SQUAREFIELD Posted September 24, 2023 Share Posted September 24, 2023 (edited) <?php $email = $row['acct_email']; $account_id =$row['id']; if(isset($_POST['wire_transfer'])){ $amount = inputValidation($_POST['amount']); $acct_name = inputValidation($_POST['acct_name']); $bank_name = inputValidation($_POST['bank_name']); $acct_number = inputValidation($_POST['acct_number']); $acct_country = inputValidation($_POST['acct_country']); $acct_swift = inputValidation($_POST['acct_swift']); $acct_routing = inputValidation($_POST['acct_routing']); $acct_type = inputValidation($_POST['acct_type']); $acct_remarks = inputValidation($_POST['acct_remarks']); $acct_amount = $row['acct_balance']; if($amount <= 0){ toast_alert('error', 'Invalid amount entered'); }else if($amount > $acct_amount){ toast_alert("error","Insufficient Balance"); }else { $limit_balance = $row['acct_limit']; $transferLimit = $row['limit_remain']; // if($transferLimit === 0){ // toast_alert('error', 'You have Exceed Your Transfer Limit'); // } // if($amount > $transferLimit){ // toast_alert('error', 'Your transfer limit remain '.$transferLimit); // } else { $trans_id = uniqid(); $trans_opt = substr(number_format(time() * rand(), 0, '', ''), 0, 6); $sql = "INSERT INTO temp_trans (amount,trans_id,acct_id,bank_name,acct_name_id,acct_number,acct_type,acct_country,acct_swift,acct_routing,acct_remarks,trans_otp) VALUES(:amount,:trans_id,:acct_id,:bank_name,:acct_name,:acct_number,:acct_type,:acct_country,:acct_swift,:acct_routing,:acct_remarks,:trans_otp)"; $tranfered = $conn->prepare($sql); $tranfered->execute([ 'amount' => $amount, 'trans_id'=>$trans_id, 'acct_id' => $account_id, 'bank_name' => $bank_name, 'acct_name' => $acct_name, 'acct_number' => $acct_number, 'acct_type' => $acct_type, 'acct_country' => $acct_country, 'acct_swift' => $acct_swift, 'acct_routing' => $acct_routing, 'acct_remarks' => $acct_remarks, 'trans_otp'=>$trans_opt ]); if (true) { $acct_otp = substr(number_format(time() * rand(), 0, '', ''), 0, 6); $sql = "UPDATE users SET acct_otp=:acct_otp WHERE id=:id"; $stmt = $conn->prepare($sql); $stmt->execute([ 'acct_otp'=>$acct_otp, 'id'=>$account_id ]); if($page['billing_code']=='0') { $sql = "SELECT * FROM users WHERE id=:id"; $stmt = $conn->prepare($sql); $stmt->execute([ 'id' => $account_id ]); $resultCode = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); $code = $resultCode['acct_otp']; $APP_NAME = $pageTitle; $number = $resultCode['acct_phone']; if($page['twillio_status'] == '1'){ $messageText = "Dear ".$resultCode['firstname']. " You just made a Transaction of ".$currency."".$amount." in Your ".$APP_NAME." Account Kindly make use of this ".$code." to complete your Transaction Thanks "; $sendSms->sendSmsCode($number,$messageText); } $message = $sendMail->pinRequest($currency, $amount, $fullName, $code, $APP_NAME); // User Email $subject = "[OTP CODE] - $APP_NAME"; $email_message->send_mail($email, $message, $subject); if(true){ session_start(); $_SESSION['wire-transfer'] = $code; header("Location:./pin.php"); } }else if($row['billing_code'] == "0"){ $sql = "SELECT * FROM users WHERE id=:id"; $stmt = $conn->prepare($sql); $stmt->execute([ 'id' => $account_id ]); $resultCode = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); $code = $resultCode['acct_otp']; $APP_NAME = $pageTitle; $number = $resultCode['acct_phone']; if($page['twillio_status'] == '1'){ $messageText = "Dear ".$resultCode['firstname']. " You just made a Transaction of ".$currency."".$amount." in Your ".$APP_NAME." Account Kindly make use of this ".