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New rule!

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I've seen entirely enough of the personal bashing, arguments, and otherwise OT discussions in the middle of otherwise intelligent discussions. Members of every rank are all at fault here, and it's got to stop. The last ten threads I looked at had at least of these posts. Some people are very good at brushing them off and taking them as constructive criticism, and others choose to fuel the fire. DON'T. It's that simple. If you simply must tell someone that they're an idiot, feel free to do so in PM - and when you do, don't be surprised when the other party feels entitled to return the favor.

Note that there are some OT discussions that are acceptable, and your judgement is likely sufficient to figure those out. Just don't dedicate entire posts to making pointless points and irrelevant arguments. After you type what you want to say, read what you've written and ask yourself if it contributes to the discussion. If it doesn't, you may want to re-think your post.

Discuss, and feel free to add anything you think might contribute.

[u]Short-and-sweet version:[/u]

[b]1) Don't argue for the sake of arguing.
2) Argue intelligently.
3) Don't insult people.
4) Don't take the bait.
5) Use PM if you must break any of the above. We don't want to see it.[/b]
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I agree, I have seen people pop in a post, out of nowhere, and just start talking shit, and throwing insults, out of nowhere.

I think it should be an enforced rule, and is about time someone brought this up.

Offering constructive, or even harsh criticism is great, but personal insults, personal attacking, or really rude constructive criticism, just alienates people.
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I agree. Good point!

Just remember that there are all different kinds of levels here. Just because the solution might be obvious to you doesn't mean it makes sense or is obvious to the person that made the post.

The world needs a little more compassion and understanding in it…let’s not put down a fellow programmer (or person) because that person could help YOU out someday.

…food for thought
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I guess one thing peolpe could stop doing is saying stuff back.

From now on, if someone say's something
*talking shit, saying bad stuff, offering harsh criticism meant to piss someone off), then I am going to report it.
That way instead of cussing, getting banned, and making it worse, maybe that will make it a better place.

I cause problems on here sometimes when someone offends me, so I wouldn't doubt if this whole post was made because of me, I shoudln't get so aggravated so easily, from now on, I will report it, before going on a cussing rampage.
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@businessman: Yes, unfortunately, the majority of these discussions are in your threads. They're not exclusively in yours, though - I see them all over.

@everybody: I, personally, do not think reporting it is the best thing to do in those situations. You can handle it yourself, and reporting it just makes you look like a whiner. PM the offender with a firm but intelligent (<-- key!) apology and/or "That was uncalled for." Don't respond in the same manner (I should rephrase my original post), but try to helpfully and cheerfully correct the matter. I find the best crisis killer is a genuine "Please accept my apology".

I'll add a list of short-and-sweet rules to the first post.
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  • 2 months later...

yeah i ve had that



some guy had a go for bumping it 24 hours of no response, and when i replied to say "thats what youd do..." then he try to reply, and becauase i posted first, he got he "another post and been posted" and had another go



i agree with the new rule.........

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  • 2 weeks later...

I know that the posting rules already mentions being curtious but it also mentions that people with questions need to be thorough when asking. I've seen people (and am guilty myself of) posting replies that come off as somewhat obtuse when faced with vague and general questions with absolutely no information regarding their issue. I think that if reprimands are in place for repeatedly posting rude comments, the same should probably be enforced towards repeated posting of ambiguous and obscure questions.

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Everyone who breaks forum rules or generally becomes an annoyance either gets their post deleted (at least we try to catch most of them) or they get warned or they get banned.


It's really hard to say "you post a lot of dumb, irrelevant questions" and then enforce some kind of restriction on them.

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