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PHP brings back all the results but I only want one record, when typed in query

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I only want the one record to come back but it brings back evert single record within the database. Please help, thanks :)


Form To Fill In To Send It to the Database:

    <center><h1>SEARCH ANIMALS RECORDS</h1>
    <form action="animals-search.php" method="post">
        <input type="text" name="search_query"><br>
        <input type="submit" value="Submit">


// Collect the search query from a form input
$search = $_POST['search'];

// Construct an SQL query to search for data in the MySQL database
$sql = "SELECT id, animal_type, animal_breed, colour, owner_name, address, telephone, mobile, email, offence, offence_date, offence_location, case_status, case_ref, action_required, action_taken, microchipped, microchip_number, aggresive, dangerous, lost, date_lost, location_lost, stolen, date_stolen, location_stolen, found, date_found, location_found, other_information * FROM animals WHERE 1";

$result = mysqli_query($conn, $sql);

if (mysqli_num_rows($result) > 0) {
    // Output the search results
    while($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result)) {
        echo "<br> " . $row["br"] . "<br>";
        echo "Animal Type: " . $row["animal_type"] . "<br>";
        echo "Animal Breed: " . $row["animal_breed"] . "<br>";
        echo "Colour: " . $row["colour"] . "<br>";
        echo "Owner Name: " . $row["owner_name"] . "<br>";
        echo "Address: " . $row["address"] . "<br>";
        echo "Telephone: " . $row["telephone"] . "<br>";
        echo "Mobile: " . $row["mobile"] . "<br>";
        echo "Email: " . $row["email"] . "<br>";
        echo "Offence: " . $row["offence"] . "<br>";
        echo "Offence Date: " . $row["offence_date"] . "<br>";
        echo "Offence Location: " . $row["offence_location"] . "<br>";
        echo "Case Status: " . $row["case_status"] . "<br>";
        echo "Case Ref: " . $row["case_ref"] . "<br>";
        echo "Action Required: " . $row["action_required"] . "<br>";
        echo "Action Taken: " . $row["action_taken"] . "<br>";
        echo "Microchipped: " . $row["microchipped"] . "<br>";
        echo "Miccrochip Number: " . $row["microchip_number"] . "<br>";
        echo "Aggressive: " . $row["aggressive"] . "<br>";
        echo "Dangerous: " . $row["dangerous"] . "<br>";
        echo "Lost: " . $row["lost"] . "<br>";
        echo "Date Lost: " . $row["date_lost"] . "<br>";
        echo "Location Lost: " . $row["location_lost"] . "<br>";
        echo "Stolen: " . $row["stolen"] . "<br>";
        echo "Date Stolen: " . $row["date_stolen"] . "<br>";
        echo "Location Stolen: " . $row["location_stolen"] . "<br>";
        echo "Found: " . $row["found"] . "<br>";
        echo "Date Found: " . $row["date_found"] . "<br>";
        echo "Location Found: " . $row["location_found"] . "<br>";
        echo "Other Information: " . $row["other_information"] . "<br>";
        echo "<br> " . $row["br"] . "<br>";
        echo "<hr> " . $row["hr"] . "<br><br>";

} else {
    echo "No Results Found";

// Close the database connection

Edited by AlphaOneIntelligence
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28 minutes ago, ginerjm said:

The purpose of the where clause is for you to specify which record you want.

He has. A query selects all records for which the WHERE expression evaluates to "true". As "1" is true for all records, they have specified that all records are selected.

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You can do a full text content search on a `content` field, but the main thing is you have to search a column in order to find what you are looking for.

This is done in PDO, but gives an example on what I'm trying to say -


 // Extract the search term and heading from the request, if they exist.
    $searchTerm = isset($request['searchTerm']) ? $request['searchTerm'] : null;
    $heading = isset($request['heading']) ? $request['heading'] : null;

    // If a search term was provided, use a full-text search on the 'content' field.
    // Before this can work, you'll need to make sure your content column is indexed for full-text searching.
    // You can do this with the following SQL command:
    // Example:
    // ALTER TABLE gallery ADD FULLTEXT(content);
    if($searchTerm !== null) {
        $sql = "SELECT * FROM gallery WHERE MATCH(content) AGAINST(:searchTerm IN NATURAL LANGUAGE MODE) LIMIT 1";
        $stmt = $pdo->prepare($sql);
        $stmt->bindValue(':searchTerm', $searchTerm);

        // If a heading was provided, search for exact matches on the 'heading' field.
    } else if($heading !== null) {
        $sql = "SELECT * FROM gallery WHERE heading = :heading LIMIT 1";
        $stmt = $pdo->prepare($sql);
        $stmt->bindValue(':heading', $heading);

        // If neither a search term nor a heading was provided, throw an exception.
    } else {
        throw new Exception("No valid search term or heading provided");

    // Execute the prepared statement.

    // Fetch the results and handle them as needed.
    $results = $stmt->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);


Edited by Strider64
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It does appear this is intended to be a search so the where criteria needs to be implemented.  Towards that goal, this is not going to work:

<input type="text" name="search_query"><br>

Followed by:

$search = $_POST['search'];


See the issue?  (search_query is not search).


This query is also not going to work as written:

....,  date_stolen, location_stolen, found, date_found, location_found, other_information * 

Typically either enumerate the columns or use the wildcard '*', but certainly this syntax of 'other_information *' is invalid, as you would at very least need 'other_information, *'.



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