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php oop tutorial vids from php arch


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I don't understand why so many sites are so pissy about forcing you to stream the video instead of downloading it.


In the latest Web Developer Magazine they mention a media player named Democracy that supposedly let's you download any and all video; I have yet to play with it but I like the idea.

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I can grab those, but i don't want the MODS and ADMINS here get mad on me again...

They put ornament on my AVATAR before, so i don't want that ornament again it's not pretty.


ha, ha, ha and beside that's piracy my friend.


just try to comprehend them and absorb them.


cheers and good luck.

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Maybe, I don't know.  Whatever type of video those .flv videos are.  I just find it annoying I can't easily download them and play them in the standard video player that came with my OS.  It's not just those files though, it drives me nuts any time I can't easily just save a particular video to my hard drive if I like it.  Then again, I don't download much of anything anymore, so it's not a huge issue for me.  I'll just continue sucking the bandwidth off their site and ignoring their adverts as it seems that's what they'd like me to do.

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