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New Car!!!

The Little Guy

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And dude... you'll be right around the corner from me ;)


Oh, yea! You're just over in MD, right? My grandma lives on the eastern shore, and my brother and his family are in Jersey, so we'll be over that direction every once in a while.


Turns out that fenway and AndyB are just about 2 hours from where I'll be, too. It will be nice to possibly put a face with the brains behind some of the users on here. I'll definitely be looking for a good PHP group up that way if I can. I haven't had much luck yet, so if anyone hears of one, let me know. Otherwise, I suppose I can always start one when I get there :P

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Oh, yea! You're just over in MD, right? My grandma lives on the eastern shore, and my brother and his family are in Jersey, so we'll be over that direction every once in a while.

Actually... that's where I used to live.  I'm actually a lot closer to Buffalo now.  I live outside of Cleveland, OH.  So I'm a straight shot on 90 ... bout 3 hours away.

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Actually... that's where I used to live.  I'm actually a lot closer to Buffalo now.  I live outside of Cleveland, OH.  So I'm a straight shot on 90 ... bout 3 hours away.


Oh, yea, that definitely is a straight shot... right along the lake! My new office is literally right on the very tip of the lake overlooking the water... very cool. I'll definitely have to make the circuit and meet up with some of you guys that are that close by. Meeting halfway on a 3 hour distance is nothing for a day trip ;) lol.

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