert_product_stock = "insert into products_stock (product_id,enable_stock,stock_status,stock_quantity,allow_backorders) values ('$product_id','$enable_stock','$stock_status','$stock_quantity','$allow_backorders')";

$run_insert_product_stock = mysqli_query($con,$insert_product_stock);



MySQL database setup


CREATE TABLE `products` (

  `product_id` int(10) NOT NULL,

  `vendor_id` text NOT NULL,

  `p_cat_id` int(10) NOT NULL,

  `cat_id` int(10) NOT NULL,

  `manufacturer_id` int(10) NOT NULL,


  `product_title` text NOT NULL,

  `product_seo_desc` text NOT NULL,

  `product_url` text NOT NULL,

  `product_img1` text NOT NULL,

  `product_img2` text NOT NULL,

  `product_img3` text NOT NULL,

  `product_price` int(10) NOT NULL,

  `product_psp_price` int(100) NOT NULL,

  `product_desc` text NOT NULL,

  `product_features` text NOT NULL,

  `product_video` text NOT NULL,

  `product_keywords` text NOT NULL,

  `product_label` text NOT NULL,

  `product_type` text NOT NULL,

  `product_weight` decimal(10,1) NOT NULL,

  `product_views` int(10) NOT NULL,

  `product_vendor_status` text NOT NULL,

  `status` varchar(255) NOT NULL




No errors today. But have these from day before.


[07-Jan-2020 23:28:24 UTC] PHP Warning:  mysqli_fetch_array() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result, boolean given in /home/hk2khpfrmyh4/public_html/functions/functions.php on line 79
[07-Jan-2020 23:28:24 UTC] PHP Warning:  mysqli_fetch_array() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result, boolean given in /home/hk2khpfrmyh4/public_html/functions/functions.php on line 50
[07-Jan-2020 23:28:24 UTC] PHP Warning:  mysqli_fetch_array() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result, boolean given in /home/hk2khpfrmyh4/public_html/functions/functions.php on line 50
[07-Jan-2020 23:28:24 UTC] PHP Warning:  mysqli_num_rows() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result, boolean given in /home/hk2khpfrmyh4/public_html/functions/functions.php on line 125
[07-Jan-2020 23:28:24 UTC] PHP Warning:  mysqli_fetch_array() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result, boolean given in /home/hk2khpfrmyh4/public_html/functions/functions.php on line 127

I am somewhat new to Php but gradually understanding it. Html and basic programming was my first languages before getting into Laravel and Php. So, maybe explain where the code should be a little easier for me to understand. Like in a script or sql in phpmyadmin? Etc

I suspect that your "products" table is need of normalizing. I have marked with an "X" the bits that give me cause for concern.

CREATE TABLE `products` ( 
  `product_id` int(10) NOT NULL, 
  `vendor_id` text NOT NULL, 
X `p_cat_id` int(10) NOT NULL, 
  `cat_id` int(10) NOT NULL, 
  `manufacturer_id` int(10) NOT NULL, 
  `product_title` text NOT NULL, 
  `product_seo_desc` text NOT NULL, 
  `product_url` text NOT NULL, 
X `product_img1` text NOT NULL, 
X `product_img2` text NOT NULL, 
X `product_img3` text NOT NULL, 
  `product_price` int(10) NOT NULL, 
  `product_psp_price` int(100) NOT NULL, 
  `product_desc` text NOT NULL, 
X `product_features` text NOT NULL, 
  `product_video` text NOT NULL, 
X `product_keywords` text NOT NULL, 
  `product_label` text NOT NULL, 
  `product_type` text NOT NULL, 
  `product_weight` decimal(10,1) NOT NULL, 
  `product_views` int(10) NOT NULL, 
X `product_vendor_status` text NOT NULL, 
  `status` varchar(255) NOT NULL 


P cat id is product category meaning the main category. Whereas cat id is the subcategories. Product vendor status: checks to see if the vendor has responded to the activation email in which allows them use of the vendor dashboard to be able to insert products.

58 minutes ago, purge08 said:

P cat id is product category meaning the main category. Whereas cat id is the subcategories

That is what I thought. The parent category is a property of the subcategory, not of the product. If you know the subcategory you can derive the parent category. You don't need both.

Similarly, vendor status is a property of the vendor, not the product.

Column names like "product_features" and "product_keywords" implies there may be delimited lists in those columns that should be in separate tables. Ditto the image columns - separate table with a record for each image.

Something in my mind is telling me to split this code with vendor being separate from the admin part of inserting product.

<$insert_product = "insert into products (vendor_id,p_cat_id,cat_id,manufacturer_id,date,product_title,product_seo_desc,product_url,product_img1,product_img2,product_img3,product_price,product_psp_price,product_desc,product_features,product_video,product_keywords,product_label,product_type,product_weight,product_vendor_status,status) values ('admin_$admin_id','$product_cat','$cat','$manufacturer_id',NOW(),'$product_title','$product_seo_desc','$product_url','$product_img1','$product_img2','$product_img3','$product_price','$psp_price','$product_desc','$product_features','$product_video','$product_keywords','$product_label','$product_type','$product_weight','active','$status')";>

This thread is more than a year old. Please don't revive it unless you have something important to add.

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