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Beware: Blindness Awareness...


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Beware before you also damage your retina.


Just want to share this to all admins, mods and all members here.




more info here.




I hope you thank me for these, now you not only know PHP but also how to protect your own eyes and your love one's eyes.


To cure eye cancer diseases please donate here --> http://www.fightblindness.org/site/PageServer?pagename=Walk_Home_Page


Actually i'm not american but i very knowledgeable that there are millions of americans out there suffering

from macular degeneration, retinitis pigmentosa, usher, stargardt and other retinal diseases.


These disease are the leading cause of eye blindness.


These are all EYE CANCERs that currently has no cure, the factor of these diseases are from hereditary or genetics and through staring the sunlight and some radio active artificial lights.


We are all using computer everyday and we are not much aware of UV a, b rays and blue rays that can damage our retina... maybe some are a little aware of this but the majority are noobs.

now you know.


I'm just really want to be a good samaritan here.


I'm hoping that the admins here will help me to spread this news by pinning this up.


Eric can you please help me to pin this...


I know we are in some way concern with our eyes...


I summon all the admins to help me spread this news.



Foundation for blindness diseases




Thank you.

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Ehmmm... Thanks. Great stuff. Popcorn anyone? food-smiley-007.gif


I don't think it'll get pinned though, maybe you need to add some more admin and mods names in bold, that is sure to work! Or maybe 'summon' somebody else, like a genie.  :P




DISCLAIMER: I don't think cancer is a joke.

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Heartless as it may seem, charity and awareness like this is very much like politics - each and every one of us can privately (or publicly) get behind a charity or a cause, or also choose not to. I support a number of charities, but that's something I choose to do myself and tend not to discuss, just like who I vote for.


Getting behind one charity and not others would also show an element of bias and unfairness against the thousands of other charities that do great jobs in other areas, and therefore it would not be a wise idea to sticky the topic for these reasons. To show equal support to other good charities would involve several hundred stickied topics, and I'm sure you can understand that's not possible.


In just opening this topic, you've made a handful of people read up on it - and perhaps more will read too. Take that as "job done" in itself and understand why it shouldnt/cant be stickied.





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thanks for your comments rebullmarky...


I really just want to help the blindness foundation.


But these diseases is older than AIDS and HIV.


And besides when we get older there are big possibilities that you also can develop this diseases, i hope you read more articles on www.blindness.org



ok it's up to you.

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Because of the nature of the forums, I really doubt you'll be able to get a stickied thread here. As redbullmarky said, please don't take this as heartless, but simply not the focus of the forum. I would, however, recommend you add the links to your signature to get it more exposure on these forums. Anything of a personal nature like that would probably best be handled in your sig.


Hope this is of some help! ;)

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I'm not joking!!!


I know you're not, hold on to your exclamation marks. It's just that, as obsidian pointed out, this is not really the type of subject to be stickied in these forums. Also, I seriously doubt a monitor could ever generate enough UV radiation to damage your eyes, like you seem to be claiming.


You should thank me for the info. and not making fun of me.


Well, the details may have been new to me, but I think it's common knowledge that the sun can damage your eyes. Frankly, that is all I need (and want) to know. Thanks anyway though.


On the "making fun" bit: I make plenty of fun of plenty of people (and vice-versa). Try not to think to much of though, it's what is known as "Amsterdamse humor" (Amsterdam humor). The best of friends make fun of each other.


To add to obsidians 'sig-advice'; this subject will probably get a lot more exposure on a board that handles relevant subjects.


Btw, if I may be so bold (pun intended), why do you always put mod and admin names in bold? It's pretty silly.



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Also, I seriously doubt a monitor could ever generate enough UV radiation to damage your eyes, like you seem to be claiming.


I'm not claiming monitors can damage your eyes some maybe, but I'm pointing out there is the "blue light hazard".


here... pls. read.



I wish you understand now...


Well, the details may have been new to me, but I think it's common knowledge that the sun can damage your eyes.


Yeah for you maybe, but the research says that only 16% is knowledgeable with this matter.

my friend you should gladly thank me for this and not test my ability... actually this is a GLOBAL problem and not in U.S.A. only...


Btw, if I may be so bold (pun intended), why do you always put mod and admin names in bold? It's pretty silly.


that's my sign of respect to them...


well, thank you anyway... I wish you guys here learn from me a lot...

i respect ober's opinion and the other mods here.


just don't forget to acknowledge your children and love one's.






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