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Website review


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Two things, right off the bat:

1. Your flash intro: I don't personally care for them as a [i]splash screen[/i], especially for technical sites. Most people that make their way to your site will know what they're after already, and I know that I tend to back out as soon as I see a splash screen like that. However, since I was going for a critique, I [b]did[/b] continue ;) ... Another thought, though: if you [b]are[/b] going to have a splash screen with an animation (especially one that long), you should have it immediately redirect to your main page upon completion instead of sitting there with the big "Replay Animation" button.

2. [b]Validate your markup[/b]!!! - I stress this over and over on these forums, [i]especially[/i] for technical sites. It's one thing to not bother with validation and to acknowledge that fact, but when you have the W3C button at the bottom, and your page [i]still[/i] doesn't validate, it really doesn't reflect well on the company.

Anyway, those are my initial observations. I'll try to dig a little deeper into the site when I have some time.

Good luck!
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I have attached a screenshot of what it looks like to me in FireFox 1.5.*

I too don't like the Flash Splash screen, like obsidian mentioned it's not a thing for tech type sites.

The left navigation:
- I don't like how it hovers into all CAPS: perhaps change the color of the text and use a background-color as well
- Your quicklinks should not be centered
- I can't type anything into the message box nor do you have a way for scripts to enter text

Main Content:
- On the main page I would put all the items under each other. Right now you have things in the middle and on the right side. (showcase and multimedia)

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Looks like you took a template and thew your stuff in it.  The flash animations are choppy and the spash page should not be there.  I hate the the link rollovers. Text case should not change in a menu.  The top headers are about the backgrounds. I'm not sure about the color palette.  Seems too bright and too much.  The about page the text needs some padding and line spacing.  I don't like the borders on the menu or sub-menu.  I would correct the major issues such as the headings and menu and go from there.
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I don't like splash screens, but if you absolutely want it make sure that you align your animation (see attachment) and redirect your users to the actual index instead of asking if they want to view it again.

Now for the actual index page:
- Make it centered or 100% wide.
- The text "Menu" and "Siddhi Infomedia" aren't at their correct positions.
- Make "Quick Links" bold
- Where it says "Web services" and "Software development", make the text closer to the headline.
- Is there supposed to be some text where it says "Showcases"?
- The W3C button ruins the layout and is positioned wierd on my resolution.
- On the menu buttons, make people able to click the buttons so they won't have to click on the text (I think [tt]display:block[/tt] will fix that).

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