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foobar'd my OS!


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Not real happy at this point in time. Silly me whiped a good part of my Gentoo system just now.


Im currently in the process of building my own personal distro using lfs as a guide. I have the entire system committed to cvs. When I want to work on it I mount a spare partition (/dev/hda8) onto /mnt/lfs, delete whatever is there, and then fetch the latest commit from cvs.

Just now Ive mounted /dev/hda7 (my current stable Gentoo) onto /mnt/lfs and issued...

sudo rm -fr *

Errors appeared, and after about 2 seconds I figured out what was happening and killed the process. Needless to say my sys is foobar'd.

Luckily, /home was mounted elsewhere and I also have a simple (role my own) backup system in place that took a snapshot of most of my config files at 1AM this morning. Last weekend I was going to run some tests to see how well this backup system worked (never got around to it) and try rebuilding a system from it. I guess now, I dont have a choice.

Way to wreck my day!

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Not much I can do really, it was a simple mistake on my part. I mounted the wrong partition, and then unwittingly deleted its contents.

I could alias rm to rm -i but thats just a pain most of the time.

Part of the beuty of Linux is its power, you've just gotta be carefull what you do with it.
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[quote]Can you not script the mounting of /dev/hda8, so you don't end up typing 7?[/quote]

Yes, and I probably should have. The recovery from my backup is not looking real good at present, its allready failed once due to insufficient memory while compiling within a chroot environment setup from a LiveCD. Thing is I can't just copy the backup into position and boot because I didn't actually backup a working /usr/bin dir. I just backed up the configuration files that I thought I would need to rebuild the system from source.

Also, its pretty hot here today. My CPU is NOT gonna like compiling for 6-8 hours.

Anyway, It appears I may have f'd right up. Have to wait and see I guess. Not happy :(
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I basically am starting over as it stands, only difference is I have my world file and the entire /etc, /usr/src and /boot directories. Its still giving me grief though. I tried to rebuild the world (emerge -e world) from within the chroot environment and it spat it.

Im now downloading a stage3, copying over my /etc, /usr/src and /boot and Im going to see if I can actually boot into it. From there (with any luck) I can emerge my world.

The backup is somehting like 300+mg and ity is seriously taking an hour or so to copy into the stage3. Mind you, I forgot that there is several directories containing the source to about the last 6 kernels Ive compiled within /usr/src. I know I dont need them anymore, but....

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That sucks.

On the brighter side (with debian) its just a case of:
Cronjob this every day:
dpkg --get-selections > selections-$(date -I)

And then to reinstall all packages from barebones, do:
dpkg --set-selections < selections-$(date -I)

Of course this presumes that you have everything from packages (on servers = yes, not sure about workstations), and you have /etc/* backed up.

I know a few people who put /etc/* in svn and seems like a very good idea, for backup, for where there are multiple admins etc. etc.

Hope you get back most of it.

Another way around rm -rf is to alias rm="mv /var/tmp/" but thats not great.


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[quote author=businessman332211 link=topic=122558.msg506005#msg506005 date=1168955349]
World  ???

I assume you're referring to thorpe when he said "emerge my world". This is a Gentoo term, and "world", when you're emerging things, refers to every package that has ever been installed.
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