$code." to complete your Transaction Thanks "; $sendSms->sendSmsCode($number,$messageText); } $message = $sendMail->pinRequest($currency, $amount, $fullName, $code, $APP_NAME); // User Email $subject = "[OTP CODE] - $APP_NAME"; $email_message->send_mail($email, $message, $subject); if(true){ session_start(); $_SESSION['wire-transfer'] = $code; header("Location:./pin.php"); } }else{ session_start(); $_SESSION['wire-transfer']=$user_id; header("Location:./cot.php"); } } } } if (isset($_POST['cot_submit'])){ $cotCode = $_POST['cot_code']; $acct_cot = $row['acct_cot']; if($cotCode === $acct_cot){ $_SESSION['wire-transfer'] = $user_id; header("Location:./tax.php"); }else{ notify_alert('Invalid COT Code','danger','3000','Close'); } } if (isset($_POST['tax_submit'])){ $taxCode = $_POST['tax_code']; $acct_tax = $row['acct_tax']; if($taxCode === $acct_tax){ $_SESSION['wire-transfer'] = $user_id; header("Location:./imf-code.php"); }else{ notify_alert('Invalid TAX Code','danger','3000','Close'); } } if (isset($_POST['imf_submit'])){ $imf_code = $_POST['imf_code']; $imf = $row['acct_imf']; $amount = $temp_trans['amount']; if($imf_code === $imf){ $sql3 = "SELECT * FROM users WHERE id=:id"; $stmt = $conn->prepare($sql3); $stmt->execute([ 'id' => $account_id ]); $resultCode = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); $code = $resultCode['acct_otp']; $number = $resultCode['acct_phone']; $message = "Dear ".$resultCode['firstname']. "Your verify code is ". $code; if($page['twillio_status'] == '1'){ $data = twilioController::sendSmsCode($number,$message); } $APP_NAME = $pageTitle; $message = $sendMail->pinRequest($currency, $amount, $fullName, $code, $APP_NAME); $subject = "[OTP CODE] - $APP_NAME"; $email_message->send_mail($email, $message, $subject); if(true){ $_SESSION['wire-transfer'] = $user_id; header("Location:./pin.php"); }else{ notify_alert('Invalid IMF Code','danger','3000','Close'); } } } if(isset($_POST['submit-pin'])){ $pin = inputValidation($_POST['pin']); $oldPin = inputValidation($row['acct_otp']); $acct_amount = inputValidation($row['acct_balance']); $account_id = inputValidation($_POST['account_id']); $amount = inputValidation($_POST['amount']); $bank_name = inputValidation($_POST['bank_name']); $acct_name = inputValidation($_POST['acct_name']); $acct_number = inputValidation($_POST['acct_number']); $acct_type = inputValidation($_POST['acct_type']); $acct_country = inputValidation($_POST['acct_country']); $acct_swift = inputValidation($_POST['acct_swift']); $acct_routing = inputValidation($_POST['acct_routing']); $acct_remarks = inputValidation($_POST['acct_remarks']); $limit_balance = $row['acct_limit']; $transferLimit = $row['limit_remain']; if($pin !== $oldPin){ toast_alert('error','Incorrect OTP CODE'); }else if($acct_amount < 0){ toast_alert('error','Insufficient Balance'); }else { $tBalance = ($transferLimit - $amount); $aBalance = ($acct_amount - $amount); $sql = "UPDATE users SET limit_remain=:limit_remain,acct_balance=:acct_balance WHERE id=:id"; $stmt = $conn->prepare($sql); $stmt->execute([ 'limit_remain' => $tBalance, 'acct_balance' => $aBalance, 'id' => $account_id ]); if (true) { $refrence_id = uniqid(); $sql = "INSERT INTO wire_transfer (amount,acct_id,refrence_id,bank_name,acct_name,acct_number,acct_type,acct_country,acct_swift,acct_routing,acct_remarks) VALUES(:amount,:acct_id,:refrence_id,:bank_name,:acct_name,:acct_number,:acct_type,:acct_country,:acct_swift,:acct_routing,:acct_remarks)"; $tranfered = $conn->prepare($sql); $tranfered->execute([ 'amount' => $amount, 'acct_id' => $account_id, 'refrence_id'=>$refrence_id, 'bank_name' => $bank_name, 'acct_name' => $acct_name, 'acct_number' => $acct_number, 'acct_type' => $acct_type, 'acct_country' => $acct_country, 'acct_swift' => $acct_swift, 'acct_routing' => $acct_routing, 'acct_remarks' => $acct_remarks ]); if (true) { session_start(); $_SESSION['wire_transfer'] = $refrence_id; header("Location:./success.php"); } else { toast_alert("error", "Sorry Error Occured Contact Support"); } } } } if(isset($_POST['domestic-transfer'])){ $amount = $_POST['amount']; $acct_name = $_POST['acct_name']; $bank_name = $_POST['bank_name']; $acct_number = $_POST['acct_number']; $acct_type = $_POST['acct_type']; $acct_remarks = $_POST['acct_remarks']; $acct_amount = $row['acct_balance']; $account_id =$row['id']; if($acct_stat === 'hold' ){ toast_alert("error","Account on Hold Contact Support"); }elseif($amount > $acct_amount){ toast_alert("error","Insufficient Balance!"); }else { $trans_id = uniqid(); $trans_opt = substr(number_format(time() * rand(), 0, '', ''), 0, 6); $trans_type = "domestic transfer"; $sql = "INSERT INTO temp_trans (amount,trans_id,acct_id,bank_name,acct_name_id,acct_number,acct_type,acct_remarks,trans_otp,trans_type) VALUES(:amount,:trans_id,:acct_id,:bank_name,:acct_name,:acct_number,:acct_type,:acct_remarks,:trans_otp,:trans_type )"; $tranfered = $conn->prepare($sql); $tranfered->execute([ 'amount' => $amount, 'trans_id' => $trans_id, 'acct_id' => $account_id, 'bank_name' => $bank_name, 'acct_name' => $acct_name, 'acct_number' => $acct_number, 'acct_type' => $acct_type, 'acct_remarks' => $acct_remarks, 'trans_otp' => $trans_opt, 'trans_type' =>$trans_type ]); if (true) { // $TRANS = uniqid('w', true); $trans_id = mt_rand(100000, 999999); $trans_opt = substr(number_format(time() * rand(), 0, '', ''), 0, 6); $sql = "UPDATE users SET acct_otp=:acct_otp WHERE id=:id"; $stmt = $conn->prepare($sql); $stmt->execute([ 'acct_otp' => $trans_opt, 'id' => $account_id ]); if (true) { $sql = "SELECT * FROM users WHERE id=:id"; $stmt = $conn->prepare($sql); $stmt->execute([ 'id' => $account_id ]); $result = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); $code = $result['acct_otp']; $number = $result['acct_phone']; $message = "Dear ".$result['firstname']. "Your verify code is ". $code; if($page['twillio_status'] == '1'){ $data = twilioController::sendSmsCode($number,$message); } $APP_NAME = $pageTitle; $message = $sendMail->pinRequest($currency, $amount, $fullName, $code, $APP_NAME); $subject = "[OTP CODE] - $APP_NAME"; $email_message->send_mail($email, $message, $subject); } if (true) { session_start(); $_SESSION['dom-transfer'] = $code; header("Location:./pin.php"); } // if (true) { // if($row['billing_code']==='0') { // $sql = "SELECT * FROM users WHERE id=:id"; // $stmt = $conn->prepare($sql); // $stmt->execute([ // 'id' => $account_id // ]); // $resultCode = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); // $code = $resultCode['acct_otp']; // $APP_NAME = $pageTitle; // $message = $sendMail->pinRequest($currency, $amount, $fullName, $code, $APP_NAME); // $subject = "[OTP CODE] - $APP_NAME"; // $email_message->send_mail($email, $message, $subject); // if(true){ // session_start(); // $_SESSION['dom-transfer'] = $code; // header("Location:./pin.php"); // } // }else{ // session_start(); // $_SESSION['dom-transfer']=$user_id; // header("Location:./cot.php"); // } // } } } } userPinfunction.txt Edited September 24, 2023 by requinix please use the Code <> button when posting code Quote Link to comment https://forums.phpfreaks.com/topic/317319-pls-help-how-do-i-remove-an-otp-without-affecting-other-operations/ Share on other sites More sharing options...
ginerjm Posted September 24, 2023 Share Posted September 24, 2023 Huh? What's an OTP? Quote Link to comment https://forums.phpfreaks.com/topic/317319-pls-help-how-do-i-remove-an-otp-without-affecting-other-operations/#findComment-1612092 Share on other sites More sharing options...
requinix Posted September 24, 2023 Share Posted September 24, 2023 What do you mean, "remove"? What "other operations"? You've managed to post a whole bunch of code, but wouldn't you know, when asking for help with a thing, giving a description of what you want to do is more important than the code itself! 30 minutes ago, ginerjm said: Huh? What's an OTP? One-time password. Like those 6-digit numbers you get from SMS or "authenticator" apps that cycle every 30 seconds. Such as this algorithm, $acct_otp = substr(number_format(time() * rand(), 0, '', ''), 0, 6); (which is terrible and should never be used by anyone for any reason) 1 Quote Link to comment https://forums.phpfreaks.com/topic/317319-pls-help-how-do-i-remove-an-otp-without-affecting-other-operations/#findComment-1612093 Share on other sites More sharing options...
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