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Adobe Photoshop CS2


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Unless you got it cheap, you should have waited, CS3 is just around the corner...


Not sure about books, but there is a tutorial site called psworkshop.net that used to be quite good, but I haven't been on there in about a year or so...

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Thanks jcombs.  I was going to head down to the book store this afternoon and pick up a decent book if they had one; but if I can't find a decent one that addresses the topics that interest me I think a month subscription to that site would serve me well.


Can someone also, for shits 'n' giggles, explain why I bought CS2 over Premiere to my fiance.  She's non-technical and it would really put her mind at ease (and consequently make my life easier) if she didn't have to worry that I just wasted a shit-ton of money.



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Well, if your fiance's general feelings toward you depend on it, then I'd be glad to. :)


CS2 is a gigantic waste of money - you definitely should have gone with Premiere.


And now that I've ruined your day with my nonsensical bullshit, I'm going to shamelessly plagiarize the works of jcombs_31:


Premiere is video editing. Photoshop is a graphics package.


If you needed video editing, then Premiere would have been the way to go - but there is simply no replacement for Photoshop. The Gimp comes pretty close, but not quite.

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Thanks neylitalo, I owe you one.  ;)


(She was just overwhelmed with how many Adobe products exist and was worried I may have accidentally purchased the wrong one.  For shame, to think I could make a mistake!)

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I actually found two books that look like they might be useful.


How to Wow : Photoshop CS2 for the Web


Photoshop CS Type Effects


Picked up a couple magazines too.  This should keep me busy for a couple weeks.

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