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Is it possible to make my Source Closed?


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The other day I decided that It would benefit me to learn PHP, because I already know html, css, and a bit of javascript.

However, since PHP, is far more broad than html, and css (combined even), I think it has more potential. However, I am worried, that If I ever choose to write a utility in php, if I ever decided to sell it, how would I make the source closed? Being open source, basically ruins any chance of selling apps, (because basically, anyone can change a line of code, and claim it as their own).

I realize I am probably stressign over nothing, but isnt' there a way to possibly encrypt the files or something, especially if I am using php with sensitive information (passwords etc).
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The good thing about php is that you CAN NOT see the source code in the browser. SO...


$s = "Source";
$c = "Code";

echo $s." ".$c;


Will just be "Source Code" when you look at the "View Source" in browsers. Even if you download the script through a download program it will just show in the file what the browser would see. So they will never see the actual php code like above.

Hope this helps,
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I don't think you would need to be selling PHP code to benefit from any of these encrypting/encodng products. The added security these products provide in shared hosting environments is absolutely essential - as we all know you can use PHP's fopen("path_to_file", "r") to read other files on the same server, including files that contain sensitive information like database username and passwords.....wouldn't be without it......it's worth the money !!!!!

I would recommend SourceGuardian as it doesn't require any server configuration and works on most ISP hosting environments....

My 5 cents worth anyway....

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