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More 'fun' than an X-box!!


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[quote author=AndyB link=topic=121587.msg500215#msg500215 date=1168304399]
fits into a handbag like a mobile phone.

Ah, the fun interviews we'll see on the news - "I thought it was my phone, but I guess not... does anybody have any aspirin? My head is pounding."
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Or better yet, how about being in the middle of driving and you hear your cell phone go off. I think it's bad enough when people drive and talk. Now just imagine when they reach for their phone but grab their taser instead and <ZAP!> Causing them to <CRASH!> into some other car and uh, kill them or just slightly maim them, or whatever.
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Sigh... you know some little kid is going to shoot himself with that one day....

I couldn't imagine seeing the amount of yellow warning stickers on the packaging. I mean, they already have to have "Be careful, cardboard box edges might be sharp enough to give you a papercut! You cannot sue us for that now!"

Ridiculous (the warning labels they must put on stuff now a days)

But I must admit, the gun does look quite sexy =)
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