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Cell Provider / Location


Which cell phone provider do you use? What location are you in?  

13 members have voted

  1. 1. Which cell phone provider do you use? What location are you in?

    • Sprint/Nextel
    • AT&T/Cingular
    • TMobile
    • Verizon
    • Other

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I currently have Nextel, have used them for over 10 years now, but I am starting to get VERY upset with their service.

My last phone, an i860 broke after only 1 year, and only 1 drop on the floor. (The drop is not what broke the phone... One day the display decided that it no longer wanted to work anymore!) Since my contract wasn’t up, I wasn’t eligible for any upgrades and had to pay full price for any new phone I wanted. $500 for a i870.


For a few reasons I think once my contract ends, (next month,) I think I'm going to get a new carrier. Question is, what does everyone else think is the best provider / phone out there.


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I suggest you get a GSM provider. CDMA providers, such as Nextel, make you purchase everything through them. If the phone breaks, or you want a new one, as you've found out, you need to buy it from them. GSM providers, on the other hand, only require that you buy a SIM (Subscriber Identity Module) card from them, and then you can put it in whatever GSM-capable phone you want. For example, I've had a GSM service provider (Dobson/Cellular One) for two years, and have had three different phones, one of which is only sold in the Middle East/Asia/Oceania markets. :) Every single one of them has been purchased from eBay.


You also have a considerable advantage with GSM phones when it comes to making software modifications and firmware upgrades. CDMA providers often load their phones with their own custom firmware and software, and make it very difficult to change internal settings. With GSM, you can just buy a phone directly from the manufacturer, and make whatever modifications you want.


The most popular US GSM providers are Cingular and T-Mobile.

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Cingular in the States all the way! I've had them since they were Cellular One...atleast 5 years ago. They have been great and are always getting better. Plus they have the best phones. I have a few phones with them and have never had any problems with the phones and/or billing. GSM is the way to go also and you get a SIM card instead of having it programmed into the phone. With a SIM card you can just take it out and put it in a new phone! Lastly...Cingular doesn't put a lot of extra crap and programs into their phones...like verizon. My friend and I have the same phone and his is verizon and you can see a noticable difference in performance.

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Cingular in the States all the way!


I have had Cingular for the last five years and I am extremely satisfied.  A note on the GSM.  My wife's phone broke and since our contract was not even close to renewal we had to buy a new phone at retail so we went to Wal-mart, bought a prepay phone and put the SIM card in with no problems.

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  • 3 weeks later...

The age of the technology has little to do with it. I see no advantage to NOT having a SIM card over having a SIM card; perhaps you can enlighten me as to why SIM cards are bad?


I agree with you. I would love to still have a sim card and go out and buy a ten million times better phone and switch it. But no, technology got in the way. You see, I switched to verizon and their service don't use sim cards, I least I didn't get one.


I can't see why sims cards are bad. They are just better for service providers. You need to pay them for a better phone. Pay them for changes in phones. Everything is about $$$ and consumers lose to this!!


The reason they are now "old" is that more service providers will understand the $$$ behind not having sims cards. Soon or later, sim cards won't exist because of this. At least that's the way I look at it... my 2 cents...

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The reason they are now "old" is that more service providers will understand the $$$ behind not having sims cards. Soon or later, sim cards won't exist because of this. At least that's the way I look at it... my 2 cents...


I agree with you whole-heartedly, and I guess all we can do is hope that the providers who use SIM cards don't want to spend the cash to convert to a system that doesn't use SIM cards.

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