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My name is eDee. I’m looking for a PHP and MySQL forum where I can ask incredibly stupid questions.

I’m just a beginner geek, but I worship the ground the super geeks walk on and hope to become a super geek one day.


Is this a forum for the beginner as well as the super geek?


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of course. welcome aboard!


I knew virtually zilch when i first joined up here myself, so yeah - providing you get acquainted with searching the site/reading the FAQ's, etc to make sure you're not asking something that's been asked over and over, you're fine - regardless of your experience.


My name is eDee.

I'm guessing that's not really your name, or you're one of those that sold the rights to their name to a winning bidder to choose on eBay? ;D jk

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People here are generally helpful, more helpful than most online communities I've had experience with.  That said, try and research topics before you post a question to see if you can't find the answer yourself; to that end, google is your best friend.


Another useful approach when you can't find any answer yourself is make a general post of what you'd like to do and ask for a list of topics that would give you successful hits on google.  A lot of times you can describe what you're trying to do without knowing the details, so it can be hard create a successful search query.


The short version of all that is don't expect people to do your work for you and don't come off as that way either; individuals that appear to help themselves will get the most help from any online community.

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My name is eDee.

I'm guessing that's not really your name, or you're one of those that sold the rights to their name to a winning bidder to choose on eBay? ;D jk


Actually that is my real name. Say it like initials E.D. (don't sound it out.)


I thought I’d just post as general questions. Let who ever is feeling charitable answer my questions. Does that sound like the best idea?



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it depends what you're asking.


most places here are generally for specific coding help on something you've already written. If you're completely new to PHP, the FAQ/Code Snippet Repository is probably a good start. Over on the main phpfreaks site, you'll find plenty of tutorials to get you started, then you're probably just better to dive in at the deep end, try stuff out, and ask for help along the way.


Good luck!

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Welcome edee.


    I have been coding professionally for about a year and a half, 13 months of that full time. I still ask stupid questions, I think.

    I have found this to be one of the best online forums around. I find that I get answers without flaming and scolding.


Like RedBullMarky said, do a search first, then post away.


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I would have to echo all the previous comments, I am still fairly new to the php world , only working seriously in it for a year or so.


I would have to say that the stupist question is one that you work on for days to no avail before you ask for help.


Just by browsing through the php help topics you can learn a lot.


You can also follow up on posts that you may have made on other topics to see what direction it goes.

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