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  • 3 months later...

I gave this comment to you before, but I don't know if you ever understood me or even if I knew what I was tyring to say.


Your idea WILL NOT WORK. This is what you want to it to do... millions of website owners come and put in their keywords and names of sites. Billions of users come and query the database for the best find. BUT what happends when there are more than 10 sites with the keyword AXISS????


Well? ::)


How do you rank the top 10 on the first page? What about the first result? Do you do it depending on how good the site is or how early the developers gave their keywords to you?


Either way... IT WILL BECOME JUST LIKE ANY OTHER SEARCH ENGINE. :P You will need to somehow rank the results and you can't do it by the developer submitted ideas. Its just not going to work.



Anyway, good luck.

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